I’m The King

Chapter 314: : Last hit

The stars are shining in the sky, the insects in the grass are screaming, but in the military camp, there is snoring, and the whole day of fear and fatigue makes the soldiers of Hejian County almost sleep to death when they fall, even the soldiers who are ordered to patrol. , I just supported the ground with the gun, dragging heavy steps and moving step by step. The upper and lower eyelids were fighting, there was no energy to guard the surroundings.

Chen Ying couldn't sleep, lying in the tent, but her heart was full of ups and downs. This time she came out and ruined a thousand cavalry in Hejian County. Heavy responsibility. Maybe, this general will be the end of the day. After returning, you have to prepare a generous gift, go to find Yan Junshou's concubine, blow the pillow breeze well, and wait for the limelight to pass, so that you can start again Yourself.

He sighed and wiped his face. This time, he had to bleed heavily. But as long as it can be used again, it will be recovered in the end.

With countless thoughts in his mind, fatigue finally hit mercilessly, his eyelids drooped, and he fell asleep in a daze.

Chen Ying woke up in the sharp roar of arrows. When he rushed out of the tent in disheveled clothes, what he saw was a sky full of fireworks. A rocket with a sharp roar came from outside the camp. One by one, the tents were lit, and the soldiers inside rushed out screaming, without even taking their weapons.

The fire light completely concealed the light of the stars and the moon, the enemy's horses galloped and screamed, four hoofs fell to the ground, but there was almost no sound. The eyes and ears of the soldiers, the attacks of hundreds of cavalry, if you don't wrap the horseshoes, it is impossible to be silent.

Watching the enemy rampage and cut into the corner of the camp, the sharp saber gleamed with a dazzling light under the firelight, blood spattered, and screams.

Chen Ying's guts were broken, and the enemy's retreat during the day was just a tactic of trying to catch it, she was too careless.

"The whole army is assembled!" He yelled hoarsely, watching the full camp roaring around, like soldiers with headless flies, he only felt that his head was about to explode.

He Lanxiong galloped in the middle of the other party's camp, swung his scimitar, harvesting fresh lives.Beside him, He Lanyan's long whip rolled up a torch, shaking his hands, and threw these torches on. On the tents, light them into a flaming torch.

Looking at the chaotic Hejian County Camp, He Lanxiong was also a little dumbfounded. Gao Yuan seemed to have overestimated the opponent's abilities, and the other party seemed to have no defense at all for possible night attacks. Although He Lanxiong's men have gathered his younger sister. The overall strength of the army is only 500 horses, and the opponent has a strength of more than 2,000 people. Seeing the various methods used when the high-level army is set up, He Lanxiong is naturally cautious, but after the initial trial, He unexpectedly discovered that this camp was undefended.

"Brother, Gao Yuan asked us not to go too deep.Are we going to withdraw now?" He Lanyan shook her hands and threw a few torches out to light a tent. She looked at the chaotic camp and asked loudly.

"It depends on the time and the situation. I'm afraid Gao Yuan didn't expect the other party to be like this. How can we let go of such a good opportunity? We might as well do it. After passing this village, there will be no such thing. The shop is here. After tonight, the other party will definitely strengthen their defenses, and there will be no more opportunities like this." He Lanxiong laughed and said. "Furthermore, we are going to kill harder now, and we will be more relaxed in the future."

"Brother is right, we kill a few more, then Gao Yuan will face fewer enemies, and there are too few people there." He Lanyan nodded in agreement.

Helan Xiong gave the girl a look, and he said that the girl was outgoing, and there were few people in the distance, but he couldn't hold him with fierce firepower. A hundred cavalry with a hundred crossbows, which is really a good thing. Before he went out, The Fufeng Soldier hadn't had this thing yet, and now he had even gotten something like this out. During the day's battle, he couldn't help but stand up to the roar of the endless swishing crossbow. Goose bumps all over.

Five hundred cavalry traversed in the barracks. Except for the direction of the Chinese army, they encountered resistance. The outer tents basically had no resistance. The white belly appeared on the side of the day. When He Lanxiong took his cavalry and went away, What was left to Chen Ying was a mess in a place, countless dead bodies and blood-stained grassland.

Chen Ying wanted to cry without tears.

During the day, he lost a thousand cavalry, and at night, he was killed by hundreds of infantry in the attack.

The frightened Hejian County soldiers only walked less than ten miles this day, because around them, a group of rangers appeared. The number of these rangers was not large, and the least were only three or five people in a group. There were only a dozen people, but seeing the equestrian level displayed by the other party, the soldiers of Hejian County were all in shock.

The other party didn't seem to have the intention of attacking them, but it was really disturbing to hang them so lingeringly. After suffering for a long time, Chen Ying finally couldn't help sending the last 100 cavalry in hand. Go out, inside, there are dozens of his soldiers.

These rangers saw the cavalry swarming in by the river, and immediately turned their horses and fled. The soldiers of the Hejian County who were in hot pursuit seemed to have short-circuited their brains at this time, or they had accumulated too much because of connecting the two defeats. A lot of anger and unwillingness, they actually caught up.

Then, they never came back.

Chen Ying had hoped that the last cavalry at hand could get back some results, so that the morale who fell to the bottom could be refreshed, but after an hour, he did not wait for his cavalry, but found that the ghosts were still there. The wandering horse appeared around him again.This time, there seemed to be fewer people.They gathered together in twos and threes, staring at these dejected River Soldiers from a distance.

This result made Chen Ying almost collapsed first. This group is not the group of people who attacked the camp last night. Their clothing and weapons are completely different. The enemies that appeared last night have uniform clothing and weapons. This group of people has a wide range of weapons, from the scimitars used by the Huns, to the sabers used by the Tsing Yi soldiers, to spears, meteor hammers, and iron masons.

Rekindling his spirit, Chen Ying ordered to camp on the spot. This time, he did not dare to be careless. He began to set up cavalry antlers outside the camp, dug trenches, set up obstacles, and arranged for patrols. What I thought of was all laid out here.

As night fell, those **** enemies still appeared. It was no longer the ones from the daytime. This time, they changed the batch from last night. But this time, they never concealed the sound of thunderous horseshoes. , The sky-shaking shouts, the roaring rockets, almost never stopped overnight.

These cavalry rioted all night, and the Hejian county soldiers in the big camp also had their eyes widened and guarded for the night. Then, apart from shooting arrows, the enemy did not intend to attack. When the Venus star hung in the sky, finally After the death, the enemy suddenly disappeared without a trace.

With two dark circles under the eyes, the Hejian soldiers had breakfast, packed their tents, and prepared to set foot on the way home again. However, around their team, there appeared those stray riders, like vultures in the sky, They were staring at their prey.

For two consecutive days and two nights, the endurance of Hejian County soldiers finally reached its limit, and deserters began to appear in the team. Chen Ying's control of the troops dropped to the lowest level, and it was almost impossible to control the resentful soldiers under his command.

In one day, there were as many as a hundred fugitives. For these fugitives, Chen Ying was no longer able to chase, capture and punish them. For several days and nights without closing his eyes, Chen Ying felt soft and unbearable. With strength, looking at the long dragged team, he is already desperate, and his opponent has made an idea.At this time, he is already very clear, but there is nothing he can do.

At this moment, he is looking forward to the final moment soon, and that moment may be a kind of relief.

Looking at the Hejian County soldiers who had almost collapsed from a distance, Bai Yucheng shook his head, "I've overestimated these guys. You don't need to work so hard. If you launch an offensive now, you can wipe them out easily."

He Lanxiong felt the same way. "I have sent someone to inform Gao Yuan. When he arrives, we will launch a general attack. Although the opponent is exhausted, there are still more than a thousand people. Many ants kill the elephants. Wait for us to gather all of them. Strength, let's make the final blow. Gao Yuan is right. Now every time we lose a fighter, it will make people feel distressed."

After receiving the Helanxiong Newsletter, he smiled bitterly and shook his head. He spent a lot of effort and arranged the trap, but suddenly realized that the prey he wanted to capture could not wait to step into the final trap, and it was no longer fighting. It seems that I still overestimated the opponent's strength. Originally, the Hejian County soldiers were not bad in fighting power because of the border with the Xiongnu. Think about the Liaoxi soldiers, they are more than the fighting power of the soldiers from other counties in Dayan. At a level, Zhang Shouyue’s troops can be compared to the conventional troops of the United States and Dayan, and his Chinese army's combat effectiveness is even greater than that of the Yan's standing army. It is precisely because of such a force that Zhang Shouyue is allowed. Stand firm.

When the sun was about to set, Bai Yucheng took the lead in launching an offense.He had a lot of people using heavy weapons, just to break the defensive lineup of infantry.

He Lanxiong immediately followed Bai Yucheng and launched an impact. When they rushed the Hejian County soldiers to pieces and cut them into several sections, Gao Yuan led the Fufeng cavalry and rushed over. The three parties joined forces and there was no suspense in the battle.

The setting sun on the horizon is like blood, reflecting the broken flag of the Hejian County Soldier on the ground, just around the flag, and no Hejian County Soldier can be seen anymore. (To be continued~www.NovelMTL.com~

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