I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 827: Outside the south of the city!

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The imperial city in the summer, accompanied by noisy screams, under the scorching sun like a blazing sun, makes people feel nothing comfortable.

"Old Wen, have we not been to the Commander General's Mansion for many days!"

"Well, it should be five or six days! Is it because the young man is going to check it out! Actually, he should also go and check it out! I didn't hear that they are going to engage in a military training subject called "Successful Card" these days!"

"Old Wen, no, you want to see it too! Well, let's go together today! After all, there, I can still walk casually!"

"Okay! Since it's convenient for you, then, let's take a look at the old man! I haven't seen the cavalry team for many years!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu directly agreed to the father's request, Wen Shuo was also very happy.

In this way, the two of them didn't stay too much. They left Jin Mansion after a while. The first stop was the Tongbing General Mansion, which was the former Shi Chong Mansion.

Speaking of it, the Jin Mansion is a quarter of an hour away from the Tongbing General Mansion, so Jin Shangyu and Mr. Wen Shuo didn't need much effort to come to the General Mansion.

"It turned out to be Lord Jin! This one is!"

"Do you still need to ask about this! This is my housekeeper! Why, you want to check it!"

"The adults are joking, but the villains dare not!"

"Just don't dare! Well, are there some generals there!"

"My lord, at this hour, they are all in the open space outside the South City!"

"Oh, well, let's wait a while for that son here!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also took the lead to enter the general's mansion.

In other words, at this time Jin Shangyu could have taken Old Man Wenshuo directly to the place outside the city, but Jin still had a selfish intention, that is, let the old man look at this general mansion.

"Well, old man, this is their Chinese army account! Of course, it should be where Liu Kun lives! Look, this simple map, said to be simple, should be very detailed! I didn't expect this Liu Kun His eyes are cast to the north!"

"Yes! Look at this picture, there is also a section, Gongzi Wen Luoyu is there!"

"Yes, you are right, Luo Yu is there! I miss you a little bit! Don't worry, we will have time to get along in the future! However, the current situation is beyond our control!"

"Yeah! I didn't expect that this Liu Kun is really a commander! Okay! Are you in a hurry? Here, let's just take a look at it! Let's go!" At the end, the text Elder Shuo also took the lead to travel outside the general's palace.

"You girl, I really didn't expect this old man to be quite considerate! Forget it, let's go! But you can't go like this! You have to get two horses to ride for anything!" At a certain moment, After feeling the emotional changes of Mr. Wen Shuo, Jin also muttered to himself.

In this way, when not too much, these two rode high-headed horses to the south of the city.

"Um, son, do you seem to be well-known here!"

"Father, what do you mean! What a good popularity! Lao Tzu is the superintendent of this general's mansion. What is it to ride them on a few horses! It is not an exaggeration to let them carry us on a sedan chair!"


"You, your kid is really getting worse and worse! Okay, let's go! The old man's bones are okay!" As soon as he walked out of Nancheng Gate, the old man Wenshuo increased his walking speed.

Of course, Jin Shangyu also slightly increased his speed in order to rush to the Chengnan training ground.

After all, if someone Jin really used his strength, then Old Man Wenshuo would really not be able to keep up. After all, sometimes, the effect of equestrianism is still hidden!

In other words, Jin Shangyu has long learned from Future Core that Luoyang City in the Jin Dynasty was built on the ancient city of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the city structure and scale are basically the same as those of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The imperial city is seven miles wide from east to west and nine miles long from north to south. Outside the city wall is surrounded by a moat and Yangqu, with twelve gates open around the city. The city gate has two floors. Each city gate has three passages, the middle is the imperial road, and the two sides are the aisles for the common people. Left in and right out, they must not meet. The imperial road was built with earth walls on both sides of the imperial road, four feet high.

Of course, Jin Shangyu also knows through his powerful future core that there are bridges across the Yangqu water besides these twelve gates. The Yangqu water source comes from the valley, and flows eastward into the Yangqu in the northwest corner of the city, and merges with the city to the outside of Jianchunmen, and flows eastward into Luoshui.

"Shang Yu, why don't you speak, are you anxious to see the scene of the large army training!"

"Well, old man, this young man is not as persistent as you, in fact, there is not much difference between looking at it or not, but the construction of this city gate is still relatively new!"

"What's so novel about this! The common people don't know how many years it has been away, and I am afraid no one would say it is novel!"

"Look, just before, the official road we walked on, that is, the imperial road you mentioned before, to put it bluntly, it is formalism! Why can't people go!"

"Smelly boy, what do you say! It turns out that you are referring to a royal road! What is this! The difference between inferiority and inferiority, this is natural and local, what is strange! It is the reaction of the son, Something went beyond the old man's expectations!" At the end, the old man Wenshuo looked really surprised.

"You girl, no, it's possible that Lao Tzu's modern thinking is going to do something wrong again! That's right! This is the evil Great Jin Dynasty, let alone making a royal road, just use gold and silver to pave the way. It's normal!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu's eyes fell on the road outside Luoyang.

At this time, it is the midsummer festival, with green locust trees shaded by green trees, and the occasional flock of unknown birds flying up makes the ecological environment here very satisfying.

"Well, well, this is nature! What is ecology? This is good ecology. People walk on the roads and birds fly in the sky!" It seemed to be mumbling, and it seemed to be sighing.

However, at this time, the old man Wen Shuo opened his mouth wide and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it afterwards.

"Why, old man, I was infected by this young man's simple verses and moved!"

"Poor mouth! I wanted to say a few words to you, but if you say it yourself, the old man won't say much! Don't be poor, is it coming soon!" As he spoke, a not too big valley appeared in front of him. , And on the left front of the valley is a relatively open grassland.

Although the distance was relatively long, the two of them also faintly saw a banner waving.

"Here, it is here! It seems that General Liu Kun rules the army very strictly! Don't move, someone is coming!"

"You mean their secret whistle!"

"Forget it! It seems that General Liu is more attentive!" In fact, while speaking, two teams have already been cast out on both sides of the distance. Although the number is between three or five people, you can tell by their skill. Elite soldiers.

"Whoever comes, don't get off the horse yet!"

"Well, I don't know this lord! My name is Jin Shangyu!"

"Sorry! It turned out to be Lord Jin Shangyu! This is? While talking, the sergeant who rushed forward also turned his attention to the old man Wen Shuo who was sitting on the horse.

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