I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 918: You are still far away!

In the imperial capital city, the dark night is still like an illusion, but in front of the forbidden army camp is staged a scene of martial arts.

Of course, after the deputy commander of the Forbidden Army Husband used a trick to overthrow the three generals in the Zhao Palace, he did not continue to take action, just stood there slowly.

It wasn't until the three of them had disappeared into the dark night that Chaifeng laughed and said, "Boss, do you have to invite the younger brother personally! Come out! Brothers, don't be like this! Besides, you have to watch the show, younger brother. I'll do you a favor too! It's not that the acting is bad, right?"

"Boy, my perception has improved a lot! Don't worry, just hit it! Let's go! Let's go in and talk!"

"What, your lord is here! How can this be!"

"Okay, brothers have worked hard! Let's talk about it later! Now if you have something to do, let's go!" As he walked to the Forbidden Army camp with Husband, Jin was chatting with the Forbidden Army guards.

After all, these people are not others, they are their own little brothers!

Here is how the guards of the imperial army are filled with emotion, not to mention for the time being, just say that the chasing wind and Jin Shangyu at this time came to Lingyun's big account not too long.

"Brother, you are here!"

"Can you not come! There will be war in the middle of the night! I won't come again, but something big will happen!"

"Chasing the wind, you, you hit them!"

"Ling Yun, they can't fight without fighting! Besides, the boss is just squatting in the dark, don't you just want to watch the show! If we didn't perform well, it's not easy to confess!"

"Smelly boy! Nonsense! But the fight was right! After all, they can't be allowed to succeed now! As for the matter of them coming to transfer troops! What do you two think!" At a certain moment, it was in Lingyun's camp. In, Jin Shangyu also brought up the most critical issue tonight.

Faced with this topic, Ling Yun also said softly: "Brother, this matter is actually a tricky thing! This Simalun has always wanted to take the Forbidden Army as his own! Although for this matter, the younger brother has long been involved The True Dragon Palace has reported! But I don’t know what’s going on, but the man said to let the little brother obey the overall situation! I really don’t know what kind of relationship they are!"

"It turned out to be like this! No wonder you don't want to chase the wind and conflict with them!"

"Yes! Now the three of them will definitely give a lot of feedback when they go back! And Simalun will attack us early in the morning!"

"Really! It's so serious! If the one in the True Dragon Palace ousted you from the early dynasty, I am afraid you will lose a lot! No! We must study a good way to come!" After Jin Shangyu learned about some new situations, he was also thinking about it quickly.

After all, the immediate matter is not a trivial matter!

"Boss, if that's the case, then let's start first!"

"Start, how do you start! His Simalun is now in his hands! Don't forget, there is also Jia Mi! Even Shi Chong! Of course, Fengyun Palace will not sit still!"

"Fengyun Palace, by the way, brother, last time, didn't you say that Fengyun Palace also supports Simalun! Why is this! Why is it that the younger brother is getting more and more incomprehensible now!" , Ling Yun was also a little excited.

After all, these days, Ling Yun really used a lot of eyeliner, wanting to understand the most real information as much as possible. But the result is now confused.


Faced with Ling Yun’s attention, Jin Shangyu was also stunned, and then whispered: “Ling Yun, no matter how other forces change! We only need to remember one thing and keep our strength! Only in this way can we be invincible! As for Simalun! Lao Tzu feels that he may not fight you at this moment!"

"I hope so! However, even if he displaces his little brother from the position of commander, our power is still there!"

"Well, you two have such confidence! Let's not be afraid of failure! Let them move first! At the critical moment, I will take action!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a strong sense of confidence. force!

In this way, in the camp of the Forbidden Army, Jin Shangyu also talked about recent events, including Liu Kun's rebellion, and even the differences between Jia Mi and Simalun.

"Brother, if you don't come, we really won't be able to learn so much information! Okay! If that's the case! Our brothers will keep it here! As long as the big brother says something,'Jin Jun' will be a blockbuster!"

"Good brother! I won't say much! Let's go!"

"Leave so soon! How long has this been, shouldn't we compare it again!"

"Smelly boy, I still have the mood to think about this! However, Lao Tzu tells you the fact that your ability has improved, but it is far worse than Lao Tzu!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu didn't care how he understood the wind. This sentence is just a movement of his body and disappearing into the dark night.

"This, what's the situation! What does it mean by far! Ling Yun, you have also seen that his posture is very fast, but our brothers can also do it!"

"Well, Chasing the wind, you and I have made great progress! But I expect that the progress of the big brother is even greater than that of ours! This, I guess I don't say it, you also know it!"

"No! God is too unfair! He is so powerful, how can he help him!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu's figure disappeared into the dark night, Ling Yun and Zhuifeng were also whispering Talking.

In this way, because of the incident, Jin Shangyu did not go anywhere else, and went straight back to the Jin Mansion.

Of course, even though it was already very late at night, the old man Wen Shuo still did not sleep, and he paced slowly in the small living room!

"Well, why, I came back so early this time! Isn't the situation changing much!"

"The changes are still great! However, it is better not to go to some places because of some things!"

"You mean Fengyun Palace! Yes! She stated her position last time! Since she even believed in this Smalun, what can we do! However, what happened before the Forbidden Barracks tonight is still funny Yes!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu came to the small living room of Jin Mansion, the old man Wen Shuo also said thoughtfully.

Of course, in the next time, Jin Shangyu still talked about the current situation, including the situation of the imperial army, and the two of them also slowly left the living room to sleep separately.

There was nothing to say all night. When the morning sun rose again the next morning, Jin Shangyu had already been sitting at his own small dinner table.

"Hey, today's breakfast is really rich, even this cheese came up! Oh, I don't know how those girls are doing now!"

"Why, miss them! Not to mention you, even the old man! Not to mention the son you!"

"Old Wen was joking! In fact, in fact, Shang Yu is most sorry for everyone here!" At the end, Jin also expressed a touch of gratitude.

Of course, the reason why Jin Shangyu would say this is that the people in the Jin Mansion present here are all clear-minded.

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