I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 824: Let's confess!

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Facing the strong move of Queen Jananfeng on the Phoenix Seat, Jia Mi did not dare to neglect, and said, "Well, Niang Niang! In fact, there are not many new news, just some official newspapers! According to reports, Jie Ren Tulong is now leading The cavalry has already completed the encirclement of the Yuwenbu! Especially some people say that the Murong Xianbei and Duanbu may also send troops! If this is the case, I am afraid that it will not take long before the Yuwenbu will be defeated or destroyed!"

"Is the news accurate!"

"Well, because the north is far from the Central Plains, the current news may be what they have already happened before! So the minister dare not say more!"

"Okay! As you said, I'm afraid there will be a new situation in the north! However, how can the Jie people blend with the Duanbu and Murong clan? I am afraid that the critical moment is really reached. I will definitely send troops to help! Perhaps the unbeaten situation like this is what some forces want to see!" At the end, the Queen Jananfeng also showed a touch of confidence.

"This, this little minister is not known! But Niangniang's analysis is also reasonable! There should be news in a few days!"

"Really! By the way, your relationship with him seems to be more subtle!"

"Manny, what do you mean!"

"Jia Mi, you don't have to be like this! You should know who this palace is talking about! I won't say it today, but this palace still said that. You can't touch him, or even his people! You understand!"

"This, that, yes, the minister understands!"

"Well, I'm tired, go back!"

"Then, the minister retire!" Seeing that Jian Nanfeng's expression had changed a little at this time, Jia Mi wanted to say a few more words, but in the end he didn't say anything, but weakly exited the hall.

"Mother, it seems that the queen sister of Lao Tzu is still more powerful! You actually really offended Jia Mi for Lao Tzu! Forget it, for the sake of Lao Tzu's sake, you can take the initiative to show up today!" Feeling that Jia Mi's figure has left Fengyun Palace, Jin Shangyu, who was hiding in the dark, also muttered in his heart.

At this time, in the central hall of Fengyun Palace, Queen Jia Nanfeng did not immediately return to the room, but stood quietly in front of the Phoenix Seat, as if he was contemplating and remembering something.

"Sister, what's the situation! I was waiting here for my little brother!"

"Who! No, it's you! Why are you here! No! You are here, I should have been aware of it in advance! Why is there no sense this time!"

"My sister is joking! If my sister hadn't been sensitive, how could she be here waiting for the younger brother!"

"Poor mouth! It seems that your ability has increased again! Forget it, don't care about it, you have seen it, and heard it too!"

"That's it!"

"That's good! Then I'm too lazy to say! But, if you come here so late, you shouldn't be just a lousy mouth!" At a certain moment, when the queen Jia Nanfeng was in a daze in the hall alone, Jin Shangyu's voice was also slow. Passed in.

Through brief exchanges, Jin Shangyu also explained the facts that he had just heard the conversation.

"That, Queen Sister, in fact, my brother wants you to confess this time! After all, you know the current situation!"

"It seems that you still don't worry! I just don't understand, what are you worried about!"

"Sister may be thinking too much! The younger brother is not worried about his sister, but him!"

"Jia Mi! You heard it just now, isn't he very respectful!"

"My sister forgot. Actually, sometimes, the more submissive person is, the most dangerous person is possible!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile.


Faced with Jin Shangyu's question, this time Empress Jia Nanfeng did not immediately refute, but just pondered quietly for a while.

"You girl, no matter who you are, Jia Mi! But as long as you are opposed to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu must have a leg here, otherwise it will be really difficult to do!" At one point, Jin Shangyu felt the queen. After Jananfeng's mood changed, his heart was also thinking wildly.

However, just when neither of these two spoke, the voice of a palace resident also came from outside the central hall.

"Niang Niang, please see Miss Lvzhu!"

"Oh, here she is! Let her wait in the outer hall for a while!"

"Yes!" As the court lady's response slowly dissipated, Jin Shangyu's mood was also thinking quickly.

"Unexpectedly, I'm going to meet this big beauty again! Bah bah bah! Are you a little prosperous? Can't you be a big beau! You need to be so carefree!" While muttering in his heart, so was Jin Shangyu Unconsciously looked out of the hall.

"Why, want to see her!"

"No, I didn't want to see you!"

"I didn't want to see, what to look at! Shang Yu! Actually, this time I really can't let him see you! After all, only I know the secret of your coming here! Do you understand!"

"Understood! Little brother understands!" Feeling that Queen Jia Nanfeng's heart is as delicate, Jin also admires her from his heart.

After all, this is Fengyun Palace. If it is so late, if Lu Zhu is really allowed to come in, there will be court ladies who will follow in. By then, Jin Shangyu's secret of being able to enter and leave the palace may not be kept.

"Actually, I'm very happy if you can come! Think about it before, and Xiaoye was here! Now I am really alone!"

"Sister is sad again! Actually, some things are passed away! After all, time can't go back!"

"I understand what you mean! But, my eldest brother will not forgive me when he is underground!"

"Sister can't think like this! Maybe Brother Jia just wants you to live well! It's that simple!"

"Yeah! Maybe! You saw it just now! Even this Jia Mi has undergone some changes!" When it comes to the word "Jia Mi", Jin Shangyu can obviously feel a slight change in Jiananfeng's attitude.

"Jiananfeng, Jia Nanfeng, you said I told you what I just heard, or pretended to be ignorant! It's hard to say!" In fact, when Queen Jananfeng was more sentimental, Jin Shangyu wanted to tell what he had heard before.

"Shang Yu! Why don't you speak! Is there something to say!"

"This, this, there are some words! Forget it, nothing! But my sister should pay more attention to the people around you! After all, there are times when people around you are the most dangerous!"

"Oh, what did you find!"

"No, no! Just a reminder!"

"So that's it! I understand! Thank you!" As she spoke, the momentum of the Queen Jananfeng was also rising.

In fact, for such a shrewd queen Jananfeng, how can he not hear what Jin Shangyu said!

"Sister Empress! It seems that you already understand Shang Yu's good intentions!" After feeling the change of Empress Jananfeng's momentum, Jin Shangyu also knew the other party's mood.

After all, it is impossible for Jin Shangyu to speak so directly. After all, those palace ladies were chosen by Queen Jia Nanfeng.

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