I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 899: Northern Alliance (2)

The morning sun is slanting, and the autumn breeze is still there, but at this time the Murong Xianbei tribe ushered in a big event...

"You girl, it turns out that Tuobaye had long been thinking of establishing the Northern Alliance! However, listening to what he said, he has no absolute right to speak in the clan!" When he felt the excitement of Tuobaye Jin Shangyu also thought quickly in his heart.

For a while, because both Jin Shangyu and Tuoba Ye proposed the idea of ​​establishing the Northern Alliance, it surprised everyone.

Especially Na Murong Yuyan, who didn't know how to express his thoughts, just glanced at Jin Shangyu and Tuoba Ye from time to time.

Of course, at this moment, it is only Father Yu who can reflect his intentions.

"That, Shang Yu! And Master Tuoba! In fact, your idea is very good! There was no good time before, now with Shang Yu as a middleman, everything can be done!"

"What Old Yu said is! Xiao Ke will definitely pass Murong's opinions to the king!"

"Good, good! Actually, your prince had this idea before! It's just that Duanbu had a grudge with my Murong family at that time, so I didn't succeed! Now Duanbu has eased relations with us, as long as our three ethnic groups unite, I believe there will be no strong enemies in the north!" At the end, Yu Lao looked very excited.

Of course, seeing Yu Lao say this, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan didn't say much, they just listened quietly.

It was not until the end of their conversation that Jin Shangyu spoke again: "Lao Yu said that! Now is the best time, I hope you can go back and do this well, brother! As for the communication with Duanbu, I, Jin Shangyu, will do it!"

"Big brother, at this point, Tuoba Ye very much believes in my brother's ability! It's just, how should this Yuwen tribe do it!"

"Well, Yuwen is considered one of Da Xianbei! Old Yu, you can send someone to coordinate, if you are willing to make alliances, let them show their sincerity! If they don't! Let them face the chaos by themselves! "

"Okay! Don't worry! I'll deal with it in a while!" At one point, Yu Lao was also very excited when he saw Jin Shangyu hand over the task of United Yuwen Department to himself.

Of course, no one is hopeful about whether the talks can be concluded.

In fact, the most difficult thing to talk about here is the territorial issue. Just as Murong Feiyu said before, they have a territorial dispute with Yuwenbu!

"Old Yu, don't be too weak at that time! Unless they promise to return the land that they have occupied! Otherwise, everything is forbidden!"

"Yuyan, the old man knew about this a long time ago! I hope they can understand the current affairs and make some adjustments!" Feeling Murong Yuyan's strength, even though Tuobaye sat aside, his face was exposed. A strange smile.

In this way, although it was breakfast, everyone just ate a little symbolically, because the major event of the establishment of the Northern Alliance made them no desire to eat breakfast.

"Old Yu, Miss Murong! Brother, since we can talk about such an important thing today! Then, the little brother can't stay any longer!"

"Okay! Go on the road! I hope the Northern Bureau can change because of this!"

"I hope! Brother, see you again in the future!" At the end, Tuoba Ye also threw a polite remark, and rode away.

"Shang Yu! Do you think this can be done!"

auzw.com "Lao Yu, in fact, success or failure is no longer important! To put it bluntly, we are already in an alliance with Duanbu, so their Tuoba clan will definitely follow! For them, it is beneficial but not harmful!"

"It turns out that Grandpa Jin would have agreed long ago even if he was right!"

"Why, the beauty didn't think about it! I guess I don't want to think about it!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile.

Of course, when Jin Shangyu said this, Murong Yuyan smiled and said nothing.

In this way, because the analysis of the big situation is not too bad, Jin Shangyu also feels that he should return to the Central Plains.

"Well, beauty, since this matter has happened, my son wants to go back too! After all, the matter over there is the big deal!"

"So fast!"

"Yeah! Things here haven't stabilized yet! Why are you so anxious!"

"Old Yu, you don't know! The situation in the Central Plains is the most critical now! Forget it, there are some things, but I can't understand it! You just need to remember that you can't move, and save your strength!"

"Well, since Shang Yu, you are doing a big deal! Then, the little old man will not stay too much! However, should Yu Yan follow you to the Central Plains?" At the end, Yu Lao also used his eyes to scan Murong Yuyan who didn't say a word.

In fact, needless to say, Jin Shangyu also understands what the old man meant. After all, the old man's words are too meaningful.

"You girl, it turns out that this old man is still afraid of Murong Yuyan's loneliness! But, it's just an agreement between us! I believe this girl will explain it clearly!" At a certain moment, the old man Yu proposed one very much. When Jin was embarrassed by the question, his mind was also thinking randomly.

At this time, Jin Shangyu was not the only one who was most embarrassed. Murong Yuyan, who was on the other side of the Chinese Army Tent, had long turned blush, and even at the end, she did not dare to look at Jin Shangyu.

Faced with such a situation, Mr. Yu didn't feel too surprised. Perhaps in his eyes, the behavior of these two men couldn't be more normal.

"Look, this is what the old man said, you two are still embarrassed! What are you afraid of! Both of you are voluntary! It's okay, let's talk, the old man has something to do!" After feeling the embarrassment, the rain He always left behind a nonchalant sentence and left the Central Military Account alone.

Suddenly, the somewhat tense atmosphere suddenly became even more embarrassing. It seems that at this moment, everyone in the Chinese Army’s Great Account hopes that time can stop.

"Um, I said beautiful women! Let's just talk about it! Let's put the agreement between us first, you still have to stay here and manage the Murong Department properly! After all, it is hard to say what Murong Feiyu thinks !Am I right!"

"I know this!" I wanted to say something more, but when I raised my head, I met Jin Shangyu's eyes. That Murong Yuyan also hurriedly stopped the words, just nodded and responded.

"Mother, is it that embarrassing! Forget it, if that's the case, let's go out first! You can't keep looking at each other like this!" While feeling upset, Jin Shangyu also stood up.

"Jin, Jin Shangyu, after you return to the Central Plains, when will you come back next time!"

"This, this, it's hard to say! I'll talk about it later! I'll leave it to you here! If you have anything, just contact Murong Feihu of Royal Farm!"

"I, I know!" After a weak reply, Na Murong Yuyan also watched Jin Shangyu out of the army's big account.

"You girl, this is too much pressure, why look at this girl, it's a bit different from before!" Just after leaving the Chinese Army's big account, Jin Shangyu began to mutter in his heart.

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