I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 901: Wen Luoyu

I met my deceased in front of Xuri Village, and the conversation in the thatched house was chaotic...

"Hey, don't think so much, let's go into the village! It seems that this kid has built this village well! Hey, when will there be a camp at the back of the village! What's the situation!" Jin Shangyu was surprised by his own perception.

Because at this moment, through this small village, Jin Shangyu also saw a piece of camps listed here.

"That, the comer stops!"

"Stop! Why! Isn't this village still allowed to enter!"

"It's not that entry is denied, there are rules! Please show your name!"

"Good good! My son's name is Jin Shangyu!"

"Jin Shangyu, no, you turned out to be Jin, Lord Jin! Impossible! Say, hurry up, who sent you here!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was stopped by two people at the entrance of the village, he declared his home. It also caused the other side to panic.

"Mother, no! Isn't the people here the ones I rescued back then! Or is there another strongman here!" After feeling some small changes in the situation, Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself. .

Speaking of, at this moment, with the loud shouts of those two people, without knowing where they came from, a dozen people rushed out in an instant, and all of them were fully armed. Simply by looking at them, you would know that they are not general. generation!

"Say! Come on! Who sent you here!"

"Well, aren't you here in the Rising Sun Village! Could it be that this place has become a gathering place for bandits!"

"Nonsense! Of course we are in Xuri Village! But you want to cheat under the name of Lord Jin! That's too naive for you!"

"Oh, that's the case! Then, who is your adult here! Is it called Liu Ling!"

"Who are you, why do you know the name of my adult!" At a certain moment, before Jin Shangyu's words were over, those who were blocking the way were also stunned on the spot.

However, just as the two sides confronted each other, two war horses ran out from the middle of the village!

"What's the noise! ​​Say it quickly!"

"Master Liu, this person actually said that he is Master Jin Shangyu!"

"Oh, wait for someone Liu to come over and take a look! Your lord, it turned out to be an adult!" While talking, when Liu Ling and Jin looked at each other, he also leapt down from the horse.

Not only that, the whole person fell to his knees in an instant.

"My lord, don't blame them! They don't know the real adult!"

"Well, Liu Ling, this son still knows you! Get up! That, this is, no, you are Wen Luoyu!"

"Benevolence, please accept Luo Yu!"

"It's really you! This, what's the situation!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also reached out and helped Liu Ling and Wen Luoyu up.

Looking up, Wen Luoyu at this time has already grown into a heroic look. Not only is he vigorous, but he is also a handsome guy!

"Gongong! You, why did you come here!"

"This, this! It's a long story, in fact, forget it, let's talk slowly! Don't let this son enter the village yet!"

auzw.com "The villain dare not!" While speaking, Liu Ling also took the initiative to lead Jin Shangyu.

"Actually, I'm from Murong Xianbei!"

"En Gong, you, you went to the Murong Department, then you must also go to the Duan Department!"

"Luoyu, I'll just call my elder brother from now on! No need to be like that! By the way, you should follow my eldest brother now!"

"Okay, it's called Big Brother! Big Brother, in fact, it's not like following them! It's just that he is your eldest brother, so the younger brother stayed there temporarily!" At the end, Wen Luoyu also showed a smile.

Faced with such a text Luoyu, how could Jin Shangyu not understand it.

"You bastard, it turns out that this kid has already spotted Lao Tzu! Well, let Lao Tzu cooperate with the descendants of General Wen Lao! After all, the famous generals of the three countries should not be in vain after all!" After Wen Luoyu's mood changed, Jin Shangyu was also relieved.

In this way, after not too much, Jin Shangyu also came to a not too big mud house under the guidance of Wen Luoyu and Liu Ling.

"My lord, this is where the villain lives! If it weren't for the adult's action, I'm afraid the whole village would have to see King Yama!"

"Okay, Liu Ling, don't mention this in the future! After all, everyone is doing well now! This is the most important thing! But where are the people of Rising Sun Village? Why haven't they seen anyone Yeah!"

"If you go back to the adults, they will all go to the military camp at the back to watch the fun!"

"Look at the excitement! What a good thing that can attract so many people!"

"Big brother, I actually did a small contest there. Everyone found it interesting, so I went to see it! As for the level, it is really average!" Seeing Jin Shangyu asked about this, Wen Luoyu also took the initiative to step forward. Said.

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu's arrival, the whole small village became lively, and many people also left the barracks training ground and came to Jin Shangyu's side.

After all, many of these people had seen Jin Shangyu! I also know what kind of person Jin Shangyu is!

Wen Luoyu and Liu Ling accompanied Jin Shangyu to tell their stories in a small room.

"Everyone, in fact, Luo Yu came out on his own! Of course, the prince agreed! He said he asked the younger brother to find the eldest brother! I didn't expect to meet here!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Okay! If so, so be it!"

"Big brother, because the prince gave the younger brother some silver before leaving, he has now grown to more than a thousand people! It should be regarded as a small cavalry team!"

"Okay, your mind, brother understands! Then, how did you and Liu Ling get together!" Feeling Wen Luoyu's loyalty, Jin Shangyu is also overjoyed!

However, after hearing Jin Shangyu's question, Liu Ling said cheerfully: "Actually, General Wen Luoyu rescued Xuri Village!"

"Luoyu, what's the situation! Tell me! There should be a story!"

"Big brother, it's really nothing. At that time, the younger brother walked from the north to the Central Plains, and did not follow the specific official road along the way, so he found this village when he was walking! However, at that time, the village was so rich that it was so rich. Attract the bandits from five hundred miles away!"

"Oh, there is such a thing, it seems that brother, you must have turned the tide and saved the villagers! Such a story is really touching!"

"Well, my brother joked! That day, the little brother fought the three bandits! Later, they all died because they were not good at learning skills! Of course, from their cottage, the little brother also collected more than a thousand people. This is the current sergeant in the village!" At the end, Wen Luoyu also slowly cast his gaze outside the hut.

"Mother, there is such a good thing! However, the little general Lao Tzu is really a talent, knows how to absorb power, but also know how to transform power!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu also got up and signaled a few people to go outside. Take a look.

After a while, the three of them arrived in front of the camp.

For a while, the sergeant who had been competing before, also put all his attention on Jin Shangyu.

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