I’m The King

Chapter 305: : Short board

In the long howling, the sorrow and anger that accumulated in his heart was poured out like a surging river, and there was an unspeakable joy in his heart for a while. For this era, the final little illusion he held also disappeared with this howling. According to previous thoughts, even if I sit in a high position, how can I compare with those families that have developed for hundreds of years. These great powers are intertwined, from the civil and military officials of the court to the ordinary people of the Li people, the power of these people? Everywhere, even if you have the power of Zhang Shouyue, you are still the target of these people.

Your own destiny must be in your own hands. Your own future cannot be left to others to plan the circle like it is now. My destiny is my master. If you can't let yourself fulfill your wish in this era, then I will break him. Cast Jiuding, recreate the universe.

In the distance, Tie Xuan and Ding Wei ran back like flying. Obviously, the sound of a long and long howl from a high distance disturbed the two of them. Seeing the military thorns waving high and frantically under the big Huai tree, the two looked at each other, and they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"General!" Tie Xuan took a step forward, threw the two hares in his hands to the ground, and called out.

With a light hiss, the army thorns were retracted high, standing high," Tie Xuan, Ding Wei, this time returned to Fufeng, but watched us gallop and fight the world again. One day, we will return to Jicheng, but not Like this time, we will take our army back together, and I will cut off the heads of the **** who killed our brothers one by one at the place where the brothers died."

"Wish to follow the general and go through fire and water!" The two yelled loudly with their hands on their chests. This time, the twenty guards who followed Gao Yuan to Jicheng were all Fufeng veterans. They had a deep friendship. After the first battle, only two were left. If you survive, how can you not let Tie Xuan and Ding Wei be sad and hated? If you die on the open battlefield and fight, it's fine. On the battlefield, if you don't kill me, I will kill you. Let each of my fate, but like now Such being conspired by others and dying unclearly, it has to make people angry.

Putting away the military thorns, walked up to the two of them, and patted them on the shoulders hard, "Okay, Tie Xuan, Ding Wei, our old brothers are running out, this time when you go back, you have to be prepared to take the burden and shoulder the responsibilities. ."

Tie Xuan and Ding Wei looked at each other, which means that after returning, they will be promoted.

"General, Ding Wei and I were both big-head soldiers before, and I didn't know a big character. I'm afraid I would fail the general's hope." Tie Xuan said authentically.

Gao Yuan laughed, bent over and picked up the game brought back by the two of them, and threw them in his hands. "How many words do Zheng Xiaoyang, Sun Xiao, Yan Haibo recognize? Now they can still lead the army? Although you are not literate, but Victory is rich in combat experience. On the battlefield, I prefer people with combat experience, and literacy is not difficult. As long as you have the heart, literacy is not easy? I don’t want you to go to the top scholars, as long as you can read the military books. If you can understand the military order, that’s fine, but your combat experience is the result of a little bit of blood from your brothers, which is much better than reading a dead book."

"The general said yes!" The two were full of joy, Gao Yuan said clearly, it doesn't matter if you don't know how to read, you can learn, but their rich combat experience can't be learned from books.

"Come on, let's roast these game meats, and then take a good rest. When it gets dark, it won't be so hot anymore, let's hurry." Gao Yuan laughed.

"Okay!" Tie Xuan quickly picked up some branches and set it on fire, while Ding Wei took out a short knife, broke the game and washed it and peeled it clean.

These people are all great experts in the wild, and before a while, on the fire, the fragrance is already overflowing, which makes people move their index fingers.

Leaning on the tree trunk, looking at the green smoke rising from a distance, his mind has already shifted to another place.What Tie Xuan said just now is a big soft threat to him now.

There are many warriors under his command who can be accustomed to fighting. Sun Xiao, Yan Haibo, Zheng Xiaoyang, Naha, Infantry, etc., although they are not literate, they are very experienced veterans after fighting in the past two years. However, There are too few people who can read and read, let alone a talented person who is proficient in strategy, but there are not many who know a few big characters. The only one is Cao Tiancheng, who is also a half-hearted man, who can understand books and write pens. It's already amazing.

Maybe you can't see much now, but the further you go back, the more this shortcoming will expose your weaknesses. The world cannot be defeated by a group of military commanders alone.

But where do I go to find such talents? In this era, there are very few scholars, but most of them are concentrated in the hands of the wealthy families. Wanting these people to work for their grassroots is really a dream.

Scratching his head, Gao Yuan decided not to think about this issue anymore. Maybe when his strength reached a certain stage, he would attract some people to take refuge. Isn't Zhang Shouyue's subordinates now also gathering a large number of counselors? People like Li Ru also associate with him.

In short, you still have to have the strength first.

"General, I'm familiar." Tie Xuan pulled off a hare thigh, walked up to Gao Yuan, and handed it to him. He took the fragrant hare leg and tore a bite. Gao Yuan temporarily left the problem behind. At least for now, I don't have to think about this problem. I'll talk about it when it's time. There must be a way to the mountain. Willows and flowers are in another village. Living people, can they still make urine suffocated?

When my strength reaches a certain stage, maybe I will have the arrogance of the king, and the tiger's body will be shaken, and there will be countless talents rushing? Thinking of this, I also feel ridiculous, I can't help but grin, hehe. Laughed out loud.

On this road, Gao Yuan's face was gloomy, and he rarely saw a smile. At this moment, he suddenly laughed. Both Tie Xuan and Ding Wei felt extremely strange, especially in the laughter, it seemed that It has an unknown meaning, but it is a good thing for the general to be happy.

"General, why are you so happy?" Ding Wei asked.

He raised his eyebrows and raised his rabbit legs, "I am happy to have a delicious meal at last."

The two of Tie Ding looked at each other, what a delicacy, tasteless and tasteless, if you can add some salt and some other condiments, it is not bad, but now, it is indeed not delicious, also It can only fill the stomach.

"It's a pity that there is no wine, otherwise it will be perfect!" Tie Xuan said with a smile.

"When we return to Fufeng, we must get drunk," Ding Wei said.

"It won't take long, and it will take a month at most, and we will be able to return to Fufeng." Gao Yuan smiled. "There is no need to hide in the future, the schedule will naturally be much faster."

"If only there are a few horses, we can go home in ten days at most." Tie Xuan sighed.

"Where to fight the horse?" Ding Wei chuckled. "If you are lucky, it would be good if you can find a cow. Huh, what is the sound?" Ding Wei stood up all of a sudden.

Not only him, Gao Yuan, Tie Hyuan stood up almost at the same time.

The sound of horseshoes. Tie Xuan just talked about horses, and they actually heard the sound of horseshoes in this inaccessible place. "It looks like there are more than a dozen horses." Ding Wei's face changed slightly. "Tie Xuan, you crow's mouth. This place can have such a war horse, it must be the Huns."

There are only three of them, and the other party has more than a dozen horses, maybe there are more than a dozen people, what to do? Fight, beat, escape, can't escape, here is endless, two legs are faster than four legs, and there is no need to talk about it. .

Gao Yuan looked at the green smoke rising in front of him, and understood in his heart, "We are careless, these guys must have seen the smoke and found that there are talents here."

Hearing Gao Yuan's words, Tie Xuan stepped out of the fire with two feet.

"It's too late, so long, it's enough for the other party to locate us." Gao Yuan shook his head.

"What to do? General?" Ding Wei showed a nervous look.

With one hand pulled out the army thorn, Gao Yuan said indifferently: "What else? You can't run away, let's do it, didn't you just say that there is no horse? This is the one who sent the horse."

Ding Wei's mouth was a little bit bitter. They were indeed asking for horses, but they couldn't hold the other party's crowds, and they could hardly eat. But now, there is nothing left to say, they can only fight. I can be reasonable and foolish, but facing the Huns, there is nothing to say, and I can only fight hard. And Tie Xuan both reached out their hands and took out short knives from their arms. During this period of escape, the three of them But even the saber that he carried with him was discarded.

He raised his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment, and raised his chin, "Go up the tree!"

The three of them climbed up the big locust tree quickly and divided it into three corners to hide their bodies.If they were not nervous, it was a fake, they were high and they felt a little dry in their mouths.

In the field of vision, the shadow of a war horse appeared, and the coming was extremely fast, but the three of them were relieved at the same time.There were indeed more than a dozen war horses, but there were only six people on the horse, one person with two horses, and the standard equipment of the Xiongnu cavalry.

"Fortunately, it's okay, one person and two!" Tie Xuan patted his chest and sighed. One person and two are not a big problem. They also have a brave and invincible general. If there are more than a dozen enemies, which one Zhan can be hard to say.

The three of them stopped talking and looked at the approaching enemy with piercing eyes.

It was indeed that they were burning game here that attracted these Huns. These Huns cavalry were the guards of the Huns court. After the defeat, the Huns led troops and horses to break through the encirclement, but the generals of the Qin army were the guards of the Huns court. Yingying led 20,000 cavalry to chase, and fighting all the way, Ye Mang was finally completely defeated, and the final army was completely disintegrated, and even he himself became Yingying's soul under the sword. Ye Mang died, and only resistance was left. Zhe also immediately became a bird and beast scattered. Yingying wanted to kill only the Yemang family members.After he succeeded, he immediately led the soldiers and retreated.However, these people fled all the way and actually ran to the border of the Hejian County of Yan State.

If you don't have anything to eat, grab it, but in this place, even if you want to grab it, there is nothing. When a few people are tired and hungry, they suddenly noticed the smoke rising from here, and they are overjoyed and rushed all the way. To be continued~www.NovelMTL.com~

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