I’m The King

Chapter 428: : Desperate

Yulin, the city I had been to a few years ago, has long since no traces of fire. As an important city in Donghu, a prosperous business place that links the Central Plains with Donghu, his ability to heal himself is indeed very strong.

Walking on some muddy streets and patrolling the huge prey that I harvested from a high distance, Yulin is about twice as big as Fufeng, but the infrastructure in the city is far less than Fufeng. When it rains, the streets are muddy. , A light rain two days ago turned the whole street into a muddy avenue.

Although the roads are poor, the shops on both sides are one after the other. After more than ten days of the war, the merchants hiding in the shops finally started business. They came from all directions and operated all kinds of goods here. The war was for them. , Perhaps it is a good opportunity to make a fortune.

The Donghu people in the city had already escaped, and those shops that did not open their doors were mostly Donghu people's properties. The soldiers of the Eastern Army broke in unceremoniously and wiped out the contents.

What Donghu people have is their spoils.

The soldiers were very happy, because the expectation of a **** battle in Yulin did not become a reality. In this important town of Yulin, only Alendai’s five thousand Tieling cavalry was stationed in it, and it seemed to be affected After the impact of the last Hua'er Camp battle, they just fleeed after a simple resistance.

Everything in it gave Gao Yuan an extremely unreal feeling. After taking down Yulin, he can turn to attack Helin, realizing the planned plan of confluence under Helin City before the war. But Gao Yuan hasn't moved around in Yulin.

This is not like the style of the Donghu people, Gao Yuan fought with the Donghu people for several years. I have never seen such a casual Donghu. Even in Huaerying, those Donghu besieged from all sides still fight to the death, but here, what's the matter?

Arundai still has five thousand soldiers, and in terms of strength, he is no worse than himself. Why did he escape without fighting?

Gao Yuan felt that the front was dark and full of mist, so he could not see clearly, and the good news one after another from the direction of the Chinese army made him feel like a dream. Could it be that the Donghu who has always been extremely powerful in his heart, that's it. Was the country simply annihilated by Dayan?

The intense anxiety made Gao Yuan a bad mood. That is very irritating. The feeling of being out of control is more uncomfortable than anything else. He has fought many battles, but every time, the battle is basically within his calculations, even in Yuyang, even in a fierce battle with the army of Zhao State. Even though he was only an inconspicuous supporting actor in the battle of more than 100,000 people, everything was in his expectation, and he could foresee what would happen next. How should he respond, but now. This feeling is gone, and the helplessness fills his mind at the moment.

He tried his best to stabilize his emotions. He was the soul of the Eastern Army and his courage. Once he showed bad emotions, he could easily spread it to other people.

It's difficult for things like military spirit to condense, but it's easy for him to collapse.

Pressing this irritation, he wandered around in Yulin City, wanting to find the answer from it, now, he is not in a hurry to march towards Helin, and after taking Yulin, he has completed the pre-war arrangement and under Helin City. , Tens of thousands of Yan army gathered, not bad for the thousands of myself, and I also have a lot of excuses and excuses, not to mention the countless small-scale contacts before, just Zhenyuan, Huaerying, Yulin and several consecutive games. In the tough battle, the Eastern Army suffered a great loss, and now it stops to repair, Zhou Yuan has nothing to say.

It's not that I won't come, I just come later.

Before he knew it, Gao Yuan actually walked into the Donghu yamen in the city.

"I've seen the general!" Several Zhengdong troops guarding the door saluted Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan nodded and stepped into the Yamen that he had visited on the day he captured Yulin. He always felt that there was something wrong here. Wandering around the yamen for a while, looking at the neat and clean yamen, and then thinking of the treasury in Yulin City, Gao Yuan's brain slammed, and it seemed that something was broken at this moment. After that, the barrier surrounding him was broken instantly.

He thought about it, clean, yes, clean.

In a city that has been attacked by the enemy, why is the yamen here so neat and clean? All important things are moved away, and the unimportant things are neatly stacked. Among those treasury houses, even the silver in the treasury has not been moved. I left, but there was not a single grain of grain. Where did the grain go? It was moved away in advance. If Arundai had evacuated in a hurry, his ideal approach would be to burn the treasury with a fire. clean.

But he didn't! why?

Because he knows that he will come back, these things stay here, and he can't move them away. Even if he does, he has the confidence to take them back. Where does his confidence come from?

Gao Yuan yelled, turned around and walked out, seeing the guard at the door, he roared angrily, "No need to guard, all go back to the barracks!"

Several soldiers were inexplicable, but looking at the lofty expressions, they did not dare to make a sound. Under the leadership of the head of the sentry, they quickly left here.

This is a trap. It is definitely a trap. Gao Yuan just doesn't know how big this trap is. Is it only for himself or for all the Yan army? Even Yulin has let it out. How much appetite does this have?

Gao Yuan strode towards the barracks, and as soon as he reached the Yuanmen, he saw Yan Haibo rushing out.

"General, you are back, Cao Tianci is here!" Yan Haibo said loudly.

"Heaven is here?" Gao Yuan was startled.

"Yes, it's a gift from God, but he met Donghu's scout in the middle of the battle, and he suffered a serious injury." Yan Haibo looked at Gao Yuan with endless doubts.

The suspicion in Gao Yuan's heart was confirmed again, and his face became gloomy, "Xiao Yanzi, immediately summon all the generals to come to me."

In the room, the doctor accompanying the army was wounding Cao Tianci. As soon as he stepped into the room, Gao Yuan saw the dozens of wounds on Cao Tianci's body.

"General!" Cao Tianci stood up all of a sudden, grinning in pain, touching the wound.

"Tianci, what's the matter?" Gao Yuan pressed Cao Tianci's shoulders with both hands, pressing him to sit down again.

"General, trap, this is a big trap. Our back road and the back road of the middle road army have been cut off. The East Hu cavalry is hidden in the mountain." Cao Tianci's face was pale, and he caught it in Lushan. The sentry rider, unable to bear the torture of Cao Tianci, finally confided the truth.

After hearing what Cao Tianci said, Gao Yuan finally understood that the entire Dayan army had fallen into a great dilemma. No, this was not a dilemma, but a desperate situation.

"Those Donghu people belong to that tribe?" He asked Cao Tianci with a sullen face.

"Agu Bu!" The first tribe Cao Tianci uttered made Gao Yuan's heart cold. Then Cao Tianci uttered the names of several tribes in one breath. These were all the information obtained by the Yan army. The tribes supporting Thork that have been killed by Thorp shown in.

What Donghu infighting is all about deceiving people, Zhou Yuan was fooled, and the entire country of Yan was fooled. The Donghu people are so big, in order to lure the Yanjun to the hook, even the head of the Agu tribe is willing to use it as a bait.

Gao Yuan finally understood why the Central Route Army was able to drive straight in, but the left and right wings of himself and Zhang Shubao were desperately blocked. It turned out that the Donghu people needed the two hundred miles of space between themselves and the Central Route Army, and they used this space. , Inserted between the two armies and hid in the Panshan Mountains.

The Panshan Mountain Range is so large that it is hidden by tens of thousands of troops, and it will not be easily discovered. What's more, the Donghu troops that have inserted are all tribes that no longer exist in the plan of the Yan people.

Presumably now, the Donghu people will soon launch a large-scale counterattack against Zhenyuan, Panshan Fortress, and even Liaoning Wei. The generals besieged the army between Liaoning Wei and Helin, and Wengzhong will catch turtles.

Although the Yan army still has more than 100,000 troops, without food and grass, without logistical supplies, it will not be long to support it, and the war will turn into a one-sided massacre.

With a bang, Gao Yuan punched the table hard, a clever calculation, a clever trap. Thorpe, is it so great? Maybe this is Miranda's wrist?

Gao Yuan finally realized the power of these veteran heroes.

Sun Xiao, Meng Chong, Zheng Xiaoyang, Naha, Yan Haibo, He Lanxiong and other generals rushed in. Looking at the generals under his command, Gao Yuan took a long breath, "Everyone, our future has been cut off, not only us, but the whole Yan Jun has been cut off from the back, and then we will have to work hard to survive."

A word from Gao Yuan stunned all the generals. From a big victory to a big defeat, the transition time was too fast~www.NovelMTL.com~ This made everyone a little uncomfortable.

I simply narrated the information that Cao Tianci had brought, looked at the incredible expressions of everyone, and sighed high. Fortunately, I made some other arrangements before the war. Otherwise, this time, the whole army might really be destroyed here. .

With a bang, the map was spread out, and the generals surrounded it.

"Everyone, now our back is cut off. It is impossible to go back. Arundai must have not gone far. He must be watching us nearby. Not only him, but perhaps other East Hu troops, the reason why they Haven't done it yet, there is a great possibility that they want to wait for us to go to Helin, and they will ambush us halfway. Therefore, we definitely can't go to Helin. Even if we can go, we can't go. The main force of the Donghu people is definitely going to deal with the Central Route Army. Their palace guards and the people from the big tribes must be gathered near Helin. Where we go, we are throwing ourselves into the net. So, let’s go the other way. Do it by the way." He raised his head, "Our arrangement before the war still played a role, but what I used to guard against Zhou Yuan's tricks has become our life-saving straw by mistake. I can't imagine it."

"To break through Jingyuan, the infantry and their reinforcements waited for us near Jingyuan, arrived at Jingyuan, crossed the Liao River, across the prairie, we went home!" Gao Yuan said loudly.

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