I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 921: You accept your fate!

The morning is not early, and the south wind is not...

The real dragon hall is still the real dragon hall, but at this time Jananfeng is no longer the same as before.

However, just when the officials were silent, and everyone thought that Jiananfeng was dead, then Li Zhao stood up.

"Long live, I am afraid that what the prince said is unreasonable! First, Jian Nanfeng has not finished speaking, and her right to speak is given by the prince! This second point is even more important. I don’t know if the prince wants it so soon. What is the purpose of dealing with Jananfeng!"

"You, Li Zhao, don't think that the king dare not touch you!"

"Long live master, is it wrong to tell the truth! Please long live master!" At a certain moment, when Zhao Wang Simalun was threatening, Li Zhao didn't care about anything else, he just took a step forward. Said loudly.

Facing such a situation, Emperor Sima Zhong was actually a bit difficult to deal with. Speaking of which, what Li Zhao said really makes sense. But then again, the current situation is no longer on Li Zhao's side. After all, the person Emperor Sima Zhong had to rely on was the Zhao King Sima Lun.

Maybe it was because I was afraid that things would get worse, maybe it was thinking of something, I saw Emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat smiled slightly and said: "The two Aiqings should not make a noise about this little thing! Let's talk about Jia Nanfeng. !"

"Yes, Xiao Wang knows! Xiao Wang would like to listen to the arrangements of Long Live Master!"

"Li Zhao, the minister, is all arranged by Long Live Lord!"

"Okay! Since you all said that! Not to mention, although I don't want to deal with her, you have committed an unforgivable crime! Today I will open the Internet and remove all your rights. The Jia family members have been in claustrophobia for three years. As for you, let’s live in Jinyong City!"

"You, you really decided like this!"

"Why, you are still not convinced! Still say you have something to say! I know that you are very strong, but women are women after all. I hope you will not be a strong woman in the next life!"

"Sima Zhong, you, you even let my family go! You are too vicious to do this!"

"Vicious, I am afraid that if we change positions, your methods will be hundreds of times more severe!" At the end, Emperor Sima Zhong was also a little excited!

This time, the ministers including Li Zhao didn't say anything, because Sima Zhong's golden mouth had already been opened. If anyone said anything, it would be against the decree!

For a while, the entire True Dragon Hall looked lifeless, and Janan Feng, who had just crawled out of the cage, said nothing.

Maybe in her heart, she already knew the result.

"Well, Jananfeng, you just accept your fate!" At a certain moment, when the Emperor Sima Zhong slowly got up, everyone knew that today's early dynasty was finally over.

"Manny, you, you better get up!"

"Li Zhao, this palace has been the ruling and opposition party for several years, but you are the only one to stand up and speak! And you are not the confidant of this palace! Forget it, as he said, let's accept your fate!"

"Niang, there are some things, forget it, don't say it!"

"Don't tell me, you said it! Li Zhao, now she is no longer the lord of the palace, but you are still regarded as a mother, is she looking for death!"

"Why, do you want to do it now! Isn't it anxious?"

"You, wait for it! This king will let you know what a multi-tongue must be cut! Come on, put the criminal woman Jia in a cage and send it to Jinyong City! I believe this king will not say, you too Know how to teach her!"

"The final commander!" As he spoke, a general and several sergeants squeezed Janan Feng into the iron cage again.

auzw.com Seeing the disheveled clothes, the unkempt Jananfeng was humiliated by these sergeants' rough hands and feet. Li Zhao's face was also extremely ugly, but he knew that it was already too late to say anything.

"Li Zhao, why don't you leave? Do you still have to look at your master a few more times!"

"Simalun, what do you mean! Is it possible that you, the great lord, also care about the speed and slowness of the walk away! It is really incomprehensible!"

"Oh, this king will take care of it today! You don't want to go! Are you going to ask you to go!"

"you dare!"

"Why doesn't this king dare!" As he spoke, Sima Lun, the king of Zhao, was already going to push Li Zhao when he moved.

However, at this moment, Janan Feng, who was already in the cage, spoke.

"Simalun! Isn't the face given to you by this palace enough today! Do you have to hurt both sides! Li Zhao had a relationship between master and servant before this palace, but now he is no longer mine? !you do not know!"

"This, this, forget it, Li Zhao, you still don't leave!"

"Go, I, Li Zhao, of course have to go! Empress take care!" I wanted to say something, but seeing Jananfeng curled up in the cage, Li Zhao finally turned and left, and never looked back.

"Hahaha, now you know how powerful this king is! I want to fight against this king! You Li Zhao is not an opponent yet! Jananfeng, you are very witty and a character! However, you have fallen into the hands of this king, just accept your fate! "

"Don't worry, you will know the result!"

"Really! The king will let you wait for the result in Jinyong City!" At a certain moment, just after Li Zhao left, Simalun, the King of Zhao, also confronted Janan Feng.

Of course, the current Jananfeng can only say a few hard words, after all, the feeling of being in a cage, no one will feel comfortable.

Here, how Zhao Wang Simalun sent someone to **** Jia Nanfeng to Jinyong City, let alone mention that at this time Li Zhao was already extremely angry because he had witnessed the humiliation of Jia Nanfeng. After all, Jananfeng had once saved his life.

It was said that it was the early dynasty, but when Li Zhao walked out of the palace gate, it was already ten minutes after noon!

"Really, it took such a long time! Jin Shangyu, this time, you have something to do!" Li Zhao muttered to himself as he walked towards his house.

However, just as he opened the door of his own home, a familiar figure also stood in front of him.

"Jin Shangyu, it turned out to be you! That's right, how could it not be you! I should be in a hurry!"

"Anxious, of course I'm anxious, but you should know the result by looking at your face! Let's talk, what are they doing to Jananfeng now!"

"What can you do! It's the old way, imprisoned in Jin Yong City! To put it bluntly, it's just waiting to die!"

"Waiting to die! What do you say about this!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu learned of something about Jananfeng, his expression also changed drastically.

And Li Zhao knew that Jin Shangyu would react like this, so he was not too surprised.

In this way, the two of them talked and headed to the small living room of Li Mansion.

"It's really irritating that they treat her like this! Simalun, you must die! I won't let you go!"

"Shang Yu, don't mess around! The reason why they imprisoned Jananfeng in Jinyong City, their purpose is to attract people from the alliance!"

"Don't worry, I know the severity! But this time, Simalun has offended Laozi! Just wait!" At a certain moment, in Li Zhao's small living room, Jin's body was exuding Strong meaning of killing.

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