I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 884: Surround the valley as the tomb!

On the whole, Murong Feilong himself has rebelled against the Murong Xianbei tribe. Although the Jie people communicated and traded with them, in the final analysis, Murong Feilong no longer has the capital to talk, because he has no army. That is to say, I lost the tens of thousands of Murong Xianbei cavalry!

"General, we still have nearly three walks of people, plus the two thousand left behind, and five thousand! There will be a comeback in the future!"

"Rise again! I'm afraid it's just thinking about it! Not to mention that the chieftain can't forgive me, even Tulong won't let me go!"

"Then, what shall we do now!"

"Forget it, let's talk about it after meeting with those two thousand sergeants! In addition, you also help Ben Jun to see how many Jie people out of these three thousand people! Remember, we cannot let them know our intentions!"

"Don't worry, I will do it in the end!" Seeing Murong Feilong's words, there was a person who looked like a general and rode away quickly. When there was not too much, his figure appeared again in front of Murong Feilong's horse. .

"How, how many!"

"If you return to the general, there are more than 1,900 Jie people!"

"There are so many! Then, we will have three thousand people left! Forget it, after meeting with them, let's talk about it. If it doesn't work, let the Jie Ren leave by himself! Let's not go back, find one first Let's talk when the place is stationed!"

"General, you, you want to leave Jieren!"

"Why not! You know, they cooperate with us, the purpose is to join us, now we have no soldiers, do you think they can still treat us like before!" At the end, that Murong Feilong also showed a touch of cruelty!

Here Murong Feilong secretly made up his mind to set up separately from the Jie Ren, but at this time Jin Shangyu and others were savoring the victory after the war!

"Beauty, I'm tired! This time, I owe you a favor!"

"I owe me a favor! No need, this Murong Feilong is a traitor to the Murong clan, and this girl has the heart to kill him, let alone such a slapstick!"

"Small trouble! Do you know that in just half an hour, nearly 7,000 people have been lying there forever in this rift valley!"

"No! This! Forget it, this girl has something to do!" At a certain moment, when Murong Yuyan knew that the other party's loss was so great, the whole person was also taken aback, after all, she was also a woman.

"That, it seems that Lao Tzu is too direct! But sooner or later, she has to know!" After feeling the emotional change of Murong Yuyan, Jin Shangyu also muttered to herself.

However, at this moment, Moza also trot over cheerfully!

"Boss, you, you are such a god! You really succeeded! But let the Murong Feilong escape! If you can catch him, it would be even better!"

"Boy, don't be dissatisfied! Let's clean up the battlefield! Tell my brothers, bury these people in place! After all, they are all soldiers!"

"Don't worry about this! Brothers are doing it! It's just that the place here is too narrow. If you move out, it will waste energy and waste time! How can you do it!"

"Is this! It's a problem! Forget it, since this road is already known to them, it will be difficult for us to use it in the future! It's better to seal it in place!"

"Seal it in place, how to seal it!"

auzw.com "Don't worry, you don't have to worry about it! You can take someone on the road first, I will be there in a while with Miss Murong!"

"Okay! Anyway, your kid has a bright mind, whatever you do!" After he muttered, Mozha walked to Duan's team alone.

"You really want to seal this place!"

"Why not! Time is the most important now! Once Tulong comes to chase again, what shall we do! The current situation is that as long as this place is sealed, we can go back to Duanbu like a mountain and water!"

"Okay, then, that girl will go with you!" While speaking, Na Murong Yuyan was shaking her figure quickly, and she was already floating away in the next moment.

"You girl, you support your work so much! I didn't expect it! Good! If you have a helper, why not use it!" Jin murmured in his heart as Murong Yuyan leaped away. Talking to himself.

Of course, at this time, Jin also expanded his body skills and followed closely behind Murong Yuyan.

"Mother, is this a human! It turns out that these two have used their body skills to the extreme! What's the difference between this and gods!" When Na Mozha saw Jin Shangyu and Murong Feiyu Yanfei from a distance, they were facing Shanyazhi When he drifted away, his whole body was stunned on the spot.

Here Mozha stared at the two Jin Shangyu, who were getting smaller, as if seeing a god, and at this time the two had already reached the top of the cliff.

"Master Jin, are you on this side or on that side!"

"Well, you are a woman! How can you make beautiful women walk more! Let me take a trip!" While talking, Jin Shangyu's figure was already running quickly to the other side of the rift.

In a quarter of an hour, Jin Shangyu stood on the cliff and finally saw the mouth of the rift on that side.

"Although you are not Lao Tzu's people, you have taken your life here! Lao Tzu will help you, and I hope you can all rest soon!" Muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu also took out the dagger from his hand, and then aimed at it. A crack.

"Mother, this time I have to see how deep Lao Tzu's skill is!" When the dagger was inserted into a huge rock gap, Jin also gathered all his potential.

For a while, even Jin himself felt that there was an invisible energy in his body gathering in his right hand, and finally gathered on the dagger.

At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu yelled, "open", the entire rock formation was also forcibly moved.

At that time, if someone is still under the rift valley, they will see a huge rock that can close the valley mouth, crashing down like a hill, and hitting the rift valley mouth in an instant.

For a time, the entire mouth of the Rift Valley was instantly filled with this boulder, and there was no gap at all.

"Mother, this is a hill-like boulder, it should be able to block the passing people! You can rest here! Maybe in a few years, you will also become the object of archaeological excavation for later generations!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu The figure is also fast to the mouth of another rift.

However, just as his figure was walking fast along the top of the cliff, Jin stopped when he heard a loud noise.

"You girl, I wanted to help her, but I didn't expect to do it all by myself. It seems that this girl still has a lot of means to use!" Murong Yuyan knew that the loud noise was caused by Murong Yuyan. After the incident, Jin also slowly floated forward.

"Beauty, I really didn't expect you to be able to do this! It seems that my son is underestimating you!"

"What's the matter, isn't it just prying off a rock! What's the difficulty! It's like you, Mr. Jin, who is going to break the ground!"

"The beauty makes sense! That's right, your stone is really small, but it can be considered as blocking the people and animals in the past!" While they were talking, Jin Shangyu and Na Murong Yuyan had already reached the bottom of the mountain. .

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