I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 889: Murong Housework (1)

In the northern land, in the main business of Duanbu, Jin Shangyu was also surprised by the words of Zuo Xian Wang Duan Pixi. However, Jin was relieved after thinking about it. After all, his eldest brother can still think of it.

"My mother, what's the situation! It seems everyone can see it! But, what should I do! I can't leave her alone and go alone! Forget it, I'm magnanimous and afraid of it What's wrong!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu walked towards the pink camp, he was also thinking about something indiscriminately.

However, this time, Jin Shangyu did not expect that he hadn't spoken yet, and Murong Yuyan had already walked out of the pink camp!

"Why, I'm in a hurry! I still want to see this tent again, or I want to remember something!"

"You, forget it, I don't have the time to care about this with you! That, beauty, if there is nothing special, we will be on the road in a while!" In fact, facing Murong Yuyan's yin and yang strange things, Jin wants to say a few words Yes, but when he thought of what Duan Pixi had just said, he finally held back. Just raised the matter.

"Okay! You are the'king', you have the final say! But, do you take away the money or not!"

"This, of course I brought it! I plan to take Wei Yu and the others together! It's good to have a caregiver! After all, this northern land is still not peaceful!"

"Okay! This girl has no comments! Let's go, is it going to have breakfast!"

"No, I said, you, how come you look like a person today!"

"What are you talking about! Don't you have breakfast anymore!" Seeing Jin Shangyu's reaction so great, Murong Yuyan also smiled leisurely, and then went to the direction of the Chinese army's big account.

"No, why is it strong for a while, and then loses temper after a while! I really don't know how to deal with it! Forget it, if people don't say anything, let's not worry about it!" While muttering in my heart , Jin also slowly followed Murong Yuyan.

In this way, everyone had their breakfast and also came to the long line of food convoys.

"My lord, everything is ready, please show me if you want to go!"

"Well, you don't have to be so polite! All are good brothers, let's go!"

"The final commander!" Seeing Jin Shangyu said this, Wei Yu also directly commanded the convoy to slowly go to the layman Duanbuyingpan.

"Shang Yu, this time, I don't know when the next time it will be! I won't say anything else, take care! If you see that girl anytime, I will say everything is fine with this king!"

"Brother, rest assured, we will be well, and you must also protect yourself! Don't be arrogant! Especially pay attention to the movements of the Jie people, they are our mortal enemies!"

"Don't worry! This king knows all this! Girl Murong, this king will give it away soon, take care all the way!"

"Lord Xie!" Seeing Zuo Xian Wang Duan Pixi's emotions a bit, Murong Yuyan also smiled slightly.

"Let's go! Really let's go! You just passed on to Lao Tzu and don't care about it!"

"Sorry, some things are too urgent! Think about it yourself!"

"That, brother, I'm just kidding! I just don't want you to go! If you really want to go, take care!" Reaching out his hand and touching his head, Mozha also gave a silly smile.


In this way, because Duan Pixiong did not send someone to see him off, Jin Shangyu and others also disappeared in the northern mountains after a quarter of an hour.

In other words, this time, in addition to Jin and Murong, there are more than two hundred people in this team. They are all farm sergeants who specialize in transporting food!

Of course, among them, there are also forty or fifty people from the Murong Xianbei tribe.

"Wei Yu, tell my brothers to speed up! Get to the destination as soon as possible! Also, send out an outpost!"

"The final commander!"

"Okay, let's go! Miss Murong and I will be behind!" Seeing Jin Shangyu saying this, Wei Yu also moved quickly to the front of the team.

As for how Wei Yu arranges the manpower for the outpost, I won't mention it for the time being, just talk about Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan who are at the back of the team at this time.

I saw that these two were also riding a tall horse, closely following the food convoy.

"If you follow this speed, you should be able to reach your destination in three or five days!"

"Well, beauty, do you have something to say! Don't worry! Now it's back to your hometown. Your right to speak is very important!"

"Poor mouth! Actually, this girl wants to say, if you send so much supplies, money and food, are people happy or not happy! Especially my lobby brother, how would you do it!"

"Girl, you are referring to Murong Feiyu! He is indeed a problem! But what can I do! Is it true that I won't give them any benefit! Don't worry, the overall situation, I can still distinguish between Jin Shangyu! As for the overall situation! How they think of Lao Tzu, let them go!"

"You, you want to be hard! That's exactly what they want!"

"Then, what do you say, how should I do it!" At a certain moment, when Murong Yuyan brought up the internal contradictions, Jin Shangyu also appeared a little irritable.

"Mother, what's wrong with Lao Tzu? Why do you describe anger like that? This shouldn't be Lao Tzu's style! Could it be that I, Jin Shangyu, really want to be the king here! I really don't want any major changes in Murong Feiyu? !" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu slowly looked at the mountains and forests passing by on both sides from time to time.

In fact, in the face of such Jin Shangyu, Na Murong Yuyan did not rush to say anything. It was only when Jin Shangyu's mood calmed down a little bit that she said softly: "Master Jin, Lord Jin, it's not right, it should be the young master. My lord! This girl knows what you think! I also believe that everything you do is for Murong's good! But here is the problem! So this girl thinks that you should take the responsibility that you should bear!"

"Miss Murong meant to let me take Murong Feiyu's place! To be the real King Murong Xianbei!"

"Forget it! The truth that one mountain can't tolerate two masters, I believe Mr. Jin knows better than anyone else!"

"This, this! But, but I can't stay here forever! You know, everything about me is in Central Plains!"

"I'm afraid that your Lord Jin Shangyu is too hypocritical! To put it bluntly, you only need to make Murong Feiyu's responsibilities clear! If he doesn't want to be king, then he is your powerful assistant! If something new really emerges ! Then you can also change the manager!" At the end, Murong Yuyan also showed a touch of cruelty.

"Mother, what the **** is going on! Anyway, Murong Feiyu is their own person! Could it be that she really wants Laozi to control the Murong clan? But, after all, these are all of them. The family affairs of Murong's family!" Feeling the pressing of Murong Yuyan's step by step, Jin Shangyu is also thinking quickly deep in his heart.

The white clouds in the sky are still continuous, but Jin Shangyu at this time is in a different mood. After all, Murong Yuyan's words still touched Jin!

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