I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 879: The battle of the night!

On the side of the unnamed mountain, in the middle tent of the Tulong army, Murong Feilong, who has long lost his military power, also loses the prestige and domineering of the past. Even the title to Tulong has undergone a fundamental change.

"General Murong! This time, it seems that we have taken some advantage, but in the final analysis we have failed! After all, he will be injured, and the dead girl does not know whether it is life or death! In addition, the most important thing is that he unexpectedly I didn’t come back, just like the last time, there was no news! You said, wouldn’t you be worried?”

"The general is extremely right! Since Mu Lao is your guardian, he must go all out to hunt down that stinky girl Murong Yuyan! I believe there will be results soon!"

"Forget it, since they have all retreated, then tell the brothers to take a moment, so they can't tighten their nerves every day! Even if they want to find our fault, they probably won't dare to move within our sphere of influence!" At a certain moment, in his own Chinese army's big tent, Tu Long said calmly.

Of course, because of Tu Long's status, Na Murong Feilong also had a feeling of echoing, and he didn't dare to have his own opinion.

However, just as these two opposing people were sitting in the camp, talking and drinking a little wine, suddenly, they did not know where there was a roaring sound, as if there were thousands of troops. Charge quickly.

Because of the occupational disease, even though Tulong was injured, he immediately stood up, shouting loudly, "Who is on duty! Come here soon! What happened!"

"Report, General! It's no good, under the cover of night, I don't know where a cavalry came from! Their speed is so fast that they don't fight us at all, as if, as if..."

"What are you talking about, hesitating! What the **** is going on!"

"If you go back to the general, the enemy seems to be running towards us!"

"What! It turned out to want to seize my army account! General Murong, what are you waiting for? Don't hurry up and organize the cavalry to fight back! I believe they will not have too many numbers! They will be on the battlefield soon! Since they are here Now, don’t even think about going back!"

"Yes! The last general will take his orders!" At a certain moment, after feeling the sharp change in the situation, that Murong Feilong also grabbed his helmet and ran out of the account.

"General, we really want to go to the battlefield ahead!"

"Shut up! If the order continues, the Chinese army must not move, and stand on the spot! This will have its own arrangements!"

"Yes! I will do it at the end!"

"Duan Piquan, I really didn't expect you to be so courageous! It seems that I am underestimating you!" Seeing his own generals quickly go out of the military account, Tulong also muttered in his heart. Uttered.

In other words, just after Tulong's army was attacked, he quickly deployed. Of course, for safety's sake, the wounded General Tulong also left him 20,000 fine knights! It is the Chinese Army just mentioned.

When it was not too much, Tu Long was also standing on the elevated ledge outside the Central Military Camp.

"Look, general! It's a cavalry rushing down the mountain! Listen to the shout, it should be at least five thousand people!"

"Five thousand! This is not necessarily true. It is also possible to say 10,000. It is also possible to say a few thousand. After all, this is the dark night. We can't tell the number of each other!"

"Master General, then, how shall we proceed!"

"Still wait! After all, I still can't figure out their details. You know, Duan Pixi can catch up here, it means they are prepared! Although we are sitting on an army of 50,000, if they break through The military account, the consequences will be unimaginable!" At the end, Na Tulong also said slowly.

Here, Tu Long held his Chinese army in place and did not take any action. At this time, Murong Feilong had already led the rear camp's 10,000 troops to launch a defense.

"No retreat, those who retreat die!"

"General Murong! You, you might be wrong! You didn't see that everyone died a lot! Even if it wasn't you! You don't feel distressed either!"

auzw.com "You, how dare you talk to this general like this!"

"Why don't you dare! Brothers, let's withdraw!" At a certain moment, when Murong Feilong resisted desperately, a general also took away his thousands of brothers.

For a moment, Na Murong Feilong also trembled with anger.

Here, Murong Feilong commanded the sergeant as much as possible to block the cavalry rushing down the mountain, and Jin Shangyu at this time had already felt the situation change.

"You bastard, there are resistance, and there are others who don't! It seems that I made no mistake in judgment! Tulong, Tulong, it turns out that you are also afraid of death!" Through the powerful future core, Jin Shangyu also basically knows the map. Changes in the Dragon Camp.

Of course, at this time Mozha had already led two thousand cavalry, like a sharp sword inserted into the Tulong army.

Through the dark night, and because of the internal disagreements of Tulong's army, it is no exaggeration to describe this battle as a massacre!

"General Murong, the general has orders and must be guarded firmly!"

"This, this will know! Brothers, don't wait, kill!" At a certain moment, after the formation of Tulong's army was broken up, that Murong Feilong finally sent his only military power.

Speaking of it, it turned out that Murong Feilong still had a strong cavalry force, but because of Jin Shangyu's several battles, only five thousand men and horses remained.

And this time, Murong Feilong didn't use his own personnel at first, but now Tu Long has given the order again, and he is also biting the bullet and taking action.

For a time, the entire battle situation also changed instantly. But at this moment, Jin Shangyu's 1,000 cavalry rushed into the battle group like a tide.

This time, Jin Shangyu also made a real charge. Seeing his figure unfolded, he didn't take the initiative to attack, he just felt the change of his own person, if someone had a strong opponent, he would come in an instant and kill with one blow.

In this way, because of the cover of the dark night, the entire Tulong army didn't know the strength of the opponent's military, so it was a little bit turned to Jin Shangyu in the whole battle.

"You bastard, when are you doing this?" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu felt that the change in the situation was beneficial to him, he also thought of his last reserve team.

However, just when Jin Shangyu's thoughts just appeared in his mind, the entire battle situation had once again undergone a fundamental change.

For a time, two thousand cavalry led by Murong Yuyan joined the battle like thunder.

This time, Murong Feilong was completely unable to resist.

"Quickly, go and inform General Tulong! Let him send troops to help, otherwise we will be over!" While talking, several sergeants rushed toward the Chinese army's camp.

"General, General Murong really can't hold on anymore!"

"You go back! I will know what to do! Tell Murong Feilong that he must stand up. At the last moment, I will take action!"

"Yes!" said Tu Long, and the sergeant who reported the news had no choice but to ride away.

"General! You are really ready to send troops!"

"Send troops! How to send troops, it's dark night, if we continue to fight, the whole army may be wiped out! The order is passed, the Chinese army turns its horse head and retreats to the northwest!"

"Then, don't you need to tell General Murong!"

"No, let's set off together!" As he spoke, Tulong also walked slowly to the northwest.

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