I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 968: Add an official to Jinjue (2)

Inside the palace, in front of the True Dragon Hall, the words of the ministers fell into the hall like a goddess scattered flowers, while the Emperor Sima Zhong at this time was embarrassed and couldn't look up.

"Quiet! Just be quiet, this king has something to say! Since everyone has raised this king like this, your Majesty thinks so, if this king rejects it again, it will be out of date! Okay, then, then this king will accept the order, thank you Your majesty's kindness!" As he spoke, Sima Lun, the King of Zhao, gently bowed his hand to Emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat to show his respect.

"The prince doesn't have to be like this, are you my elder after all! Come and come, I will rely on you for the future!"

"Why, why not, it's Xiao Wang's blessing to be able to share the worries for your majesty! You guys, do you have anything else to do!"

"I wait to congratulate the prince, congratulations to the prince!"

"It doesn't have to be like this! If nothing happens, then, can your majesty disperse!"

"Yes, yes, let's go away if nothing happened!" I wanted to say a few more words, but seeing the eyes of the officials, the Emperor Sima Zhong finally chose to back down.

In this way, because a contest is over, there is no point for everyone to stay. After a while, only Zhao Wang Simalun was left in the entire True Dragon Hall.

"Hahaha, it seems that some things are not impossible to succeed, but people must do it!"

"That, prince, you, should you also leave!"

"Oh, you little slave, how could you say such a thing? Now that the king doesn't even need to bow down to the emperor, why can't he stay here!"

"That, the minion is also acting according to the rules! Now that the Chaos has been dispersed for a long time, it is time to close the gate of the True Dragon Hall!"

"Hahaha, you ignorant boy! Well, since you have said so, how could this king not give you face! However, today's door, you don't need to close it! Otherwise, you know the consequences!"

"This, this!" At a certain moment, when the Zhao Wang Simalun showed a touch of cruelty, the palace-like person also appeared in a dilemma.

After all, who the person in front of him is, he, as a man in the palace, knows better than anyone! However, if he forcibly closes the gate of the True Dragon Palace, the consequence may be that he loses his life! On the contrary, it is estimated that the emperor Sima Zhong would not let him go.

Faced with such an embarrassing situation, it was finally resolved by the appearance of an old man.

"Master, we should go now!"

"Um, I'm sorry, I'm a bit gaffe! Who will let this little guy not give this king face!"

"Lord, he is just a small person! It is already the greatest blessing in his life to survive, so why should we offend him! Why, I really don't want to live anymore! Let's go!"

"Yes, yes, the villain thanked the old man! I would also like to thank the prince for not killing!" As he spoke, the young man with the appearance of a palace man also saw something, so he retreated with a smile on his face.

After hearing the words of the old man surnamed Zhao, Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, stopped saying anything and went straight to the Palace of True Dragon.

"Master, it seems that this time is very successful! Otherwise, you will not be so happy! However, the old man still said that, and sometimes he still needs to keep a little serious!"

"Old, Xiao Wang knows!"

auzw.com "The old man may have said too much, but the original intention is for the prince! I hope the prince can forgive me a lot!"

"It's okay, I think too much about the ancients! This king knows who's words are true and whose words are false!" At a certain moment, when Zhao Wang Simalun and the ancient surname were slowly walking in the palace, two People's conversations are also somewhat different.

Of course, maybe the Zhao Wang had some little emotions towards the old man around him, but overall, he still kept his patience.

In other words, the reason why Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, feels a little different to the people around him, especially his guardian, is that his status has improved too quickly.

From the beginning of entering the dynasty to be the principal, until now he does not need to kneel down to enter the temple, it is the reason for his step by step expansion!

When the dynasty left here early, Zhao Wang fulfilled his wish, and at this time Jin Shangyu was already in the house until Li Zhao's arrival.

However, this time, Li Zhao didn't have any major mood swings, but shook his head slowly.

"No, I said Brother Li, what do you mean by always shaking your head! It won't be these days, you are stupid by that Smalun!"

"Poor mouth! What a stupid anger! Although you are angry every day! But it has not yet reached that point! Besides, there is really nothing substantive above the early stage today! To put it bluntly, it is that Sima Lun made an "exemption" Li Zhao!" Speaking of the three words "free card", Li Zhao also showed a very disdainful expression.

Faced with Li Zhao like this, Jin almost laughed.

"You girl, you said you haven't been stupid by anger! Look at what this is like! That's fine, if that's the case, just do whatever you want!" After feeling the change in Li Zhao's mood, someone Jin It was also muttering in his heart.

However, at this moment, Wen Shuo, who had just entered the small living room, spoke.

"Shang Yu! You can sympathize with Master Li! After all, don't you know his thoughts! Besides, this time, it seems like a small matter, but it is actually a big one! To put it bluntly, you don't need to bow down when you see the emperor. , What's the situation, this is the preparation for the final forced palace!"

"Yeah! Why doesn't this son know the truth! But the current situation is still more complicated! I hope the kings will act soon!"

"The kings! I'm afraid they are just shouting. When the day comes, I don't know what will happen! By the time Jia Mi must have tried!" After hearing Jin Shangyu's reply, the old man Wenshuo was also very serious. Said.

In this way, the small living room of Jin Mansion became lively around the affairs of the court. Of course, the conversation between the three of them was relatively gentle.

After some analysis, the three finally formed a preliminary plan, and the core content of this plan is still waiting.

"Okay! Since you all think so, let's wait for a while! After all, Simalun has not targeted us yet! I hope that Shi Chong can be attractive enough."

"Yes! The current Tiger Mountain, although there is no movement! It is estimated that Simalun did not dare to confront directly! The two sides should be a strategic balance! But Shi Chong is different. Since he is suspected of saving Jia Nanfeng, then It is really possible to become someone Simalun can deal with!"

"Old Wen, in fact, the most surprising thing about Shang Yu is your insight! It seems that I, Mr. Jin, has picked up the treasure!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was feeling that Mr. Wen Shuo was unusual, his figure also slowed down. Stand up slowly.

Of course, at this moment, Li Zhao, who had not spoken for a long time, also stood up and said, "Okay, since the big policy has not changed! Then, I will go back!"

"Brother Li walk slowly! Take care of your body in everything! You know!"

"Don't worry! I know how to do it!" Feeling Jin Shangyu's care, then Li Zhao also smiled slightly, and then went straight out of Jin's mansion.


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