I’m The King

Chapter 421: :analysis

General Mansion, Chang Shi Fang, Cao Tianci just reported back to Jiang Jiaquan the news he had heard from Feng Fayong, and he was waiting for his next order. When Gao Yuan was leaving, he ordered Jiang Jiaquan to be responsible for the entire conquest of the Eastern Mansion. Originally, the military law department could not pass Jiang Jiaquan’s actions and execute it by himself. However, after Cao Tianci assessed the strength of his subordinates, he believed that the military law department should be alone. The action is very keneng unable to catch the spies on the black ice platform, and the army must cooperate. Now the army in Fufeng City has only the Ye Zhen part of the Zhengdong Army except for the part of Liaoxi who is responsible for food logistics. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

Gao Yuan did not immediately incorporate Ye Zhen's subordinate into the Eastern Army. Because of this, it would be too conspicuous to not take Ye Zhen's subordinate when conquering Donghu. Therefore, the current owner of Ye Zhen's subordinate is still Ye Zhen. Jing'er, stationed in Fufeng, as a force to protect Ye Jing'er. This is also the strength that Gao Yuan justified to stay in Fufeng.

The existence of this force is very crucial. Now that the Eastern Army has been deployed, even the troops led by infantry in Jishicheng have secretly moved eastward from the Xiongnu-controlled area in order to respond to the great changes when the great changes come. From Jishi City to Yingkou, in the huge control area, only the two campers of Tang Ming and Wang Yi are left. Ye Zhen is left behind so that he can cope with the changes calmly.

Cao Tianci wanted to use these people, but this requires Jiang Jiaquan's consent.

Cao Tianci was waiting for Jiang Jiaquan’s reply, but Jiang Jiaquan’s thoughts had already flown elsewhere. To deal with the Black Ice Terrace, Jiang Jiaquan was not very concerned. Now Fufeng City is full of fish and dragons, fish and sand, everyone has it, black Bingtai came here to listen to the news, not surprisingly, it was the second news that Feng Fayong accidentally revealed. Aroused his great attention.

The battle to conquer Donghu went extremely smoothly, and it went so well that everyone could not believe it. Now the Central Route Army has taken Liaoning Wei, and if it moves forward, it is Donghu’s Wang Ting and Lin. Although the left and right sides have encountered it. Tenacious resistance, but also after hard fighting, achieved the expected goal, as if Donghu really became a mess after Miranda's death. Fight separately, without organization. This phenomenon made Zhou Yuan hesitate a little, after taking over Liaoning Wei, he hesitated.

The smoother the front, the more dangerous the threat to the general. This piece of information from Feng Fayong made Jiang Jiaquan sense that the conspiracy was about to appear.

"Master Chang Shi, Master Chang Shi!" Cao Tianci waited patiently for a moment. Seeing Jiang Jiaquan's soul flying out of the sky, he couldn't help but utter a rush.

Oh! Jiang Jiaquan lifted himself up and came to his senses.

"Director Cao, what you said. I agree. You go to General Ye Zhen to call some of the troops. However, I have one request. No killing is allowed. After these people are arrested, they will be tried. Then locked up, there must be someone I will come to keep them out." Jiang Jiaquan laughed.

"These people come to spy on our army's intelligence. Even if they are all killed, they can only be dumb and eat coptis. They can't tell why they should be so careful?" Cao Tianci said in a puzzled way.

Jiang Jiaquan laughed, "Little Cao, sometimes, killing is not the best solution. Are we in conflict with the Black Ice Platform? No, they collect intelligence, it's just a routine. Here, you can't catch it. The important person who lives with them, why did Feng Fayong tell you this? I just want to borrow our hand to teach the black ice platform. He is a fisherman. Don’t be grateful to him just because Feng Fayong has taught you something. In the final analysis, he is still an important figure in the tiger and leopard riding."

"I understand this!" Cao Tianci nodded.

"But it's also possible to get in touch with the Black Ice Platform through this relationship." Jiang Jiaquan thought for a while and said: "The Black Ice Platform is the largest spy organization in the Central Plains. , Our wolves are still little cubs. It is good for us to get in touch with different spy organizations."

"I see, thank you Master Chang Shi for your teaching!" Cao Tianci stood up and bowed to Jiang Jiaquan. "I'm going to negotiate with General Ye."

Seeing Cao Tianci going out from the back, Jiang Jiaquan laughed silently. Ru Zi is teachable and so young, this person will inevitably become a great help for Gao Yuan when he grows up in the future. Although he was still a little wolf cub now, his sharp minions were already exposed.

The arrest of the Black Ice Terrace was nothing but a trivial matter for Jiang Jiaquan. After repeated calculations in his mind, he finally came to a conclusion. After tidying up, he stood up, and went straight out of the general's mansion and went straight to the former mansion. In the old residence, Ye Jing'er has been living since she returned to Fufeng.

Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce, this is a huge business name that covers the entire mainland. Compared with the current Four Seas Commerce, it is like a walking doll. Whether it is in financial resources or in the development of commercial roads, it is fundamentally It cannot be compared with it. In Fufeng, there is now a caravan from the Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce stationed here. What they sell is not other things, but the most critical thing for the Yan army currently on the move. Class medicinal herbs, which include both herbal medicines and patent medicines. When they arrived in Fufeng, they directly found Fufeng County magistrate Zheng Jun and paid a price that Zheng Jun could not refuse. They contracted all the barracks left over from the previous Nanshan Barracks as their stationing place and warehouse.

They sell herbs, but they buy everything. They hire countless locals to collect all kinds of materials shipped back from the battlefield for them. The content is all-encompassing. Because of their existence, the price of these things is affected. Born up by 20%.

No one dares to resent, because the people who do business can't offend them, if you provoke them, you will be expelled from this business, and the official of Yan State will not take care of them, because the things they bring are indeed What the Yan Army needs most now, and the background of the Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce is the Qin court, Qin Wulie King, the world's largest power, offending them is an offense to the Qin court.

The Qin Yong Chamber of Commerce helps the wind to get the wind to get the wind, and to rain to get the rain.

"Old Zhong, this is a report compiled recently, please look over it!" In the room, a middle-aged man who looked rich and blushed, handed a stack of reports to an old man. Soundtrack.

The old man called Zhong Lao seems to have passed his sixtieth birthday, his head is full of silver silks, and he is meticulously combing, and is sipping the fragrant tea in small sips. After receiving the report, he did not look at the content, smiled, and said, "Zeng Qing, do you have any special opinions?"

Zeng Qing pondered, "Old Zhong, I think it's a bit weird. This time the Yanjun's actions were too smooth. I'm afraid that there are some other weirdness in it. Zhou Yuan is afraid that he also noticed the weirdness. This is only in Liaoning. The guard stopped moving."

"Are you saying that the Donghu people are arranging Yan Guo?"

"That's how I think, but Zhou Yuan is also an old fox, and he might not be able to get the bait." Zeng Qing said, "Perhaps Miranda is really dead, otherwise, such traps would not be so obvious."

Old Zhong laughed, "You are wrong. This is their brilliance. Miranda may be really dead, but his son is not easy. The trap is too complicated. For an old fox like Zhou Yuan On the contrary, it will not be fooled. On the contrary, it is a trap that appears to be full of flaws, which will confuse Zhou Yuan. It is like a cat who has eaten fish. A cat who has tasted the fishy smell will always be unable to restrain itself. of."

"Will Zhou Yuan think of this?" Zeng Qing wondered.

"In the game, how can we see so clearly outside the game, this person is utilitarian. He is eager to build his own unworldly cause. If this trap is complicated, he will think more carefully, but now that it is so crude , He will only increase his confidence." Zhong Lao smiled and said: "Yan Jun's big loss is settled."

"In that case, our Chamber of Commerce has to do some preparatory work." Zeng Qing said.

"No matter what he wins and he loses, there is always business to do." Old Zhong laughed. "By the way, what is Li Yuncong doing sneakily in the western city of Liaoning, have you checked it out?"

"No." Zeng Qing's face blushed, and the fat on his face trembled a few times, a little ashamed and authentic: "Li Yuncong is also a veteran, we thought of some ways, and did not penetrate in. If Zhong Lao cares about this matter, I Go and try again."

"No need. If I expected, what he was planning was nothing more than Zhang Shouyue. This matter has nothing to do with us." Zhong Lao grinned, "I am more interested in Gao Yuan, the Zhengdong General."

"Elder Zhong came here specifically for Gao Yuan?" Zeng Qing was a little surprised. "But it's just a General Zhengdong, why is it worth your visit in person?"

"No!" Old Zhong smiled and said: "The spies from the black ice platform in the previous section found some abnormalities on the grassland. Some of the broken Huns, and some horse bandits, actually meant to be gradually gathered, you too. I, Daqin, would never allow the Huns to hug again, so I put a part of the manpower into it, and the information collected was quite interesting. In these incidents, there were the shadows of the Eastern Army, and then I sent people to infiltrate. After going to Sihai Business, guess what I found?"

Zeng Qing didn't speak, but just looked at Mr. Zhong, who could let the old man in front of him act in person. Naturally, it was the secret matter of the Black Ice Platform. He would like to say it and he would listen. He would not say it. Zeng Qing would never ask. Yes, doing this business, too much, sometimes it is a curse.

"We found a city deep in the grassland. Where is Gao Yuan's great strength hidden? This guy is a bit interesting!" Old Zhong laughed. "The castle called Jishi City was built, and it was almost like an open fire. The land has taken Baokang, Yingkou, from Hejian County, is this lofty, do you want to rebel?"

"Yan Lingwei didn't notice such a big move?" Zeng Qing was surprised, "It's really a bunch of rubbish."

"It's not that they are wasteful, but that their energy is not in this area, and they are not busy with anything. After Tan Feng took the position, there were a lot of abnormal movements. This person seems to be Ning Zecheng's line, and is Ning Zecheng's confidant. It seems that it is not necessarily."

"Why do we want to get some news out?"

"No!" Mr. Zhong shook his head. "This time Wuluoguo won or lost, don't disclose the secrets of Gao Yuan this guy, or even help him if necessary. He is a big acne of Yanguo, said Uncertainly, it will break out, and Yan will be in great chaos, but it will benefit us a lot."

"I understand!" Zeng Qing nodded. It has long been no secret that the State of Qin will conquer the world and unify the Central Plains. If the State of Yan is in chaos, it will naturally be in Qin's advantage.

"Elder Zhong, we have found a peculiar phenomenon these days when we were buying the spoils of the Yan army in Fufeng, which is worth noting!" Zeng Qing suddenly remembered something, said.

"Oh, what's wrong?"

"Those who came back from the front line escorted supplies, prisoners, and other Yan army. There were public official trophies, soldiers, and personal gains. Soldiers, generals and officials, none of them sold their possessions."

"This shows that the Eastern Army has no private trophies at all." Zhong Lao said in a bit of surprise: "Is the military discipline of the Eastern Army so strict? It is our Qin Army, and there is no such strictness. , Those soldiers, always think of ways to make money."

Zeng Qing said: "Yes, with a little bit, I can imagine the combat effectiveness of this army."

"This information is still, Zeng Qing, I didn't expect you to have even noticed these details, and work hard. In a few years, I will transfer you back to the headquarters and don't have to run around outside."

"Thank you Zhong Lao!" Zeng Qing was overjoyed. (To be continued~www.NovelMTL.com~ If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation... )

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