I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 851: Secret Art of the Qiang People (2)


The dark night is still like ink, but the unnamed mountains and forests at this time are destined to be a wave of storm.

Because at this moment, Jin Shangyu's figure had already arrived in front of the pair of seniors.

When it was said that it was too late, it was fast, just when the brothers and sisters wanted to see the tiger and leopard beast sooner, a chill quickly passed from them.

"Brother! No, there seems to be a situation!"

"Don't move, I can feel it too! Who, who are you! Come out! Otherwise, we're welcome!"

"Senior brother, don't shout! It's like he's gone! No, you, you go away!" I wanted to say a few more words, but in the end she moved in front of the person called the brother. And her chest also has a short sword that is not too long!

Of course, at the same time, a torch was slowly ignited, emitting an orange glow, reflecting on the woman's somewhat frightened face.

"Beauty, don't move! You are such a good person! Even for your brother, regardless of your own life! Let's talk! Who are you and why are you here! If there is half a lie! The deity's means, you should know !"

"You, who are you! Why do you start with us! Are you not afraid that we will fight back!"

"Counter-attack! Now she is in the hands of the deity! Do you dare to fight back! Let's talk about it, let alone, there will be more beautiful scenery on her little face!"

"You! Dare you!"

"Boy, dare you, this deity doesn't know, but the sword of this deity is not affectionate!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu's short sword was also handed forward again, and the woman called the junior girl already felt To the breath of death.

"Brother, you, why don't you do it! Or, let's summon it! Only it can save us!"

"Junior sister, you, what do you think! First, let's not talk nonsense! Otherwise, Master will blame us! Secondly, in the current environment, we can't let it come over if we say anything. If something goes wrong, let's even more. Sin is added to sin!"

"Okay! The patience of the deity is limited! Boy, come here and talk! Do you want to watch her die here!"

"I can't say it! Sister sister, sorry, for the master! I can only go one step ahead for my brother! When the time comes, the master and I will come to avenge you!" The man didn't talk too much. Directly flew toward the depths of the dense forest.

"Mother, you girl, what's the situation! Just now this girl gave up her life to save her life, and now this kid has abandoned his junior sister and flees for himself! It seems that the world is really unpredictable!" For a moment, after seeing the man running away, Jin Shangyu didn't feel happy.

After all, this kind of person who discards his companions and escapes alone is the most annoying.

"Brother, you, why are you!"

"Sister, you should help me! Remember, I will avenge you..." Accompanied by the dreamlike dark night, the man's voice echoed in the mountains and forests for a long time.

"I didn't expect that there is such a person in this world! It seems that the deity overestimated him! Let's talk, how do you want to die!"

"You, who are you! Why do you have to put on a mask? Are you an ugly monster!"

"Shut up the stinky girl! Be careful I will end up with you now! However, before you die, I also want to know something! I believe you girl will not take it underground!"

"Bah! Kill if you want! This girl won't say it!"

auzw.com "Oh, my mouth is quite hard! Well, don't tell me, I will rectify you now, so that you will never see that tiger, leopard beast!"

"Tiger, leopard beast! What is a tiger, leopard beast! No, you, are you talking about an absolute beast!" As she spoke, the woman was already surprised!

"Absolute Immortal Beast! Is this monster's name called Absolute Immortal Beast! How could it be possible! Absolute Immortal, it doesn't look like its name at all!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu also glanced at the beast from time to time. The woman who controls herself.

"You, who are you! What have you done to the Ultimate Fairy Beast! Why doesn't it listen to our call!"

"Oh, I finally got the point! Yes, that super fairy beast, it's not right, it's not good at all, let's call it the tiger leopard beast! It already follows the deity now!"

"Following you! Impossible! It has my master's unique mark on its body, even if it wants to follow you, it is impossible!"

"Really! It seems that you are not from the Central Plains!"

"It's okay to tell you, we are Qiang people! And it is our many years of hard work!"

"Really! But now it belongs to the deity! Let's talk, who is your master! Why are you here! You know, the patience of the deity is limited!" At the end, Jin's body also exudes. A powerful killing and cutting aura.

"Let's do it! Say it all! I hope you can treat it well!" After feeling Jin Shangyu's murderous air, the Qiang woman also said decisively.

"Okay, this is your own choice! I'm sorry!" While talking, Jin Shangyu's dagger was also raised high.

However, just as the short sword was about to fall, a shadow came to Jin Shangyu's side like a thunder.

"It's it, it's an absolute beast! It's here!"

"Tiger, leopard, beast, you are here! Why, you don't want her to die! Look at you like a bear! No, it should be like a tiger and leopard. Why are you so unpromising, you came to ask for the deity!" Actually, just as Jin Shangyu was talking, The tiger and leopard beast already rubbed Jin's arm with its head.

Faced with such a strange situation, Jin Shangyu also slowly put away the short sword.

"Forget it, since it's the little guy who intercedes for you, so be it! You go! But you have to guard against your brother in the future! After all, there are not many people who can not kill you!"

"You, you really let me go!"

"The deity's words have always been eloquent! But, you should always leave a name!"

"Okay! Since the predecessors raised their hands high! The girl can only say something!" After feeling Jin Shangyu's kindness, the woman on the opposite side also said weakly.

For a time, two people and one beast slowly sat in the woodland with the orange torch.

"The little girl's name is Jue Xianzi, and that person was my senior brother, named Jue Shenzi! She is the Jue Xian Beast! Of course, you can call it the Tiger Leopard Beast!"

"Oh, it turned out to be a celestial girl! Well, well, I don't know the mark on this tiger, leopard beast, do you know!"

"Actually, we just know! But we can't get rid of it! After all, this is my master's unique technique! Of course, you don't have to ask me what it is! It may be the oldest secret technique of our Qiang people!"

"Okay, that's good! You won't say much about anything else! Then you can always tell me why you can perceive the existence of tigers, leopards and beasts from far away!" At a certain moment, I felt this little beauty. After being reasonable, Jin also wanted to know more things.

"Okay, let's talk a little more! Actually, my master gave my senior brother Jue Shenzi a thing called'Qiwei Chuan Soul Smoke' before leaving. This kind of thing, as long as it is activated, the Jue Immortal beast, That is to say, the tiger and leopard beast, you can feel it and produce some unexpected effects!"

"What's unexpected, isn't it just uncomfortable! If it wasn't for this little guy to be mad, the deity wouldn't know you are here!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile.

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