I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 856: You too!

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Faced with Wu Huayu who had gone back, Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun did not speak, but looked at him quietly.

"Well, every general, I'm really embarrassed! I have been offended before, but I hope to forgive me! After all, someone Wu sometimes owes something to thinking!

"Master Wu joked! This time, you are doing errands for the royal family, so should you be a role model for me!"

"Don't dare to be it! I really don't dare to be it! But, didn't you just say that! You also have some food in your hand! Or else, would you give me your share of Wu? Can you? Of course, The price is 13 times the price!" At a certain moment, just in front of Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun, Wu Huayu also changed his previous attitude of superiority, and the whole person's momentum dropped to the extreme.

"You girl, what's the situation! It's not that this guy actually made a military order in front of Jia Mi! Or is there something else in it!" After feeling Wu Huayu's emotional change, Jin also muttered to himself in his heart.

This person Jin was thinking indiscriminately, but Feng Luoyun at this time was startled, and said again: "This, in fact, I would have 10,000 shi of grain in his hand! But, this is Lord Jin. If rewarded to the farm, how could it be better to resell it!"

"Every general is joking! It seems that you really have food! This is a good thing! Thinking about it, our farm already has an imperial food supplement, and these should be some surplus food! Let's take it all!"

"This, then all right! Since..."

"Every general's words are wrong! Since there is food, it is the general's! When will it be their turn!" At a certain moment, when Luo Yun was about to agree to Wu Huayu's request, a voice slowly sounded .

Immediately there was a person walking slowly from a distance.

"You, who are you, how dare you fight for food with this lord! Look at your clothes, you are not from the Central Plains!"

"Oh, I saw it more carefully! But I would know you! You are called Wu Huayu, right? But Err, the defeated general! I think you have not yet been born when our clan wins the competition!"

"You, oh, my lord remembered it, it seems that you are from the barbarians from the north!"

"Surnamed Wu, be careful when speaking! This general Murong Feihu is General Xianbei who is stationed in the farm!"

"Yes, I remember it all! The reason why you are able to stay here is because this piece of land has already been rewarded to you in the Celestial Competition! But, do you think you can compete with the Lord? !" At the end, Wu Huayu was also a little frustrated. After all, he had been mad before, and now he was about to get some more food, but such an incomprehensible general came out in the sky.

"You girl, I really didn't expect this guy to want food too! It seems that Wu Huayu will suffer a lot!" After feeling the righteous words of Murong Feihu, Jin also secretly secretly Pondered.

Of course, Feng Luoyun didn't say much at this time. After all, what Murong Feihu came out to do, others didn't know, he and Jin Shangyu knew.

However, when facing Wu Huayu, that Murong Feihu smiled slightly and said again: "Wu Huayu, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid! Today's food belongs to Laozi!"

"Really! That, that's not necessarily! Every general, I don’t know who your food is going to be for! Don’t worry about the price! This adult decided to offer 14 times the price of the two cities! This, this should be a good price, right? !"

"Look at this, Lord Wu, I'm really embarrassed! This price, I would be really embarrassed! After all, I have already said it before! However, you have also seen that although they are from the north, they are still Stationed in our farm! And this matter was also decided by Long Live Lord himself!"

"Well, forget it, you don't have to blame yourself for every general, Wu Huayu understands! Or else, just set it like this! Although the price is indeed higher, who will let your food be limited!"

auzw.com "No, I am willing to pay fifteen times the price! Every general will not be confused between distance and nearness!" At the end, Murong Feihu also stared wide.

For a time, the two sides were also arguing around the 10,000 stone grains!

Even in the end, the price of this 10,000-stone grain has been pushed up by both parties to 16 times the price of the two cities!

"Every general! This lord only said the last sentence, are you selling to outsiders or to the court! You choose yourself!"

"This, this, since the adults have said so! Then, what I would say is to sell the food to his own people! I'm sorry, General Murong!"

"Don't be a general! We are good neighbors after all! Besides, Wu Huayu can't represent the court, at best, he is collecting food for others!"

"General Murong said it too! However, this matter is really difficult for the general to do, I am sorry! Come on, give the farm’s 10,000 shi grains to Master Wu at 16 times the price of the two cities. Right!"

"The final commander!" After listening to Feng Luoyun's arrangement, the farm general standing behind him also replied loudly.

Of course, seeing that Feng Luoyun chose himself in the end, Wu Huayu was also very happy. He just clasped his fists with both hands, and then slowly followed the farm general.

"Boys, you guys are cruel! When are you still slaughtering people! It's not kind!"

"Boss, I don't want to listen to what you said, brother! As if you are a good person yourself! Say yes, Brother Murong!"

"This, this! Actually, Feihu really doesn't know!"

"Feihu, he is our master, but you shouldn't tell the truth! Besides, following him in everything is not necessarily a good thing!"

"Well, every big young man, no, it should be every big general. You are like this. What are you talking about! It is estimated that this general Wu will suffer again after returning!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a strange touch. Smile.

In this way, because of the appearance of Murong Feihu, the last 10,000 stone grains have also increased in value.

Of course, everyone knows that such prices are expensive, but there is no way. After all, food is still the most scarce resource in this era.

"Report, sir, two generals! Now, they have all taken the food away! Of course, we have set up a checkpoint on the periphery of the farmyard! As long as the money is brought, the food can be truly taken away!"

"Well, good job! Wei Yu! It seems that your brain is also very smart!"

"My lord is joking!"

"Forget it, don't say it! Since people have already started shipping grain, let's wait for the cash register!" At a certain moment, when Wei Yu came to report on the distribution of grain, Jin Shangyu was in a good mood.

After all, his first pot of gold is considered to be earned.

In this way, in the Royal Farm, on one side, there are a few brothers talking and talking, and they are very happy; on the other side of the farm, there are many outsiders who are constantly busy.

They either pull by a horse-drawn cart or stay behind and wait for the transportation convoy to come over. In short, it is a busy scene.

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