I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 859: Coordinate positions!

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The night breeze is still the same, and the lanterns are like yesterday, but in Fengyun Palace at this time, it is destined to have some laughter and some worry.

Because Jin Shangyu wanted to explore the opinions of Queen Jia Nanfeng on the north, he sneaked into Fengyun Palace by night. Of course, as soon as he entered the palace, he saw the beauty of the first beauty of the Jin Dynasty.

"Shang Yu! Talking about it, it seems that your purpose is not to talk about food!"

"Sorry, let my sister see it! However, the food issue is a trivial matter!"

"Oh, it seems that you have something else trivial! Let's talk about it! Maybe you, the queen sister, can still help one or two! I don't know!"

"Actually, it's nothing! If, what I'm talking about is how my sister will respond if there is a war in the north!"

"The north! Why did you get to the north all at once!" As she spoke, the queen Jananfeng also slowly stood up. The Lvzhu girl also got up lightly, reaching out to hold her slender waist.

"Well, Queen Sister, let's put it this way, if the northern Duan Bu Xianbei conflicts with the Jie people! What should we do!"

"Boy, you also used'we', I'm afraid you want to know your sister's position with me!"

"That, yes, yes, I still can't keep my sister! In fact, in the past few days, the Jie people have already launched a war against Duan Bu Xianbei!" At the end, Jin Shangyu was also startled, and so did his eyes. It became more and more fierce.

Facing Jin Shangyu like this, Queen Jananfeng also moved her expression, and then whispered: "It seems that I have finally told the truth! I know that Duan Bu is that girl’s hometown. You got all the little princesses. Now she has something to do Son, I really can't leave it alone!"

"Mother, you know all this! It seems that this woman is really extraordinary! It's hard to say that the biggest black hand behind this is her! No, it should not be her!" At a certain moment, Queen Jananfeng mentioned Duan Yunyan faintly At the time, Jin Shangyu was also surprised.

After all, this kind of thing is still unknown to most people.

Of course, because of this sentence, the atmosphere of the entire Fengyun Palace has also become a little weird. Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

In the end, it was the Queen Jananfeng who broke the embarrassing situation first.

"Boy, do you think too much! Forget it, there are some things that I know more for your own good! Don't worry, this time, you will be satisfied! Since Duanbu has been attacked by the Jie clan, then What do you Jin Shangyu want my old sister to do!"

"This, this, Shang Yu doesn't want to be too embarrassed! As long as my sister can guarantee not to send troops to attack Duanbu!"

"So simple!"

"It's that simple!"

"Okay! Sister will give you the bottom line today! I won't use soldiers to Duanbu! Even if the kid Jia Mi wants to send troops, I won't agree!" At the end, the queen Jananfeng also showed a touch of cruelty. .

Maybe it was because of the emotional changes between Jananfeng and Jin Shangyu, that big beauty Lvzhu also slowly bowed down, and said with a voice: "Niang, you have something to do with the son! It's better to leave first!"

"Girl, I've said it so many times, you are not an outsider! Especially there are no other people here! So don't go, there are some things, you know something!"

"Yes! The servants and maids are all arranged by the mother!" Seeing that her request was actually turned down by Queen Jananfeng, the Lvzhu girl also stopped talking.

Feeling the emotional change of Queen Jia Nanfeng, Jin Shangyu also said again: "Sister Queen! It seems that there are some things, you know! That's fine! Let's just say it! In some time, Shang Yu is going to the north. !"

"Go north! It's not about paying back the food!"

auzw.com "No, I said sister, you are too amazing! It seems that everything about the little brother is under your control!"

"I'm serious, I just heard it! Don't think too much! Don't worry, you can raise it in the morning tomorrow! I believe they won't have any opinions!"

"Thank you sister!" After hearing these words, Jin Shangyu felt much more at ease.

After all, this one is no one else, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as the Supreme King.

"You girl, I really didn't expect that she actually agreed! Okay, then I will go to the north to see if I really meet Tulong, I will kill it!" While muttering in his heart, Jin Shangyu also exudes a powerful killing spirit around his body.

"Okay, don't be fierce here! Let's collect the murderous spirit from you!"

"Um, I'm sorry! It's the little brother who is stunned! You scared the Lvzhu girl!"

"The son is serious! The little girl is fine!"

"Okay! I've said everything that should be said. My queen sister can be regarded as a favor to you, so I should go! If you don't go, you won't be able to participate in the morning dynasty tomorrow!"

"Okay! Thank you Queen Sister, my brother will leave now!"

"Go! When you get to the north, my sister can't protect your thoroughness. Everything is under your control! Do you understand?"

"Understood, thank you sister!" After a very grateful reply, Jin Shangyu showed off his figure and quickly went outside the Fengyun Palace.

"Manny, thank you!"

"Don't tell me, he is really not an outsider! In the future, forget it, don't mention the future! I hope he can leave and return safely this time!" While muttering to herself, the Queen Jananfeng also slowly Go to the inner palace.

Of course, seeing Queen Jananfeng preparing to rest, the Lvzhu girl also slowly withdrew from the hall of Fengyun Palace.

The two people in Fengyun Palace here were at odds and sighed with emotion. At this time, Jin Shangyu was already flying quickly in the Imperial City.

"Brother, why are you here! Could something happen!"

"Ling Yun! To make a long story short, something happened in the north, I will choose the opportunity to go! Everything here is your responsibility! Remember, we can't move our power until the end!"

"Please don't worry, Brother! I and Zhuifeng will take good care of this place!"

"In addition, if something happens to Luo Yun, you have to coordinate and deal with it!"

"Brother don't worry!" Seeing Jin Shangyu's solemnly conveying some messages, Ling Yun also replied in a deep voice.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu had already made plans to take a trip to the north, he also had a brief conversation with Ling Yun overnight.

When the night became deeper and deeper, Jin Shangyu had already returned to his house.

"Come back! Well, it seems that this time it should be a good talk!"

"Old Wen, why do you say that! As if you knew the outcome of the conversation in advance!"

"Actually, it's not the old man, I would guess it myself! The main thing is that people have come to send a letter! Just before, the palace has already sent a will, asking you to join the morning court tomorrow!"

"No, that, why is she acting so fast! Could it be that she really still has a lot of backhands to come out! Or I really underestimated her!" At a certain moment, just after the words of the old man Wen Shuo fell. At this time, Jin Shangyu's heart was also shocked. After all, such a Janan wind is too scary.

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