I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 841: conversation!

Although a **** storm did not happen in the imperial capital city, it caused panic among people, especially the general mansion of the commanding soldiers had already reached the point where it was precarious.

"Well, brother will return to Jingu tomorrow! I hope you can work hard here! Of course, if you have time, you should go to Jingu to play more! It's a pity, oh, let's not say it!"

"Why, brother still has something to say! Now there is no one around, so let's talk about it! Is it related to the Lvzhu girl!"

"Actually, I have been entangled with my brother, and even resented you for a long time! But now I know that she is in Fengyun Palace, that's all, my brother misunderstood you! It's the same sentence. Things can happen, but they can't influence our future and destiny!" At the end, Shi Chong also showed a sense of persistence that he had never had before.

"You girl, it seems that this person was forced out! He was just a rich man before, and he wanted to be an official to make a fortune! Now I finally know what it's like to be controlled by others! That's right, isn't it like this in this world? How can there be fairness and justice! If you can't live, does it make sense to talk about it! Pooh, pooh, what do you say! How can you follow his emotions!" While feeling the helplessness of the wealthy Shi Chong, Jin Someone muttered to himself too.

In this way, in Jin Shangyu's small bedroom, Shi Chong also said something that he had never said before.

Of course, after sending away the official Shi, Liu Kun walked in immediately.

"Um, boss, wouldn't it be eavesdropping outside?"

"Don't talk nonsense! I am a gentleman, Liu Kun, how could I do such a thing! However, he would have expected him to come here! It seems that he is going to leave!"

"Forget it! But, think about it, he is also miserable!"

"It's miserable, no matter how miserable, there is no such miserable one!"

"Boss, this is not kind! Yes, your house has been attacked, but General Liu is a tough one!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also became fierce.

Faced with such Jin Shangyu, Liu Kun wanted to say something more, but finally held back.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense here! Let's talk about it, then, how do we operate the general mansion that may be disbanded at any time!"

"Boss, you are the general here! Shang Yu is just a supervisor!"

"Okay, just say it! If there is a way, I have to ask you!"

"Well, it turned out to be like this! Okay, I'll just say that brother! It's actually very simple, stop training, and all return to the previous situation!"

"This, this does not mean that there is no training!"

"Why, does my brother really think I can stretch out his hand next time? Don't think about it. Since Jia Mi has transferred Wu Huayu back, he can only explain one problem, that is, our general mansion is already in name! "

"Yes! He has evacuated the people, so how can this temporary organization survive for a long time!" After hearing Jin Shangyu's analysis, Liu Kun seemed to have thought of something, and said to himself.

"Liu Kun, ah, Liu Kun! You bastard, your kid clearly knows Jia Mi's thoughts, but you still want to draw these masters over at the last moment! In fact, Lao Tzu is not here for nothing, if There is no benefit at all, who will be here!" After feeling the emotional change of General Liu Kun, Jin also muttered to himself.

In this way, Jin Shangyu and Liu Kun discussed how to train this team for a long time, but in the end they both chose to stop all military training.

"Shang Yu! It seems that your brain is still brighter! If there is no military training here, the pressure will be relieved, and his surname Jia may relax a little!"


"I hope this is the case! However, brother should also pay attention to one thing! In fact, the younger brother shouldn't have said it!"

"What is it! Shang Yu, please tell me!"

"In fact, my elder brother should have gone back soon. Since they can send dead men, it means that they have already explored their forces! I believe this kind of infiltration is not a big deal for you, but if you are not there for a long time, it is not necessarily What will happen!"

"Well, good! Brother thank you! That's it! Take a good rest! I guess you can't go back today!"

"No, boss, that's not necessarily! I really want to go back to sleep today!" At a certain moment, seeing that Liu Kun was joking with himself, he also stood up quickly, and disappeared in the Tong after a while. General's Mansion.

Speaking of, Jin Shangyu at this time really left the Tongbing General Mansion lightly.

Accompanied by the psychedelic night and relying on strong perception, Jin Shangyu also came to his house without too much effort.

"The son is back!"

"Well, I'm back! Lao Wen is here!"

"Yes! It should be in the living room!"

"Okay! You are busy!" After a few simple exchanges with the man in the house, Jin also quickly came to the living room.

"Shang Yu, you are back! Is it serious!"

"Um, you are referring to the murder of Liu Kun's family!"

"Not this thing, is there anything else!"

"In fact, there are other things..." Just when he arrived in his living room, Jin Shangyu told Mr. Wen what had happened during the day.

"It turns out that because of this incident, so many things have been caused! Then, does that mean that in a few days the letter of the commanding general will be gone!"

"This is not necessarily true! It is estimated that the final decision should be with the Queen! So, we can only hope that she will disband this organization later! After all, because of its existence, it can also involve some energy, so that all parties can exert their efforts! "At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a strong sense of confidence.

In fact, the reason why Jin Shangyu thinks this way at this time is that there is a more direct, or very urgent thing, that is, the autumn harvest season has come. If all parties spend their energy on "seeking food", I am afraid Jin Shangyu It's really impossible to deal with.

After all, two fists are hard to beat four hands! And the defenders of the Royal Farm were those who really encountered strong enemies. Self-preservation is fine. It should be said that it is difficult to keep all the food.

Of course, this kind of thing may not happen, but Jin Shangyu must plan early. After all, in future confrontations, food is the last hard currency, and it is the fundamental guarantee for the strength of one party.

"Shang Yu! Are you worried about our big granary being robbed by others!"

"Master, if you say you don’t worry, it’s fake! After all, there are still a few days left, and the farm side will be harvested in autumn! This year’s food should be more than ten times the previous year. Even if people don’t know the specific news now, it’s still Keep a high level of vigilance!"

"Yes! For this matter, the old man can't even sleep now!" At the end, the old man Wen Shuo also showed a look of helplessness. Because of the current situation, the two masters and servants really did not have a good strategy, or a perfect strategy!

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