I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 992: siege!

In winter, the imperial capital city seemed more and more cold, and the snow falling from time to time also indicated that the coldest period of the year was coming.

However, no matter how cold it is, the happy crowd cannot be stopped.

"The two adults are back! Just now we have already walked around, there is basically no dead end! As long as the two adults give an order, we can seal the city!"

"Okay, that's right! By the way, let the generals in the farmyard quickly report this to him and tell him our situation! In addition, we must send out sentries to keep an eye on Tiger Mountain! To put it bluntly, they are our enemies!"

"The final commander!"

"Okay! Go! Chasing the wind, let's go in!" As he spoke, Ling Yun and Chasing the wind also slowly stepped into the new imperial tent.

"It's really good, it seems you didn't work hard!"

"Ling Yun, this is not a big deal. Just yesterday, the Nanying army was divided into three groups! And whoever is the leader!"

"Who, won't it be that Sun Xiu!"

"Ling Yun, your kid is too good! It's him! I didn't expect that they would divide their main force into three parts! It seems that it will be sooner or later to defeat the war!"

"Does this still need to be said! Why is there no one who understands Simalun's side! Why let this guy be in charge!"

"This, this, this young man doesn't know it! It is estimated that only the Simalun knows!" At a certain moment, in the large account of the Chinese army that he built, Ling Yun and Zhuifeng also smiled at each other.

After all, the new emperor Smalun's way of using troops is quite strange.

However, just as the two brothers were chatting, a figure floated into the big tent like the wind.

"No, I said boss, why are you! I want to scare us!"

"Big Brother is here!"

"Chasing the wind, this time, do you feel it!"

"No, I really didn't perceive it! Boss, you, don't you have learned something good again! If you don't tell us brothers! Today, you don't want to leave!"

"Chasing the wind, stop making trouble, let's talk about business! Big brother is coming in such a hurry, there must be something wrong!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu's figure had just arrived in the big tent, Ling Yun said in a deep voice.

Faced with such a calm Lingyun, Jin was also very happy. He patted the dust on his body lightly, and then said loudly, "Actually, Ling Yun said it was pretty good! Something is coming! But it's not in a hurry, for a while. They will all come!"

"They, won't it be Lord Li?"

"Why, why not them! Now that the Chinese Army's Great Account has been built, we should also study the situation carefully!" As he spoke, Jin Shangyu also slowly sat on the central seat.

At this moment, the neighing sound of war horses came from outside.

"Report, my lord, it's dusty outside, it should be someone here!"

"Don't worry, let them enter the camp directly, they are their own!"

"The final commander!" At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu had just talked with the two of them, a general outside had already reported a new matter.

auzw.com Of course, after listening to Jin Shangyu's arrangement, the person didn't say much, and just went out of the camp.

"Boss, they are so fast! It seems that you are walking together, but you are shameless!"

"What is shame? Lao Tzu is to inquire first, so I can't make it too shabby! Besides, we are no longer here than before, and we can speak loudly!"

"Boss, you, you have changed! It seems that you were depressed before!"

"Nonsense! Who wants to watch Sima Zhong's face alive every day? Even Sima Lun has rebelled. The reason why we can bear it now is because my son's virtue is better!" At the end of the day, he even didn't like to joke around. Ling Yun couldn't help but smile.

However, just as the three of them were very happy, there were also very messy footsteps outside the camp.

"Shang Yu, you, you are too fast!"

"Um, I'm sorry, I'm just a little anxious, besides, isn't it also for you to stand in front of you!"

"Good, good! Whatever you say, come on! People are all here, we should think about our own affairs too!" As he spoke, the old man Wen Shuo also found a place to sit down slowly.

Speaking of which, the large Chinese military tent built by Zhuifeng this time is really good. Not only is the scale of the tent relatively large, but the thermal performance is also first-class.

Of course, everyone was sitting on both sides of the long strip table in the middle of the big tent, and Jin Shangyu was sitting in the middle.

Looking at it, there are not only Ling Yun and Zhuifeng, but also Luo Yun, Murong Feihu, Li Zhao, Lu Zhong and Wen Shuo.

"Everyone, it should be a glorious thing to be here today! Of course, you may not be very familiar with each other, but starting from today, you must remember that we are a family and will always It's a family!"

"Well said! Big brother! You are sitting there and we are separated. It feels so good now! A long time ago, I Ling Yun dreamed of such a scene!"

"Thank you, brother! Let's go, Brother Li will inform you about some things! Of course, some things, I will announce them in a while!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also slowly cast his eyes on Li Zhao.

Faced with Jin Shangyu’s arrangement, Li Zhao was not hypocritical, looked at the crowd for a while, and then said loudly, "Everyone, today is actually a good day! Because today we have finally come together and have our own Chinese Army Account! Since everyone is determined to follow Jin Shangyu all the way, then someone Li will announce a few things! If you don’t have any comments, just settle it!

"Brother Li, just say something! I'll see what you mean!"

"Well, Ling Yun is a real person! That old man is not hypocritical! First, from today, the forbidden army of the Great Jin Dynasty no longer exists. Our team is called'Jin Jun'! Jin, whose surname is Jin, do you understand? "

"Good thing, really good thing! Jin Jun can finally be born!" At one point, when Li Zhao mentioned the word "Jin Jun", Chasing the wind could no longer contain his excitement.

Of course, after taking a look at the wind, Li Zhao went on to say: "Of course, it has been agreed with the lord before that Jin Jun only has commanders, and there are three commanders temporarily set, that is, chasing the wind, Lingyun, and Ben. Lei! And Feng Luo Yun and Murong Feihu are the deputy commanders temporarily! What do you think!"

"Ling Yun totally agrees with the arrangement of the adults! It's just that it's not appropriate to have a general as deputy leader!"

"Ling Yun, this is my own intention! Feihu and I have already negotiated with Big Brother! Thank you!"

"Um, it turned out to be like this!" At a certain moment, when Li Zhao announced something, Ling Yun also interjected.

Of course, after hearing Feng Luoyun's words, Ling Yun also stopped talking.

After all, they also know some things. As for the three major leaders, Jin Shangyu had already decided in advance.

After feeling the emotional changes of the crowd, Jin Shangyu did not speak either, but just watched and listened quietly.

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