I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 904: Jin Mansion hosted a banquet!

Inside the palace, in the hall of the true dragon, Jin Shangyu is as close to his source as possible! After all, his purpose this time around was to understand the situation, and even to know some more real inside stories.

However, facing the report of Jin Shangyu’s situation, Emperor Sima Zhong also smiled and said: "Oh, I went to such a far place in such a short time! Well, well! I believe you will handle things in the north. They will also be very stable, after all, winter is coming soon!"

"Yes! Long live Lord said that! The ministers felt the urgency of storing things over the winter from them!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu found out that Sima Zhong was not very interested in northern affairs, he was also casual. Said some small things.

In this way, the monarch and the minister went up and down, asked and answered, and when they didn't have too many, they had already said that the North was not too different.

"Well, now that everything in the north is done! Then, Shang Yu will talk about the affairs in the court!"

"The minister dare not! The minister has just returned, and he really dare not make a conclusion about the affairs of the court!"

"Oh, when did our little book boy know that Mingzhe saved himself!" After a few laughs, the emperor Sima Zhong said thoughtfully.

Faced with such a Sima Zhong, Jin Shangyu was actually not scared, but didn't want to say anything more. After all, he Jin Shangyu is really not clear about the current situation!

"Good! Since you don't know! Then I will tell you a little bit!"

"Thank you, Long live, for your suggestion! The young minister listens very carefully!"

"Look, it's still like that, Wen Zou Zou's! Actually, there is nothing. It's going to be winter. The widow also misses those who live outside, so let King Zhao return to the court first!"

"This, this is a good thing! This is even more of the majesty of Long Live Master!"

"Buddy, you can talk like this! Well, let's just say it! What do you think of this Simalun!" During the speech, the emperor Sima Zhong also put one of the most acute questions on Jin.

Faced with such a problem, Jin Shangyu's heart was also thinking quickly. After all, if this question is not answered well, it is very likely that you will put yourself at a disadvantage.

"Why don't you speak? Are there many thoughts in my heart! For example, why are I so serious today!"

"No, no, Long live Lord's words are serious! The minister just doesn't know King Zhao! That's why he didn't rush to speak!"

"Yeah! You are a little book boy, and you were a housekeeper before. How could you know King Zhao! However, since he is here, he has to let him take care of some things! Otherwise, people are not willing to come! At this point, don't you say it!"

"Yes, yes! Who dares to object to Lord Long live!"

"Shang Yu! What you said was dishonest! But, it's okay! So be it! If there is nothing wrong with you, you can leave!" At the end, Emperor Sima Zhong also made a move to get up.

"Mother, what's the situation! Is this guy completely abandoning Laozi! Or is he getting some important help!" After feeling the emotional change of Emperor Sima Zhong, Jin also murmured in his heart Uttered.

However, no matter what, the order to see off the guests has already been issued, even if someone Jin wants to say something, it is already too late!

"Chen Jin Shangyu retires! Long live our emperor!"

"Okay, go! I hope you can have a good time!"

"Lord Xie Wansui mention something!" While polite, Jin Shangyu slowly withdrew from the True Dragon Hall.


"Sima Zhong! It seems that you are right! Maybe this time is the beginning of the chaos!" Just after leaving the True Dragon Palace, Jin Shangyu thought of something in his heart.

In fact, it is no wonder that Jin Shangyu had such considerations. After all, the former Sima Zhong and the current Sima Zhong were like two people.

The only explanation for this change is that people have their own goals!

Nothing happened in the day, Jin Shangyu also slept steadily in Jin's mansion alone. And that old man Wenshuo was busy in the small kitchen.

"Um, you guys, do it hard! Now the son is back! We can't let him see our loneliness!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Wen! The few of us entered Jin's Mansion a long time ago! We won't be distracted!"

"Okay! I believe you! Bring up the food! I will go and call the son down now!" At a certain moment, in the small living room of Jin's mansion, the old man Wen Shuo also attached great importance to this dinner.

"Shang Yu! Eat some!"

"Oh, old man! Sorry, I slept for such a long time! It seems to be a little tired! Forget it, it's time to get up! Tell them, eat together! There are not many people in all!"

"Okay! I'm going down first!" Seeing Jin Shangyu said this, the old man Wen Shuo did not object, and he turned and went down the small building.

"Oh, it seems that the chaos has already formed! Although I sent the two girls away, the people here are still more dangerous! This, how should this be good!" Looking at Wen Shuo leaving behind, Jin Shangyu It was also muttering in his heart.

In this way, because everyone ate dinner at the same table, it also seemed very lively.

"Well, thank you everyone! Actually, sometimes Shang Yu still didn't do well enough! To be honest, it is very dangerous for you to be here now! But even if you let you go, you don't have to go!"

"Shang Yu, let's eat, don't mention these things!"

"Old Wen, you don't have to say! There are some things that Shang Yu will say sooner or later! It's just that the time has not come! Now the situation has reached the point of life and death, but everyone can have such a state of mind, it is also my Jin. Your blessing! Thank you!" At the end, Jin Shangyu was really speechless.

Although none of the people present had a big reaction, everyone knew in their hearts, especially the old man Wenshuo, how could he not know the situation of Jin House.

Of course, at the dinner, Jin Shangyu also told Wen Shuo about Wen Luoyu. For a while, the old man was also happy from ear to ear, and even recalled in front of everyone how he held Wen Luoyu and played in the streets of the Imperial Capital.

In this way, after eating a dinner with the people in the mansion, Jin Shangyu tidied up his figure and left the mansion with almost nothing.

"I hope there will be improvement this time!" Seeing Jin Shangyu disappearing into the night, the old man Wen Shuo was also muttering to himself in the courtyard.

Wen Shuo was full of emotion here, and Jin Shangyu at this time had already started his night tour.

While his figure was shaking, Jin Shangyu had already drifted across several dim streets.

"Let's go and see her first! If she can listen to Lao Tzu's words, maybe there will be a turning point! Otherwise, it's really a world apart!" In his heart, Jin Shangyu's figure also floated towards the palace.

This time, because the goal was clear, Jin's speed was also extremely fast, flying like a breeze in the dark night.

At a certain moment, when the imperial palace wall became the thing behind him, Jin Shangyu's figure had already rushed towards Fengyun Palace, and what happened next, I am afraid even Jin could not guess!

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