I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 915: Jia Mi's attitude!

In the imperial capital city, in the true dragon hall, after the emperor Sima Zhong learned the result of the battle, he glanced at the officials in the hall from time to time.

"Well, Aiqing, you have also heard that the results have come out, maybe everyone tried their best, but Liu Kun still escaped! What should I do next! Please talk about it!"

"Long live Lord, Xiao Wang thinks that a general order should be issued so that all the troops across the country should encircle him! Of course, this is just a general order! After all, we still have other things to do! I believe this battle should also be a loss for Liu Kun. heavy!"

"This, this!"

"Long live the Lord! If Liu Kun's rebellion is not suppressed in time, it will definitely leave a bad impression on others! So the minister thinks he should send heavy troops to pursue it!"

"This, this, you two can't help each other! This tells me how to make a decision! Let's do it, today's morning is here! Let's discuss the battle ahead! I'm tired!" While speaking, the emperor Sima Zhong didn't know where the courage came from, so he turned around and left.

"Look at what, Master Jia, do you really want to wipe out the imperial court's soldiers and horses!"

"My lord, why can't you see it! Letting Liu Kun go away will be a serious problem for the court!"

"Big trouble! How big the waves can be made by little Liu Kun! Forget it, let's go back!" As he spoke, Zhao Wang Simalun also laughed, and he had already walked outside the hall.

Of course, seeing Wang Zhao leaving like this, Jia Mi had no meaning to stay.

Suddenly, just as these two left, the other courtiers were slowly dispersed.

In this way, it didn't take half an hour, and the ministers who had been up to the front had already dispersed.

Of course, at this moment, the atmosphere in two places seemed tense. One is Jia Mi's mansion, and the other is of course Zhao Wang's mansion.

"Lord, although Liu Kun has suffered a relatively large loss, the elite is still there! If we continue to pursue, even if we defeat him, the loss will not be too small!"

"Well, you two did a good job! It was right to withdraw! Now these two cavalry, you must train well! This king has its own magical effect!"

"At the end, he will definitely train a king's teacher for the prince!"

"Although the last general has been attached to the prince for a short time, please see the performance of the prince!"

"Good, good! You are all the king's right-hand man! Go down, the king will deliver the money, food and supplies!" At the end, Zhao Wang Simalun also showed a strange smile.

Here, King Zhao is very satisfied with his subordinates, but at this time Jia's House is in a very embarrassing situation.

"You said, this, what the **** is going on! There is no whistleblowing, and no other omissions, why would Liu Kun change the direction of the march!"

"My lord, the final admiral really doesn't know what's going on! However, let the general say that the biggest responsibility is for King Zhao's army not to listen to our dispatch!"

"Forget it, he, how could Simalun try his best! I'm afraid his goal this time is to gather some sergeants! His goal has been achieved, so how can he really use his troops against Liu Kun!" muttered to himself At the same time, that Jia Mi slowly stood up from his seat.

Facing the sad Jia Mi, the commander general who had just returned to report was also a little embarrassed, and he didn't even know where to put his hands!

However, just at this moment, there was a voice of an inferior coming from outside the living room.

"My lord, Jin Shangyu is asking to see you outside the house!"


"Jin Shangyu, what is he doing here! No see! Just say that the deity is unwell! Forget it, let him in!"

"My lord, I heard that Jin Shangyu is very cunning!"

"It's very cunning! Maybe even more cunning than we thought! Go! This deity doesn't want you to be met by him!"

"Yes!" As he spoke, the general had already retreated slowly.

However, just when Jia Mi was sitting firmly on the seat in the middle of the hall, a familiar figure also slowly walked in.

"Well, it turns out that Big Brother Jia is here! Little brother thought he hadn't come back yet!"

"Oh, Jin Shangyu, it seems that you arrived at the right time! That's right, the officer just returned from the True Dragon Palace!"

"Good, good! It seems that Master Jia doesn't want to recognize me as a little brother! Don't worry, let the adults talk better!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu felt the other party's displeasure, his speech also changed a little.

Maybe it was because Jin Shangyu was a little angry, maybe it was thinking of something. In short, just before Jin Shangyu's voice was over, Jia Mi also changed the indifferent words before. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, you brother, The officer still recognizes it! However, I just don't know, my brother wants to know something!"

"Smart and straightforward! In fact, Shang Yu only wants to know Master Jia's attitude!"

"The attitude of the official! As a heavy court official, of course he has fought the rebels to the end!"

"That's not right! According to Master Jia's style, you shouldn't do this! After all, if the adults fight in the front, there will be big problems in the back!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile.

For a time, although the two people did not quarrel, the invisible confrontation made the entire living room more and more embarrassing.

"Jin Shangyu, then, the officer still wants to ask you! People can't hide, but you voluntarily ran to the south of the city! What does this mean!"

"Oh, Master Jia really knows how to do things! But, someone Jin is someone who dares to be a dare! Lao Tzu went to the south of the city, but that's Lao Tzu's duty! Besides, if you can make some profit there, how happy No! It's just that Simalun didn't give face, he just beat or killed him, forget it, don't mention it!"

"Hahaha, it turns out that your kid wants to make war fortune! Forget it, since you are here, if someone Jia doesn't make a statement, your kid won't agree!"

"Master Jia is serious! How dare Xiao Ke do this! Whatever you want!" At a certain moment, when Jia Mi yin and yang said something indistinguishable, Jin Shangyu also responded.

In this way, in the following time, the two also talked and laughed. Although there was a feeling of disharmony between their faces and hearts, both sides expressed their attitudes.

"That, Shang Yu! Inside the South City Gate, the officer saved you once, didn't you even have a word of thanks! This, this is not your style!"

"Master Jia is joking! In fact, the adults know that even if Simalun is true, his loss will be not small! What's more, such a thing does not conform to the adult's wishes!"

"Good, good! I can't say you, just do it! However, the official's attitude remains the same, that is, to safeguard the interests of the court!"

"Good good! It seems that today's conversation should be over too!"

"Then, that officer won't stay too much!" While speaking, Jia Mi smiled again and said slowly.

In this way, because the two sides could not reach any agreement, Jin also laughed along with him, and then turned and left.

Of course, watching Jin Shangyu's departure, Jia Mi also showed a gloomy smile!

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