I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 980: The wolf is coming!

In the imperial capital city, everything is the same, but at this time, the atmosphere in the palace of Zhao Wang is very different, which makes people unable to figure out.

"Well, old, you are like this, in fact, there are some things that the king doesn't ask too much!"

"The prince has something to say directly! The little old man will definitely have to say it."

"Okay! You suffered a bit in this battle! But in the end you returned safely! Then, the king wants to ask Shi Chong if it is possible to save Jia Nanfeng!"

"This, this is really hard to say! But what should I do to invite such a powerful assassin! Maybe it's recruiting troops, maybe it's protecting something! In short, this Shi Chong is really not easy!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Good! It seems we have to act first, otherwise this guy will definitely accumulate more strategic resources over time!"

"This point, the old man also thought about it! However, the prince does not have to be pessimistic. Although the Nanling Seven Kills are powerful, they will not always be loyal to Shi Chong. Their personalities also determine their future!"

"Yeah, you have said this many times! But after all, they are there now. If you say that you are not afraid of it, it is impossible!" When talking, then Zhao Wang Simalun also said My own thoughts came out.

Facing Zhao Wang Simalun’s doubts, although he was injured, the old man with the ancient surname still spoke again: "The prince, in fact, this time the reason why he was injured and returned is because the old man has the willingness to buy them! You must know this. People, there is no emotion at all. To put it bluntly, whoever gives more benefits, or whoever they see pleasing to their eyes, will do things for whom!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Then, what is their mind!"

"In fact, we haven't persuaded, we have already started fighting! However, from the moment the war started, they seemed to have left a retreat, because the ground killer who was fighting against the old man didn't even give out their full strength! However, later, I didn't know. What's the matter, he unexpectedly launched a lore!" At the end, the old man with the ancient surname was also a little unhappy, after all, it was the blow that caused him to be seriously injured.

In this way, because Zhao Wangfu was very concerned about the Nanling Seven Kills, the master and servant also talked for a while.

Of course, time slipped by in such boredom.

One day, just as the warm sun in the winter rose, Emperor Sima Zhong’s helpless sigh came from the Palace of True Dragon.

"Oh! The world is really unpredictable! It turned out to be him, he really wants to grab my world!"

"Long live master, don't think about it anymore, your health matters!"

"Body, what is body! Now the wolf has come! Do you want this sheep to wait!"

"Long live, you see, nothing happened during this time! Maybe they just want some privileges!"

"Hahaha! You are too naive! Forget it, since the wolf has already come! Then, wait! Who calls me the lamb to be slaughtered!" At a certain moment, it was in the inner hall of the True Dragon Hall. , The voice of emperor Sima Zhong’s lament came slowly.

Of course, not to mention that episodes like this happen every day, and there is not much difference. It can be seen that the state of Emperor Sima Zhong is already getting worse.

However, in these days, Jin Shangyu has not been idle. Not only did he analyze the situation of Jingu Garden with everyone, he also took the initiative to visit the Royal Farm. After all, the current situation has reached the level of outbreaks at any time.

"Well, it's coming to the end of the year again, I guess they are about to act!"

"Perhaps! However, I heard that Emperor Sima Zhong would cry in the hall every day! It seems that he has decided to give up!"

"Brother Li, we don't care about them! The current situation is very different. Because of the defeat of the old surname, Zhao Wang Simalun should be jealous of Jinguyuan! But it should not affect his plan!" Finally, Jin Shangyu also deliberately lowered his voice.

After hearing such words, Li Zhao, Ling Yun and others did not say much. After all, they also knew that this Zhao Wang Simalun could not wait.


"Well, since everyone doesn't have any opinions, then our approach is to wait and see! We even follow the trend! But one thing, please remember that if the situation changes, we must appear in the best condition!"

"Big Brother, Ling Yun took it down!"

"Lord, Li Zhao also took it down!"

"Shang Yu's approach may be a bit embarrassing for Big Brother Li! But I also ask Big Brother Li to focus on the overall situation! After all, Simalun won't last long, because Jia Mi and Shi Chong won't let him sit firmly in the True Dragon Palace! "While speaking, Jin Shangyu also stood up, and the whole person looked a little excited.

"Aren't you in a chaos in the Great Jin Dynasty? Let's make a mess! Since I can't stop your chaos, then I must seek profit from the chaos!" After feeling everyone's gaze, Jin Shangyu also muttered in his heart. Uttered.

In this way, in the small living room of Jin's mansion, Jin Shangyu also made his final determination. After all, during this period of time, he had a deeper grasp of the situation.

Nothing happened for a few days, and one day, before the setting sun of winter rose, a good show had already begun on the Palace of True Dragon.

"Long live my emperor, long live long live!"

"All Aiqing are flat! All, get up!"

"Your Majesty Qizhao, the minister has this play!"

"Oh, it's Sun Aiqing! I don't know what it is! Let's just listen!"

"Well, the minister thought that after these days of practical testing, King Zhao is already the primordial pillar of the country! And the ministers even regarded the king as the savior in their hearts!"

"Sun Xiu, you, what do you want to say!" At a certain moment, just at the beginning of the early dynasty, Sun Xiu was also the first to challenge Emperor Sima Zhong.

Of course, as soon as Sun Xiu's words were spoken, it caused a discussion among the officials.

"Man, look, something is going to happen again!"

"Does this still need to be said? The current Sun Xiu has long been the spokesperson of the early morning! If the prince does not speak, that is what he said!"

"Keep your voice down, this grandson is a big red! It's not a good thing to be heard by him!" At a certain moment, when the ministers were muttering softly, that Sun Xiu also got into trouble again.

"Long live the Lord! The little minister has no other intentions, just wants us to be able to advance forever! Is this wrong!"

"You, you are not wrong! But, I just want to know what you want!"

"Long live the Lord thinks too much! The meaning of the minister is actually very simple, that is, to ask the people of high morals to be in high positions. Only in this way can the power of the celestial kingdom be fully displayed in Yu Nei!

"You, you want me to abdicate!"

"Abdicate! The minister doesn't mean that! Xiaochen means Zen!" At the end, Sun Xiu also showed a strange expression.

At this time, the officials did not dare to say much, and Zhao Wang Simalun seemed to have heard nothing, but stood quietly in front of the True Dragon Palace.

Of course, the most embarrassing person at this time was Emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat. Because Sun Xiu's words are already very straightforward, and that is to force him to abdicate, or say Zen!

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