I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 951: Farm night!

Outside the Royal Farm, a fierce battle slowly came to an end under the interference of Jin Shangyu. However, since then, the two sides will truly regard each other as rivals. Jin Shangyu and others are also clear about this.

"My lord, fortunately you are here, otherwise this fierce battle will be inevitable!"

"Flying Tiger, in fact, I know you like fighting! However, if you can think like this now, it means you are mature! Good thing! Come on, no matter what, our brothers have not had a drink for a long time. Why not do it today!" While talking, Jin Shangyu, Feng Luoyun, and Murong Feihu also led their cavalry slowly toward the depths of the farm.

Some seemingly inevitable battles disappear invisible in this way.

"Boss, you, your current aura is really not comparable to ordinary people! Even Smalun was frightened!"

"The brat even mentioned this! Lao Tzu has said it many times. He is not giving Lao Tzu face, maybe he is not ready! After all, even if you win a battle with us, even if you win, the benefits will only take a share. Just the ground!"

"Well, what the lord said is still reasonable, but as Luo Yun said, what is the name of the lord, I am still more or less afraid of the master's skill!"

"Good, good! Even if I can turn the tide! Isn't it OK! Drink!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also drank the wine in his hand.

Of course, those two weren't fuel-efficient lamps, and they had already finished three bowls of spirits before too much.

"Luo Yun, don't say anything else, you are quite experienced in handling these few times! Thank you, brother!"

"No, we don't bring this. The younger brother is just doing his own duty! If the boss says that, it won't be a bad job in the future!"

"Good, good! They are all good brothers, I am not hypocritical! However, how is the arrangement of Feihu for the North matter!" After drinking and cooking, Jin also proposed a very realistic one. The problem.

After all, because of the previous confrontation with Zhao Wang Simalun, there was no time to understand the situation in the north.

Facing Jin Shangyu’s questioning, Na Murong Feihu also calmed his mind a little, and then whispered, "My lord, the situation in the north is actually quite stable now. First, because of your presence, Murong Xianbei and Duanbu have basically reached an agreement. Alliance agreement! Even the Yuwenbu never agree! Come on, I heard that Jie people are more active now, but the area is close to the direction of the Great Jin Dynasty, not in the north!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Well, now do they know about the center of the court!"

"I should know soon! Because the final general has already sent a quick horse to spread the letter, I believe it will arrive in these two days!"

"Okay, yes! If this young man guessed right, it should be a winter of troubled times!" At a certain moment, after listening to Murong Feihu's narration, Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself.

In this way, because the three brothers hadn't been drinking together for a long time, they were more enjoyable. Even afterwards, Na Murong Feihu was a little drunk.

"Well, let's drink it here today! Wei Yu, go and check the defense again! We can't be careless! However, Simalun should not come again!"

"Yes! I will do it at the end! Please rest assured, adults!"

"Two, what do you want, if you still want to drink, I will definitely accompany your brother. If you think sleeping is a good choice, then go away!"

"No, you can't go!"

"It's better next time!" Just when Luo Yun wanted to drink again, Murong Feihu next to him slowly stood up and said what he was saying.

Speaking of which, although this Murong Feihu is a Xianbei, he is still more careful. When is it now, when he has just retired from the enemy, even if there is a strongman Jin Shangyu here, he still has to keep his duty.


"Good, good! It seems that Feihu is quite awake, I thought I drank you too much just now! It's okay, go back to sleep! I'll be on duty tonight!"

"My lord, how can this be done! You are the lord, how can you do this!"

"What's wrong! Who calls Lao Tzu drink too much!"

"Right, right, right, let him be on duty! I dare to see him in the future and dare to claim to be able to drink!" At a certain moment, when Jin volunteered to be on duty in the dark night, Luo Yun was also on the sidelines. .

In this way, when it was not too much time, some people naturally helped General Feng to rest in the room, while Na Murong Feihu left the Chinese army's account by himself.

"Mother, I said that I can't drink too much, but I still drink too much now! It made me have to work the night shift! Forget it, just adjust your breath here!" While muttering, Jin Shangyu was also sitting slowly alone in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army.

However, at this moment, I don't know where a woman came from. Lianbu moved slightly, and she also said Yingying, "Master, drink some hangover soup! This, this is what I made by myself!"

"Well, it turned out to be my sister! This, this is not good! How can the little brother labor sister to go to the kitchen!"

"Shang Yu's words are wrong. My sister has already said that since he is alive, it is a brand new Jananfeng! The previous Jananfeng has already died in Jinyong City!"

"Good, good! Little brother understands what my sister means! Come on, sit down! Yes, it tastes good!"

"Okay, you just drink more. Drinking too much wine is really not a good thing! When you are sitting here, sister, I will start making soup!"

"Then, the little brother should thank my sister!" At a certain moment, Jin was a bit uncomfortable when he saw that Queen Jananfeng, who had been aloft and covered the sky with one hand, had such a big reversal.

But conversely, after a little thought, you can understand the truth.

"My sister can have such a state of mind, Shang Yu is really happy for my sister!"

"Really! In fact, without you, my sister would not have made such a change, let alone have the courage to live!"

"You girl, what are you talking about! Why I am getting more and more confused! Forget it, let's change the topic!" Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself after feeling the change in Jananfeng's mood .

"Why, there is something on my mind, why don't you speak!"

"No, no, really not! Well, actually, the Lvzhu girl is really in Jin's mansion, she has escaped!"

"It seems that this girl has a good life! But the people in Fengyun Palace have no such good luck!"

"Yes! According to reports, just a few days ago, they had already cut the grass and roots of Fengyun Palace!" At the end, Jin Shangyu's voice also became deeper and deeper.

After all, the former master of Fengyun Palace knew that her own person left the world in this way, and her heart was also miserable.

In this way, Jin Shangyu stayed up all night because he had to watch the dark night. Of course, with his physical quality, let alone one night, there would be no problem even for three nights and four nights.

But then again, the reason why this night is sad is because there is a big beautiful woman sitting beside her. More importantly, how arrogant this person used to be, but now he is willing to sit here all night!


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