I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 990: Internal and external troubles!

In the imperial capital city, in the True Dragon Palace, the atmosphere became more and more weird. Although Sima Lun's persuasion, the old surnamed old man and Sun Xiu didn't say much, but everyone present could smell the taste of confrontation.

"Your Majesty, the minister thinks that we should send heavy troops to attack them now! They must not be able to attack the imperial capital city, otherwise it will be unpredictable!"

"Well, this statement is correct! But if the three kings of the family come to attack, we will send troops in three ways! If other forces attack again, how do we respond!"

"Your Majesty, that's why the minister thought that he would have to fight hard to make a quick battle! Of course, if you can scare the opponent back, it would be even better!" At a certain moment, in the Palace of True Dragon, Sun Xiu also proposed himself again Proposition.

However, just like before, the old man with the old surname who had not spoken for a long time said again, "Sun Xiu, do you think this war is a play, and if you want to end it, it will end! The old man thought that he must concentrate his superior forces and catch an adversary." , Give a heavy blow, this is the kingly way!"

"Ancient! It's easy to say! Concentrating superior forces, doesn't this Sima still know! It's just that we have so many soldiers and horses! Besides, even if the enemy lives one way, the other two People and horses, who will deal with it, can your old man be able to deal with it by himself!"

"Sun Xiu can't be unreasonable! How can you talk to the ancients like this! Forget it, this matter is settled, you lead the troops out, and I don't want to say more about the specific methods of warfare! But there is one thing, that is, it must Back in victory!"

"Chen Zongzhi! Please rest assured!" At a certain moment, after his words were accused by the new emperor Smalun, the other party also handed over the military power in the first time.

This result is actually what Sun Xiu wanted.

So he also knelt down quickly to thank him, but before leaving, he cast his eyes on the old man with the ancient surname, as if conveying something.

In this way, because of the decision of the new emperor Simalun, Sun Xiu temporarily had the command of all soldiers and horses of the southern camp.

Outside the hall, the cold wind hits, and the occasional snowflakes are also announcing the helplessness of the cold winter.

"Ancient, I know your thoughts! I also know that you are for my good! But, there are some things, we can still focus on the overall situation!"

"The prince! No, it's your majesty! The overall situation you mentioned is to let Sun Xiu who doesn't understand military affairs go to war!"

"Old, you, do you have some prejudices against him! If he is disrespectful to you, I will teach him! But to be honest, his talents are still there! You have also seen it, if there is no his design and operation, I can't get to the top position so early."

"Yes, he is good, and he is indeed a flatterer! However, he is really not a conductor!" As he spoke, the old man surnamed Gu also showed a helpless look.

After all, his meaning was not adopted by Simalun, and he didn't say it, but he was still a little unhappy.

Besides, how could the old man not understand Sun Xiu's vision before leaving.

"Ancient, tell me, I have already told the world and became the emperor, why didn't Jia Mi and Shi Chong take any action! Do they really recognize this fact!"

"Master, the old man has already thought about this question! You must know that Jia Mi is not from Sima Zhong, so whoever sits in this true dragon palace has nothing to do with him! , Shi Chong is hard to say! After all, he now has the Nanling Seven Kills super killer group!"

"Yes! Jia Mi's heart should be above the top of the world, not for a short period of time. Shi Chong is too mysterious! So many killers! Then, what do you think I should deal with Shi Chong? Alas, it's really internal and external troubles!" At a certain moment when the new emperor Simalun thought of Jia Mi of Tiger Mountain and Shi Chong of Jinguyuan, the whole person's attitude also changed a lot.

After all, this country is not something that everyone can do.

With this recognition, the new Royal Smalon is also under great pressure.

"Well, the prince doesn't have to be so discouraged, after all, the current imperial capital city is still under our control! However, the old man just doesn't know why you want Ling Yun to take the forbidden army out of the city!"

auzw.com"This, is this very simple! After all, my True Dragon Palace cannot be guarded by him! If that's the case, how can I be safe at all!"

"It seems that the prince still thinks too little! You know, if he Lingyun leaves the city, he will truly control the Imperial City! And then, even if we take the palace in our own hands, what about it!"

"This, this is really a very difficult question! Sun Xiu, Sun Xiu, you have done me a lot!" At a certain moment, when the new emperor Simalun was thinking about the mystery between him, his mouth was also self-conscious. Talking to himself.

In this way, because of the reminder of the old surname, Emperor Simalun also recognized the uncertainty of the situation.

Here, the two masters and servants of the True Dragon Palace were talking very nervously, but at this time Ling Yun and Chasing Feng became the busiest people.

"You guys are going to take away everything we can take in our camp! Of course, if you can't take it away, you must destroy it! Of course, you have to find a way to destroy it. It's best not to let people see it at a glance. We broke it ourselves!"

"Yes, the last general will lead!"

"Okay, go ahead! Chase the wind, think about what else you haven't done!"

"Ling Yun, there is actually one more thing we did not do, that is, the personnel have not been assembled!"

"Chasing the wind, you mean the people who are in the palace!" Feeling that there is something in the chasing the wind, then Ling Yun said thoughtfully.

After listening to Ling Yun's words, Zhuifeng nodded heavily.

"Chasing the wind, rest assured, today we only bring people who can be seen! As for them, let them be here! It may not be needed anytime in the future."

"Well, if that's the case, then I'm out of town first! After all, we are still camping there!"

"Well, you go, there is me here! Besides, you don't have to tell your big brother about our progress! He will know by then!"

"Okay!" Seeing that Ling Yun had arranged some things in an orderly manner, the pursuit of the wind was also going in one direction without saying a word.

How to set up a camp outside the city, let's not talk about it, just talk about the camp at this time.

Because the whole camp is moving, the people in the Forbidden Army are busy, some are carrying weapons, some are driving horses, and some people are tidying up the camp.

However, just when Ling Yun was busy with everyone, one person trot over outside.

"My lord, someone is coming!"

"Who, won't you be a newcomer to True Dragon Palace!"

"It's them! The leader seems to be an old man, it should be a bad one! Let's not take a defense!"

"You don't need to defend! I'll go and see!" At one point, when Ling Yun knew that someone had come to the camp, he rushed over.

The main reason for such anxiousness was that Ling Yun felt a strange atmosphere. And this feeling may be an early warning.

Of course, these so-called perception abilities are also practice methods taught by Jin Shangyu.


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