I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 965: Fierce Fighting Farm (2)

The Royal Farm, inside and outside the Chinese Army’s tent, the battle is going on fiercely...

"Ah! Look at the treasure of the old man!"

"You! Ah..."

"Let's go!" At a certain moment, when the old man stubbornly resisted Luo Yun's punch, he himself used this force to fly into the small ear tent.

"Help! Son, help!"

"No, why only you two! Impossible!"

"You, you actually scared my people! Go to hell!" Feeling the frightened sound of the two girls in the ears, Luo Yun also shot in.

The next moment, the two are fighting together again.

However, because of Luo Yun's peculiar body and physique, that person was not an opponent at all, and he could barely support him in three or five rounds.

However, at this critical moment, the old man in ordinary clothes flew out the short sword in his hand.

"You, you are shameless! Ah!"

"The old man is shameless, what can you do! Since it has been tested, Rao Er will not die!" In fact, just as he was speaking, Feng Luo Yun's figure had fallen into the small ears.

Looking at the old man, although he was seriously injured, he quickly rushed out of the Chinese army's account.

"Go! Go!"


"Don't say anything! The task has been completed!" While speaking, the old man didn't say much, and he ran all the way to the periphery of the farm.

And the two young men froze for a while after being stunned. An unexpected encounter came to an end in this way!

The three men in black quickly left the farmland without mentioning it for the time being. Just talk about Feng Luoyun at this time, lying alone in the hut, without making any sound for a long time.

"General, every general, every eldest brother! You, are you all right! Don't scare little brother!"

"Wei Yu, you can withdraw! Well, people have gone far away and are still lying here, is that interesting!"

"Hahaha, I'm so embarrassed to let the boss see it! However, so are you, and you secretly assisted the enemy! If it wasn't for this young man's physical fitness enough, your stone, I'm also choking!"

"Smelly boy, dare you say it! If it wasn't for this young man, you can believe it with your own acting skills! If you don't believe it, there will be more powerful existences here in the future! Until then, just It’s not an act that can act in the past!" It was Jin Shangyu and Wei Yu who were not others.

Of course, in the battle that he had just experienced, Jin was considered to have participated in the battle, but he flew a stone and hit Feng Luoyun.

Although Feng Luoyun escaped the critical point by virtue of his own physical strength, he was finally hit in the waist, or it was impossible to fall to the ground so real.

"Boss, do you think they will believe it!"

auzw.com"Yes! Because the black-clothed old man is a super dead man! Last time, on the Tiger Mountain, his two brothers had already died! Had it not been for Laozi’s one stone, I’m afraid he would have I met Yan Wang! Of course, these are all second-hands! No, I will use it now!"

"You, you saved him twice! It seems that this product is really a blessing! However, if you do this, the boss will overestimate your own strength! If this continues, he will die one day In front of the master!"

"Okay, whether he is dead or not, that's not what this son cares about! Let's go, let's go and see Laozi's Nanfeng Sister!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also took the lead to walk to a training ground.

"Boss, you have so many ideas, you can even let us hide Sister Nanfeng on the tower between the sparks and flints! By the way, this is a dangerous place!"

"You girl, sometimes, the more dangerous the place is, the safer it is! However, this is not a long-term solution! Let's take a look at it first!" It seems to be a conversation with Feng Luoyun, and it seems to be self-confident. Talking to himself, but just after a few of them were chatting, a very tall tower-shaped building appeared in front of everyone.

"Brother, don't go up, they are down!"

"It seems that Feihu already knows about our victory!"

"Sister is frightened! I hope to forgive my brother for being late!"

"Just kidding! It's pretty good if you can come! In fact, sometimes, you don't have to be so embarrassed, just hand me over!"

"Sister, what do you mean! Are we really the people you imagined! Rest assured, we just want you to live an ordinary life!"

"Ordinary people's life! Yes! But it is too difficult for me Jia Nanfeng! I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve this in my life! They won't let me go!" Muttering to himself, Jia Nanfeng also showed a touch of helplessness. situation.

However, in the face of such Jia Nanfeng, Jin Shangyu didn't know where the courage came from, so he stepped forward and said loudly, "Well, sister, since you want to live an ordinary life! It's easy to do! It's better to be thorough!"

"Oh, what do you say! What is thorough! Shang Yu, you have to make it clear! After all, my sister really wants to live an ordinary life!"

"Sister, it's actually very simple. There will be no queens and women in the future. Of course, there will be no Janan! You should change your name! In this way, over time, you may live a real ordinary life!" , Jin also looked at Jia Nanfeng unblinkingly.

At this time, after Jia Nanfeng heard such words, the whole person was plunged into thinking. After a long time, the generation of strongman Jia Nanfeng seemed to have made up his mind, and his eyes became brighter.

"Okay! Just be a real ordinary person! But I really don't know what this name is! Why don't you think of one for your sister!"

"Well, this is a good thing, but is it the name! You have to let the little brother think about it!" After feeling the emotional changes in Jananfeng, Jin Shangyu also quickly thought in his mind.

"Mother, I really didn't think about this, what is it called! Although people promised to be ordinary people, this name can't be too tacky!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu's eyes were also slow. Looking around.

After a long time, just as everyone was waiting for Jin to speak, a wisp of cold wind gently moved everyone's hair.

"Sister, I have it, so let's call it Zhen Jiufeng! Zhen and Jia are opposite each other, and Jiufeng is the lofty phoenix! I don't know what the sister is in!

"Zhen Jiufeng, Zhen Jiufeng, a good name! It has a deep meaning! That's it!"

"Okay, then, from now on you will be the sister Jiufeng I'm waiting for!"

"Sister Jiufeng! Not bad! That's it!" As he spoke, Jiananfeng smiled, very satisfied.

"Mother, no, I changed the name of Jia Nanfeng! It's really unpredictable! Jin Shangyu, you are too good! Pooh, what's the matter with you, it's starting to drift off." !" At a certain moment, when Jia Nanfeng accepted the new name of Zhen Jiufeng, Jin was also secretly happy in his heart.

After all, this Jia Nanfeng has a strong history in history, and such a big figure has become a sibling with a traveler. This is the reason for Jin to be happy.


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