I’m The King

Chapter 302: : It's better to go back

Ye Tiannan bowed his hand to admit defeat, although it was beyond Ning Zecheng's expectation, but it also made him relieved. In this way, he does not need to tear his face and do the act of showing the dagger. On the contrary, it became an unnecessary move. Ye Tiannan was not without the strength to fight back. His proactive surrender also allowed Dayan to avoid another large-scale internal fight, which led to the loss of national power.

"Ye Tiannan is not a snake and mouse like Linghu Chao after all!" Ning Zecheng said silently in the heart of the earth. This person still puts the interests of Dayan first, think about his behavior, Ning Then Cheng couldn't help feeling a little hot on his face.

But this trace of guilt passed in my heart and disappeared.

Xun Xiu is right, if Gao Yuan is still alive, then the hidden dangers will be greater in the future. This is extraordinary, this time being played by himself and Zhou Yuan alive, there is no reason for not holding grudges, Eating for a while and gaining wisdom, if you really let him get rid of the golden hook, I am afraid that he will become his own worst enemy in the future.

Life wants to see people, death wants to see corpses! Ning Zecheng once again issued the highest-level order to Yan Lingwei who is all over Jicheng. Frequently, just in case.

Jicheng is the capital of King Yan, and it is impossible to close it for a long time.On the top of the sky, Ning Zecheng and Zhou Yuan, who still had nothing to do, had to open up Jicheng. The strict capture did not achieve any results, and the strategy was changed to outside. Loosen the inner tightness, and the main energy has expanded beyond Jicheng.

"Ye Tiannan asked to resign from the post of Minister of the State. The king has already rejected it. What do you think of this matter?" Zhou Yuan looked at Ning Zecheng and asked. This time the two teamed up, although they succeeded in overthrowing Ye Tiannan. Gao Yuan has not been seen so far, but it has also made him feel frustrated.

"Ye Tiannan will inevitably submit the letter again until the king approves it. Now the king is just doing something for the world to see. Ye Tiannan has made great contributions to the king's return to the Yan Kingdom and ascended the throne, if only because This time the Jicheng fire stopped Ye Tiannan's aspect. Wouldn't the world feel that the king had crossed the river and demolished the bridge?" Ning Zecheng laughed.

"What if Ye Tiannan would go down the donkey?" Zhou Yuan was a little worried.

Ning Zecheng glanced at Zhou Yuan and was a little surprised. What's wrong with him? Didn't even reflect this? This time, Ye Tiannan's resignation was ostensibly responsible for this heavy loss in Jicheng. But everyone knows the truth inside, and the two of them, but the initiator, Ye Tiannan's subordination is a certainty.

Looking at Ning Zecheng's suspicious eyes, Zhou Yuan also reflected it, and couldn't help but pat his head, "You look at me, you are a little confused, Gao Yuan can't see people in life, or die, I'm really a little uneasy."

"Even if Gao Yuan escaped this time, you don't have to be so worried, right?" Ning Zecheng laughed. "Can our warrior Zhou Wei be so ghoulish?"

Zhou Yuan waved his hand, "You haven't been in contact with this long enough, and you don't know enough about it, but I am different. I am not dead, I am indeed a little uneasy! Master Ning, this is all gone, there is no news yet, I doubt, He has left Jicheng."

"Isn't it because of Zhao Guogonglan's Yan Guo Zhao Mu?" Ning Zecheng laughed.

Zhou Yuan didn't laugh, "Master Ning, the army in my hand can't be used blatantly in the end. To pursue a lofty pursuit requires you to work hard, and it is best not to save trouble."

"This is natural!" Ning Zecheng nodded, "I have given the order. As long as he wants to return to the west of Liaoning, he will not be able to escape my hands."

"I hope so!"

"Ye Tiannan said in the seal to the king that after removing the aspect, he wants to go back to Langya, what do you think?" Zhou Yuan changed the subject and stopped raising far. This little always made him feel uneasy and even fell down. Ye Tiannan's joy has also been diluted a lot.

"Why not?" Ning Zecheng smiled. "It is a good thing for us to keep him away from the center of Jicheng."

"Let him go back to run Langya, the future is not necessarily a good thing for us." Zhou Yuan said.

Ning Zecheng laughed, "Why, do you want to kill him? Master Wei, this won't work. First, Ye Tiannan didn't have any crimes to show, he is not Linghu Chao, second, he and the king's You also know the relationship. The king is superior to the situation and you can stop his appearance, but if you really want to kill him, you will inevitably pass it, and pass it."

"Let the tiger go back to the mountain, there are endless dangers!" Zhou Yuan sighed.

"Tiger, a sick tiger!" Ning Zecheng grinned, "Ye Tiannan had the idea of ​​returning to Langya to accumulate strength. We can't know that if this is the case, how can we make him do what he wants? He is now a sick tiger. , When he returns to Langya, we will play him as a sick cat."

"What do you say?"

"Don't forget that when the Linghu Chao was besieged, Liaoxi, Hejian, Kaiping, and Yuyang all made great efforts. Ye Tiannan might have promised them at the beginning and was willing to trade Langya's land in exchange for their troops. In the past, Ye Tiannan had a high position. These people were unwilling to offend Ye Tiannan. After success, they plundered some property, but this land was not mentioned. It was only if it was not said at the beginning, but this time it is different. Wait for Ye Tiannan. Going back to Langya, these companies will definitely beat the dog. This alone is enough for him to have a headache." Ning Zecheng smiled and said, "Langya is big and rich, but if a few pieces are cut off, it will hurt his vitality and he will be surrounded. Among these counties, wouldn't it be easy to cure him."

"How many have you contacted?"

Ning Zecheng shook his head, "Why do you need to contact? Jiang Dawei of Yuyang must be the first to rush up. If he succeeds, then Yan Shenghao of Hejian and Wei Jia of Kaiping will certainly follow, but Zhang Shouyue of Liaoxi, some It makes people wonder. Even if Zhang Shou's appointment is not up, Ye Tiannan's other family will have a headache, and we have helped to make Langya into a chaos but it is easy and tight. It is not easy to deal with difficulties and chaos?"

After taking a deep look at Ning Zecheng, Zhou Yuan felt a sense of fear in Zhou Yuan's heart, this person, be on guard! Maybe one day, his fangs will be stretched out over his head. In order to defend Ye Tiannan's hand Reached into the army, but he let Ning Zecheng's hand reach into the army, and this time, it was stretched quite deep, but his Yan Lingwei, but he could not get rid of it. The strength has actually changed from one to the other. .

I don't really want to raise a tiger for trouble! Zhou Yuan's heart felt a bit.In the past, I only thought that Ye Tiannan was a great enemy, and I didn't look up to Ning Zecheng, but this time, the other party's appearance was better.

Ye Mansion is very busy now.They are packing and packing their things and are about to leave Jicheng.Although the king once again rejected Ye Tiannan's resignation, everyone understands that as long as Ye Tiannan resigns again, they will get permission. Ye Tiannan is also very bachelor, and if he loses, he loses.Since he loses, he doesn't want to stay in Jicheng anymore to let people watch jokes.

It’s not too late for ten years, Hedong for ten years, Hexi for ten years, return to Langya, but you are watching! Ye Tiannan’s heart knot has been completely eliminated at this time, as Ye Zhong said, ten years ago, they had nothing to escape from the country of Yan. Ten years later, even though they lost again, they still have the capital to turn over. Compared to ten years ago, how can they be the same.

Once the heart knot is gone, the illness will heal quickly. Within a few days, the **** face will be seen again, but Gao Yuan has been living without seeing people or corpses. It really makes people feel uneasy. Ye Jing'er washes her face with tears all day long. He was upset.

Gao Yuan, are you alive or dead? You must know that your life and death are related to Ye's future strategy. If Gao Yuan dies, Ye's will really prepare to use it for another ten years or even longer. Time comes to plot to turn over, but if Gao Yuan is still alive, it will be completely different.

"Tiannan!" Xun Xiu walked to Ye Tiannan's side, "Is it still upset?"

"No, sir!" Ye Tiannan shook his head, "It's just that Gao Yuan doesn't know his life or death, he's a little worried."

Xun Xiu nodded, "Wang Shang understands very well in his heart, although this time I will give up your appearance, but Ye Zhong and I, especially Ye Zhong, are still in control of the palace guard. This is very important, Zhou Even though the group of Yuan Yuan tried to get rid of Ye Zhong, the king's persistence made them unable to do anything."

Ye Tiannan laughed, "Of course the king is not confused. But sir, you and Ye Zhong stayed in Jicheng, but they were also grilled on the fire. The future will be very sad."

"Don't worry, we can handle it." Xun Xiudao" is nothing but a tortoise."

Hearing Xun Xiu's words like this, Ye Tiannan couldn't help but laugh. It was not easy to say Wang Yanji. The little tail left behind must make Zhou Yuan and Ning Zecheng uncomfortable.

"Let's go, sir, accompany me to the courtyard again, and when I come back, I don't know what year and month it is!" Ye Tiannan smiled.

"Go, turn around, turn around!" Xun Xiudao. "This Xiangfu will welcome newcomers soon, but I don't know who it is?"

"It doesn't matter who he is, it's always a display!" Ye Tiannan waved his hand.

In the courtyard, one after another, large carts drove in, packed the packed things into the cart, and then drove out one after another. The former Minister of the country moved, and there were too many things to be transported. Some.

Cao Tianci was wearing a torn coat and a felt hat on his head. He walked into the gate with a large cart. He couldn't help being a little dumbfounded when he looked inside. He had never been to the Guoxiang Mansion before, of course. I can't imagine that this country's prime minister's mansion is so big, how can I see Ye Tiannan?

He must see Ye Tiannan, first, to inform the other party that Gao Yuan has left safely, and second, the city is getting closer and closer to the place where he hid the infantry. If it is two more nights, the infantry may fall in. In the hands of the other party.

But how to see Ye Tiannan is a problem. Although Ye Tiannan has stepped down, the state minister's mansion is still heavily guarded. He wants to break into the inner courtyard, but he is dreaming. (To be continued~www.NovelMTL .com~Read...)

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