I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 868: Flying in the forest!

Facing such Jin Shangyu, Na Murong Yuyan was so angry that she clenched her fists, and a feeling of being deceived was born.

"Why, I'm angry! If I'm really angry! Then come and taste this young man's special grilled fish!" Seeing that Murong Yuyan looked very angry, Jin was also a little bit embarrassed, after all, he was really himself just now Murong Yuyan let Murong Yuyan free her horse for so long because of his momentary negligence.

However, for such Murong Yuyan, Jin Shangyu is still more happy from the heart. After all, she was very arrogant before.

"Why, I'm afraid it will poison you! Don't worry, or I will try it first!" While talking, Jin Shangyu really tore off a piece of fish and put it in his mouth.

Seeing that Jin Shangyu was actually eating it by himself, Murong Yuyan said weakly, "Well, I didn't mean that!"

"Okay, okay, is that right! How about, is there any fish you grilled by the northerners is delicious!"

"Hey! I didn't expect you to be able to grill such a delicious fish! But where did you get this fish! It seems that there are only mountains and forests, and no rivers!"

"Fish, of course the fish was caught from the river!" I wanted to say a few more words, but seeing Murong Yuyan staring at herself while eating the grilled fish, Jin was also weak and low. head.

Faced with such a Jin Shangyu, Murong Yuyan didn't know what was going on, and even laughed!

"No, I said beautiful women! When did I start making fun of people! Come, come, try this one!"

"Okay, let's give you a face for Mr. Jin!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu insisted on changing the subject, Murong Yuyan didn't say anything but just picked up another fish and tasted it slowly.

In this way, the two of them sat around a pile of charcoal, chatting and eating Jin's special grilled fish.

"Let's say, where did you catch this fish! It's not that you have already sensed the surrounding environment, so you got these four fishes back!"

"This, this is really hard to say! In fact, it is good luck, and I ran into a river while walking, so I have these four fishes! Don't think about it!"

"Good luck! Why, this girl is not so lucky! Forget it, I don't care about it with you. But this grilled fish is pretty good!"

"If it's good, eat more! Otherwise, my son will get something else to eat!"

"No, let's eat something and go! After all, the hurry is important!"

"Good!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also ate all the remaining grilled fish.

Seeing Jin Shangyu's embarrassed appearance, Murong Yuyan didn't say anything, but just watched with a smile.

The reason why I said it was a smile was mainly because at this moment, Murong Yuyan had already taken off the mask on his face.

"Well, I'm full! Let's go, no, you, you actually took off your mask! This, this is not so good!"

"Why, this girl is too ugly, or you are scared!"

"No, no! It's just a little uncomfortable! Let's get on the road!" While talking, Jin Shangyu didn't dare to say any more, he grabbed the horse's rein and threw it into Murong Yuyan's hand.

auzw.com "Master Jin, this is not like you! So you have something to fear too!" As if thinking of something, Murong Yuyan also sneered again.

Of course, in the face of such a case, Jin didn't reply, and ran away to the north.

"Mother, what's the matter! What's wrong with Lao Tzu? Why are you so worried about what you are afraid of? Are you just a little girl! Besides, now Lao Tzu is their king, not she is Lao Tzu's king!" At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu rushed forward by himself, his mind was also thinking wildly.

However, with his strong perception, Jin Shangyu also knew that Murong Yuyan had already followed. But in order to show his powerful energy, Jin also tried his best not to let the horse catch up with him, but he didn't get a distance from it, which was about fifty to one hundred meters.

In this way, at 10 o'clock in the afternoon, the two horses and horses in the forest again galloped forward, but it was slightly different from the previous picture, that is, the person on foot is in front and the person on horseback is behind.

The autumn wind is still there, and the flying leaves that occasionally fall are also telling people that a new season has really come.

"No, I can't run like this! What's this! Let a little girl chase after, I know, that's I want to go quickly, I don't know, I thought I was afraid of that girl!" For a moment, when Jin Shangyu ran out for a full hour, some thoughts came into his mind.

Maybe it was because of this idea, maybe someone Jin really wanted to do something. In short, at a certain moment, Jin Shangyu's body staggered a few times, and then he stopped under an ancient pine.

"Jin Shangyu, you, what's the matter with you! Is there any reaction to it? Or else, you come up too! It really can't work, you ride a horse, this girl dismounts!"

"Don't, don't touch me, it's okay, just a moment! Your speed can't keep up with the horse for a long time!"

"Said it's okay! Look at your sweat! Even though you are anxious, you can't do that! Come on, get on!"

"Get on the horse! My son has got on the horse, what do you do with you girl!"

"If you ask you to mount, just mount it. Are you afraid that this girl will eat you!"

"This, this is not good!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu saw that Murong Yuyan really wanted to launch himself, and he was also stunned on the spot; the appearance of no action made the immediate person cruel. He gave a harsh look.

"Jin Shangyu, Lord Jin, what do you think! This girl doesn't feel inconvenient, but you are! Do you really want to wait for Duan to have something wrong!"

"Okay! If that's the case, it's an offense!" As he spoke, Jin Shangyu also moved slightly before riding on the white horse.

Although Murong Yuyan is tall and slender, and Jin Shangyu is a standard young man, sitting on the white horse together is still very imaginative.

Because there was only one saddle on the horse, Jin Shangyu had to sit behind Murong Yuyan. Although it was very uncomfortable, he could move forward together quickly!

"Well, Mr. Jin, this girl is going to leave!" Murong Yuyan also quickly mobilized the horses while talking. After a while, the two of them were already galloping through the mountains and forests.

"Mother, there's no way! If I'm not afraid that this girl thinks too much, why should I suffer here!" Feeling the smell of the girl's body, Jin muttered to himself.

Of course, Jin Shangyu had to hug the opponent with both hands because of the fast forward of the war horse.

At first, Murong Yuyan was holding the reins of the horse, but in the end, Jin Shangyu also stretched out his hands to grab the reins from both sides of Murong Yuyan's body.

In this way, Na Murong Yuyan naturally nestled in Jin's arms.

Of course, in order not to let himself think about it, Jin Shangyu also urged the horse quickly, as if something unexpected would happen once it stopped.

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