I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 886: The post-war situation (2)

Chapter VIII The Post-War Situation (2) Page 1/1

The bright moon in the north, the sky is the same color, after a somewhat weird battle, Jin Shangyu's team also slowly moved forward in the night.

Marching overnight, although everyone seemed a little tired, the joy of the winner still infected everyone.

"Not bad! I really didn't expect to walk all night, everyone's spirit is still OK!"

"Da Young Master Jin can really laugh! If you let them fight a defeat, do you think they will still have this kind of momentum!"

"That's what the beauty said! But whoever told them to follow is Lao Tzu!"

"Poverty, you are poor! This time, if it were not for their internal disputes, I am afraid we might not have been able to go so smoothly!" At the end, Murong Yuyan said with no anger.

Such an atmosphere also made Jin very puzzled.

"You girl, which muscle is not turning right! How to say it is like taking gunpowder! No, this girl can't think about something else!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu just said , Was pushed back by Murong Yuyan, and he was thinking quickly in his heart.

However, at this moment, Moza, who was always at the forefront of the team, came on horseback and shouted loudly: "Boss, it's been all night, shouldn't you stop and rest!"

"Okay, you can rest on the spot! Also, tell my brothers to cook more meat! Next, we have to march quickly!"

"You have to march in a hurry! Don't you say that they can't catch up at all!"

"They can't catch up, but we still have something urgent!" At the end of the talk, Jin Shangyu also jumped off the horse.

Suddenly, because Jin Shangyu agreed to rest on the spot, the team of nearly five thousand people also got off the horse in a small mountain.

Of course, because everyone is very tired, everyone started to make fire and cook for the first time. After all, this person is iron, and rice is steel, let alone a sergeant who has been fighting for a long time and walking overnight.

"Come on, beauty, sit down and rest! My son knows you are not tired!"

"Who said that this girl is not tired anymore! When it comes to you, you must be in a hurry! It made everyone suffer!"

"Thank you, I know you have something on your mind! Let's talk about it, there is no one else here!" At a certain moment, when the sergeants had their own division of labor, Mr. Jin also set up a temporary one among the pine trees. Although the small tent is not too big, it can give people a little rest.

"Jin Shangyu! What do you want this girl to say! After all, this is your team!"

"Our team! It seems that you girl has seen you again! If you guessed right, you big beauty should think this battle is a loss, right?"

"What are you talking nonsense!"

"Nonsense, I'm afraid it's in the heart of beautiful women! Actually, beautiful women are not anxious. After they go back, I will ask them for some supplies. No matter what, I can't go home empty-handed!" Jin Shangyu also took a bite of the word "go home"!

This time, Na Murong Yuyan was obviously embarrassed, and she felt ashamed.

"Why, I'm embarrassed! Actually, it's normal to point something! If you don't say it, Lao Tzu will also speak to them! After all, Lao Tzu is still the young master of Murong clan in name!" At a certain moment, I saw that Murong Yuyan said nothing. He just lowered his head, and Mr. Jin also followed up and said another sentence.

In this way, because of Jin's promise, Murong Yuyan had no words to respond. Of course, Jin Shangyu is also a person who knows current affairs. How could it be so embarrassing to look at beautiful women, so when he didn't have too much time, he left the tent for himself.

auzw.com "You bastard, I've seen it through! However, it is right for others to have such an idea! After all, this winter is coming, and how to say supplies is also the most important thing. Dong!" Just after leaving the simple camp, Jin Shangyu muttered to himself.

In this way, when it is not too much, the smell of rice is floating from the unknown mountains. Of course, because they are hungry, some sergeants have already started to eat field meals.

"Boss, come here soon, ours is fine too! Would you like a drink!"

"Forget it! Lao Tzu has already given the order to die, how could he violate it! Let's have a good meal!"

"Yes, yes, it's what you said, Mr. Jin! Why, I made other beautiful women angry again! Or say something else!"

"Poor mouth, look for a fight! If you really let that girl listen, you won't know how you died! Believe it or not!"

"Believe, of course! Who dare to mess with that girl! But, should you go over and invite someone to eat!" At the end, Mozha ignored Jin Shangyu, and just started to feast on himself.

"Mother, it's true, I know that dinner is here, and I don't take the initiative to come over! Beautiful women have privileges!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu walked towards the simple camp.

"Beauty, shouldn't it be time to move! No matter what, I have to eat some!"

"Okay! Thanks!"

"No, it won't be my son, but you have to come out too!"

"Lord Jin see it for yourself!" As he spoke, Na Murong Yuyan already slid past Jin Shangyu, and then walked in the direction where Mozha was.

The next moment, a masked woman had already started her own breakfast.

"Mother, this woman's heart is really a needle in the sea! It's hard to guess! Forget it, people are starting to eat it, wouldn't it be too silly if I don't eat it!" Watching Mozha and Murong Yuyan both start to eat, Mr. Jin also mumbled a few words, and joined the breakfast team on his own.

In other words, they don't have any good food, mainly rice porridge just cooked. The staple food is noodles such as steamed buns and cakes looted from Tulong's army.

Of course, because Jin Shangyu has already given the order, a large piece of lamb or beef is smoked and grilled on the rack for every four or five people.

"How about it, beauty, I'm the only one in this craft!"


"It's okay! Then, eat more! Anyway, we're going back in two days! You may not be able to taste this master's craftsmanship then!

"Oh, what do you say!"

"Well, it's not easy to understand! When I get there, do I still use my son to cook in person! Of course, I don't need it!" At the end, Jin Shangyu laughed.

However, at this moment, he didn't say a word just now, and he just walked towards Jin Shangyu angrily while just eating Moza.

"Prince Jin, you are not doing this right! I thought you baked something bad! Now it smells so delicious! But when you are good, you only share it with Murong girl, and you forget all the brothers!"

"Fuck off! You have eaten as much and are still talking nonsense here! Who says I'm good at my craft!"

"Who said that, I heard you admit it with your own ears! Come on, just the one you have!" While talking, regardless of whether Jin Shangyu agreed with him, Mozha just snatched a piece from Jin Shangyu. Barbecue. Murong Yuyan, who provokes him, smiled.

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