I’m The King

Chapter 423: :Zhong Li and his people

Hurry up and return to General Zhengdong Mansion, stepped into the door, couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. The hall was already crowded with people of all colors. The first few were Sima Wu Yi of Liaoxi County, Zheng Jun, magistrate of Fufeng, and Zhengdong Mansion. Sima Cao Tiancheng. Watermark advertising test The watermark advertising test took another look at the small courtyard belonging to the Military Law Department. There were more than a dozen black guards standing in front of the door.

"Jiang Changshi, you have finally come back." Wu Yi couldn't help but cried out bitterly when he saw Jiang Jiaquan, "Cao Tianci is too unreasonable. We came here and didn't even see each other. It was too much. The Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce is one of the largest chambers of commerce in the world, and even the king also respects three points. This is a good one. Come to the ground in western Liaoning and be caught by you without saying a word. You can catch all of them. You know, it doesn’t matter. , All kinds of medicinal herbs needed by frontline soldiers, where do the finished medicines come from? Isn't this a joke about the lives of frontline soldiers?"

Zheng Jun also walked over with a sullen face, "Jiang Changshi, I am the county magistrate of Fufeng. This Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce operates in Fufeng, but where I obtained the license and paid the tax, Director Cao never informed the county government. , So he took the person, it would not put me in the eye?"

Jiang Jiaquan couldn’t help but smile. Cao Tianci is not only the director of the Military Law Department, he also has another identity. Zheng Jun is not qualified to know that Cao Tianci does have the qualifications to arrest people, but they are usually carried out in secret. Not suitable, but it seems that I agreed at the time? Worse, at that time, I only thought about the second news revealed by Feng Fayong, but didn't think about the consequences of Cao Tianci's arrest. What's more, what about the Black Ice Terrace, what about the Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce, now that you are not afraid of many enemies when you conquer the East Mansion, you can add one more.

Seeing Cao Tiancheng dang over. Jiang Jiaquan couldn't help but smiled and said, "What's the matter, Cao Sima, Godsends that others have not seen you, is it possible that you have not even seen your father?"

Cao Tianci stretched his face and said dissatisfied: "At home. I am his old man. You can pick up the board and beat him, but he is in the Zhengdong Mansion. He is the Director of the Military Law Department. What can I do?"

"You know it's useless to intercede, why are you here?" Jiang Jiaquan asked strangely.

"I can't help but come!" Cao Tiancheng pointed to the dozens of businessmen behind him, "These people are all businessmen from all over the world. They have business dealings with the Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce, and they have been with the Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce for some time. After the meeting, the money has not been settled yet? Godsend has arrested the people. Can they not be in a hurry? If one is not good, these people will go bankrupt!"

Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce. Sure enough, it was a hornet's nest. It had just been stabbed, and it was about to sting.

"Everyone, please sit down." Jiang Jiaquan said roundly, "Come on. Tea!"

"Jiang Changshi, we are not here to drink tea. Before the general went on the expedition, he entrusted all the major events of the East Mansion to Changshi. Now that Cao Tianci is so messy, how can Lord Changshi let go?" Zheng Jun looked bad and took it. After joining the Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce, the daily income immediately dropped by a large margin.

"Okay, I'll take care of it, I'll take care of it. But everyone knows that Godsend is a stubborn bone, but I ask you to give it a bit of grace. I will talk to him first. No matter what, I will definitely release the people from the Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce. Can you? ?" Jiang Jiaquan said with a smile.

After finally pacifying the crowd, Jiang Changshi returned to his long history room and was instructing people to call Cao Tianci, but Cao Tianci walked in happily, looking at the smile on his face, it was gold falling from the sky. Ingots are average.

"Long history, overjoyed, overjoyed!" Cao Tianci happily shouted as soon as he entered the door.

"Where does the joy come from?" Jiang Jiaquan said with a cold face, "I only saw a lot of trouble, godsend, you stabbed the basket, but let me wipe your ass?"

"Master Chang Shi, guess who we caught?" Cao Tianci didn't care about Jiang Jiaquan's irony at all. He leaned in and said in a low voice.

Jiang Jiaquan's heart jumped, an inexplicable bad feeling.

"Who are you holding, is there a big man in the Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce?"

Cao Tianci snapped his palms together, "Long history really has nothing to do with it. It is true, and I didn't expect that such a person would be caught by the net like this."

"Who is it?" Jiang Jiaquan already felt that his heart was beating wildly.

"Zhong Li!" Cao Tianci said triumphantly: "I have asked Feng Fayong to secretly identify it. He recognized one of them as Zhong Li, the deputy chief of the Black Ice Terrace."

Jiang Jiaquan sat down and pointed at Cao Tianci, "Zhong Li, it is actually Zhong Li, Cao Tianci, you troublemaker, you have caused a big trouble to the general."

"A spy probe sneakily lurked in our Fufeng. If we caught it, we caught it. Why did it cause trouble to the general." Cao Tianci said with dissatisfaction.

"Asshole!" Jiang Jiaquan was furious, wishing to kick this guy out with a kick.

"Feng Fayong didn't tell you his identity? I see, this guy has no good intentions at all and wants to kill someone with a knife. This **** has to take care of him." Jiang Jiaquan said angrily: "Now the general has Zhou Yuan and Ning Zecheng. That's it for the enemy, you actually recruited a third for him, you are really amazing, amazing."

Looking at Jiang Jiaquan’s green face, Cao Tianci’s smile slowly faded, “How can a spy probe compare to Zhou Yuanning’s Zecheng?”

"Zhong Li, is the deputy commander of the Black Ice Platform. Black Ice Platform, do you know what it is? It is a huge creature, the minion and confidant of King Qin. This Zhong Li was named Wuhou in Qin. The power is overwhelming. , Even the general Kings of Qin are afraid of him by three points. It's better for you to get him in by a net." Jiang Jiaquan shouted angrily.

"He, when he came to us to help the wind, he must have no good intentions, so what if I caught it?" Cao Tianci said unconvinced.

"How many people are there in Yan Lingwei in Fufeng, why don't you catch them? How many people are there in the tiger and leopard riding here? Why don't you also catch them? Now Fufeng Chima, how many spies have gathered, why don't you catch them all? Ah? The Black Ice Terrace is here. It’s your business. You have the skill. Why don’t you get me a few Yan Lingwei and try what they are doing in Liaoxi City?” Jiang Jiaquan was really angry. Up.

Jiang Jiaquan had always been in the Zhengdong Mansion, and it had always been mild and drizzle. Cao Tianci had never seen him in such a desperate state. When he saw Jiang Jiaquan, he also felt a little uncomfortable.

"Chang Shi, now I have caught and caught, what can be done, it is really impossible, I will go and let them go." Cao Tianci spread his hands and said.

"Others will let go. This Zhongli, if you say catch it, let it go, how can it be so easy." Jiang Jiaquan sighed and looked at Cao Tianci, this guy is still too young, although In charge of the military law department, he was ruthless and established an underworld. He was very successful, but when it came to higher levels of struggle, he seemed too immature. This time, Feng Fayong was silently overwhelmed by Feng Fayong.

"Your secret secretary hasn't started interrogating them yet?" Jiang Jiaquan shook his head, and he had to do it himself.

"Not yet, I just let Feng Fayong recognize people, so I came to report the long history, find out my identity, and come to interrogation, it will be much easier, and now I am still behind!"

"Where is Zhongli, have you also thrown it into the dark room?"

"No, no, he and that Zeng Qing are not ordinary people. I detained them in the military court."

"The ministry has done a right thing. Now you go and release all the people in the dark room. Give me this clock and leave it to me. By the way, don't show up again, lest they see you get upset. Yes, find Feng Fayong for me and beat him up, so I dare to yin us." Jiang Jiaquan left a word, turned and went out, and walked straight from the back in the direction of the Military Justice Department.

Zeng Qing was fidgeting and restless in the military law department. This small hall was only a dozen square meters. Except for the door, there was not a single window. A number of heavily armed guards stood guarding them outside the door. Zeng Qing didn’t care about himself. The key to life and death is that there is still a Bodhisattva in front of him. If he suffers a little damage here, he will be finished.

"Zeng Qing, what are you doing while fidgeting?" Zhongli was sitting there, looking at the appearance, but he didn't panic at all.

"Sir, I'm worried about you. This Cao Tianci is completely a fool and doesn't understand the fart. He, what should he do if he is tortured? Let's do it, but sir, you..."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!" Zhong Li smiled dryly, "This baby is not sensible, there are still sensible people in Zhengdong Mansion."

"You mean?" Zeng Qing blinked.

"Jiang Jiaquan is a long history here."

"Jiang Jiaquan turned out to be just a counselor in Yuyang County. When he arrives at Fufeng, there are no tigers in the mountains and monkeys dominate the king. How much knowledge can he have?" Zeng Qing sighed.

"This Jiang Jiaquan is Master Li Ru's younger brother!" Zhong Li said indifferently: "You don't have the authority. You don't know some information. Who is Master Li Ru? Since he is qualified to be his junior, Jiang Jiaquan's knowledge is absolutely absolutely perfect. It’s not bad. In Yuyang~www.NovelMTL.com~, it’s just that some people don’t know gold inlaid jade. With him there, we can’t suffer. It will be here."

Before the words were over, there were already rapid footsteps outside, and several big men in black saluted together, "Master Chang Shi!"

Jiang Jiaquan didn't care about them. He directly pushed open the door of the Pian Ting, towards Zhong Li, and hit the ground, "Master Zhong, Jiang Jiaquan apologized to you."

Zhong Li laughed, stood up, walked to Jiang Jiaquan, held up Jiang Jiaquan with both hands, "I can't afford it, you are Master Li Ru's younger brother, I can't afford to be your respect."

"The subordinates didn't know how serious they were, but they arrested you. This is why they didn't expect a character like you to come to such remote places as Fufeng. Please wait for your forgiveness."

"What's not guilty, this Liaoxi is about to stage a good show, I'm going to watch the show specially." Zhong Li smiled.

Jiang Jiaquan's eyelids suddenly jumped.

(The update has always been at eight o'clock in the morning and eight o'clock in the evening. The two days have been chaotic because the gunman is too busy. It will be normal in the future and will not be interrupted. Don't worry.)

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