I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 997: Give half a million first!

At this time, Li Zhao, facing such an emperor, although he had many thoughts in his mind, on the surface, he still seemed rather helpless.

"This is not good! People are 50,000 elite soldiers, so you have to get silver per capita! You can't divide the unevenness! If that is the case, I am afraid it will affect the morale of the soldiers! The bad consequences, presumably your Majesty, too I know!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Then, let's give 500,000 yuan first, this is already the limit!"

"Okay! Then, the minister can only say to give it a try. After all, if the leader of Lingda disagrees, the minister is powerless!" At the end, Li Zhao also showed a look of helplessness.

Facing this kind of Li Zhao, the officials including Lu Zhong also let out a sigh. Although the voice was not loud, Li Zhao knew what everyone meant.

Of course, when feeling some small embarrassment, then Li Zhao slowly said again: "Guardians, it seems that you are acting as the official! In fact, what you see is not necessarily true! Now, it’s clear that the Forbidden Army is right in front of us, why can’t we use it directly! The reason is simple, everyone knows! Of course, although the official has some friendship with Lingyun, it is only a personal acquaintance. If something big happens, he really doesn’t. I must be able to listen to this official!"

"Yes, yes, what Mr. Li said is extremely true! Mr. Lu has been taught! Actually, we are just a natural reaction! To Mrs. Li, you care about the celestial dynasty and bear the heavy responsibility on your shoulders! I should learn from you!"

"Oh, Lu Zhong is it! He is really a good person! This official took it out of his mind!"

"Don't dare to subordinate officials!" At a certain moment, when Lu Zhong took the initiative to answer, then Li Zhao replied with a smile.

For a time, because the major issues in the True Dragon Palace had been answered in agreement, the officials also relaxed their minds and dared to raise their heads. Some people even started to whisper.

"Look, Master Li is amazing! He even got the money, and he was more satisfied with Long Live! Looking at us again, I only know how to pursue it, but I don't know how to use it!"

"Manipulations! Even if you know some techniques, would it be useful if you don't have the Forbidden Army in your hands!"

"Man, you mean that the imperial army is in Li Zhao's hands!"

"You think, if he is not in his hands, how dare he come out and talk to the man above!"

"Forget it, let's stop talking about this, be careful to be heard by others! Alas, in the current situation, no one of us can offend anyone!" At a certain moment, when the discussion sounded slightly, the dragon seat Simalun above has already spoken again.

"Dear Aiqing, please be quiet! You don't have to be like this! In fact, you have to help with some things!"

"Help together! Here, what's the situation!"

"What's the situation! It is estimated that the emperor is going to search for ministers again! Alas, what is this!" At a certain moment, when Emperor Simalun, who was on the dragon seat, asked this question, the ministers also had their own ideas. And that Li Zhao also muttered to himself in his heart.

For a while, because of the words of the new emperor Simalun, the entire True Dragon Palace was once again caught in the discussion.

However, at this moment, Lu Zhong who had not spoken for a long time still spoke.

"Everyone, quiet! Just be quiet! Long live Lord's words haven't finished yet! What do you mean! Do you want to rebel!"

"Master Lu is really loyal! When did he become like this!"

"Master Li is joking! Actually, Xiaguan is just saying a word for Long Live Lord!"

"Well, you guys don't guess! I will make this idea clear now!" After feeling the mood swings of the ministers, the new emperor Simalun also said directly.


This time, because of Simalun's speech, the discussion of the ministers also disappeared.

"Well, please say Long Live Lord directly! I'll follow it later!"

"Good, good! Lv Aiqing is really my minister! In fact, there is nothing, just want to borrow some money from everyone! But don't worry, when I settle the Quartet, I will repay it twice!"

"Oh, it turns out that your Majesty has to borrow money!"

"Although Li Aiqing said it is a bit straightforward! But in fact it is like this! Everyone, Aiqing, you have also seen that the situation is very critical now. Each of you has to put out five thousand taels of silver! If anyone says there is no silver, you can do so. Let’s talk about the Dragon Palace!"

"Chen Lu Zhong takes the order! Even if the minister has no money, he will try to raise money! Please rest assured!"

"Long live master! It's not good for you to do this! After all, Commander Ling doesn't want the officials to do this!"

"Li Aiqing, haven't we already said it! As long as I first put out half a million silver, you will talk to Ling Yun about protecting the imperial capital! Isn't Li Aiqing regretting it now!"

"The minister dare not! But the minister doesn't want the ministers to be in a bad mood because of this!" At the end, Li Zhao also showed a very helpless expression.

This situation was actually beyond the expectations of the officials. Before, it was Emperor Simalun who wanted to pay the money, but now they need them to raise the money, and everyone's expressions are also different.

In this way, because the new emperor Smalun's fundraising method also attracted dissatisfaction among the ministers. But now the situation is like this, even if they are not happy, everyone knows that at this time, whoever comes first will definitely die!

Based on this kind of thinking, none of the ministers said anything.

"Hahaha, it seems that everyone has no opinion! Long live Lord, look, everyone supports you!"

"Okay! I thank you! Don’t worry, I won’t break my promise, and I will repay it twice! Of course, let Lu Zhong take care of this fund-raising thing! Remember, the money borrowed from you Aiqing, if Not enough, I have my own way. When the time comes, you can come to the True Dragon Palace to get it!" As he spoke, the new emperor Simalun also slowly stood up again.

"The ministers will follow the order!"

"Good, good! This, this is the best! If the Aiqings have nothing else to do, then go away!"

"Long live my emperor long live long live long live!" Seeing that the new emperor Simalun was no longer saying anything, the officials also bowed to the ground together.

In this way, when it was not too much, the True Dragon Palace was already empty. Of course, outside the True Dragon Palace at this time was another scene.

"Master Li, we all understand your thoughts! But doing this is something wrong!"

"Everyone, this officer knows that you are reluctant! But what can be done! Again, in this troubled world, don't take money too seriously! Sometimes survival is the most important thing!"

"Yeah! It's what Master Li said! Actually, Lu has the same idea! However, the reason why he became a difference is a last resort! I hope everyone can cooperate!"

"Lu Zhong! You, you, forget it, let's talk about it later!" At a certain moment, when Li Zhao and Lu Zhong expressed their opinions, the ministers were not in a good mood. Some people even want to say something.

However, because the current Lu Zhong had already become Simalun's confidant, the officials also dared not speak. After all, if Lu Zhong turns his face and refuses to recognize people, then these people will end badly.

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