I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 821: The Law of Commanding Soldiers (1)

The night of the imperial capital was dreamlike, but in Jia Mi's house, a very strange scene still appeared.

Looking around, there are only two people sitting opposite each other by the huge round table. Although neither of them speaks, they probably know what the other is thinking!

"Master Jia, is this okay! Isn't there something wrong with it!"

"My brother calls you Shi Lao, so call it the same as Jia! Don't worry, it's okay, they both know how to take care of people! There is too much wine! But nothing will happen! Or you should rest too! As for rest. They are already ready!"

"Forget it! The old slave waits here! It will be dawn in another hour! However, the old slave still hopes Master Jia can treat my master sincerely!"

"Don't worry! Jia will do it!" Jia Mi wanted to get angry when he saw this person named Shi Lao talking to him like this, but after thinking about it, he didn't get angry and just responded casually.

And that old Shi also saw it, but he didn't say it was broken, just sitting there quietly. Of course, time slipped by in such a wait.

Sliding through the long night, the morning sun is like a fire, and the early morning in Jia Mansion is also very lively...

"Old man, you are really loyal! You really waited here all night! Come here, let's talk somewhere!"

"No need! The old slave is just waiting here!"

"Well, I said Mr. Shi, in fact, your master, my brother, has already gotten up! It's there! Let's go together!"

"What, I got up! Okay, let's go over and take a look!" When he heard that Shi Chong had already woke up and got up, Shi Lao looked very anxious.

In this way, after a while, Jia Mi and Na Shilao also saw Shi Chong sitting in the middle of the hall in a very luxurious living room.

Of course, on both sides of him are the two big beauties who were tender and charming last night.

"It seems that my brother has adjusted well this night! The complexion is also very good! The two girls who want to come to my brother are still good!"

"Big brother joked! Actually, I really drank too much last night! If there is any gaffe, please forgive me, Brother Jia!"

"Hahaha, what are you talking about, my brother! Do we still use this between brothers! It's that the old Shi in your house is really a good man who is loyal to the Lord! Do you know that he didn't close his eyes this night? I'm afraid that your brother will eat you!" At a certain moment, in a luxurious hall, Jia Mi was also talking and laughing.

For a while, the atmosphere in the whole hall also seemed very harmonious.

Of course, since entering the hall, the person called Shi Lao didn't speak, but looked at Shi Chong quietly.

In this way, after everyone had some breakfast, Shi Chong proposed to leave.

"Well, it's getting late! Today is the first day of the office of the General Commander's Mansion! My deputy general has to go back if he says anything! Say yes! Brother Jia!"

"What the brother said! Go back! But then, that one hundred thousand taels of silver! I don't know when it will be convenient for my brother!"

"Oh, look at my memory, I almost forgot! Shi Lao, after we go back, you will do this specifically!"

auzw.com "Yes!" After hearing Shi Chong's words, Shi Lao also nodded weakly.

In this way, Shi Chong also returned to his home in a sedan car because of the Tongbing General's Mansion.

On the way, Old Shi also spoke out his own heart. Seeing him move, he followed Shi Chong into the sedan.

"My lord! He, he's robbing! How can he do that! He has taken money from us many times before! Now it's getting worse!"

"Forget it, just take money to buy peace! After all, you know his current power! We are rich, but people have the right!"

"Yes, but that is one hundred thousand taels of silver! Even for us, it is a lot of money! Besides, he is an obvious set, let us drill in!"

"Old Shi, do you really think that the deity is a fool! In fact, I have known his methods from the beginning! But what can be done! Why do we have no military power! So this time, since the deity is here, why not? When you become the deputy general of the commanding army, you must draw some sergeants well and strive to build a military force that belongs to us!" At a certain moment, on the sedan chair of Shi Chong, so was Shi Chong. Slowly said what was in his heart.

Facing such Shi Chong, the old Shi didn't say much, just closed his eyes quietly, after all, he hadn't closed his eyes the night before.

Here, Shi Chong was frustrated by Jia Mi and asked to leave one hundred thousand taels of silver, but the General Commander's Mansion at this time was already a different scene.

"The generals listen to the orders! Although it is relatively simple and the site is not too big! But you should know that from today onwards, this is our Chinese Army's Great Tent! The General Commander's Mansion is the Chinese Army's Great Tent! Wait! Understand!"

"The final commander!"

"The final general is willing to listen to the general's orders!"

"The last general also takes his orders!" For a while, in the courtyard of Shi Chong's imperial capital, Liu Kun, who had just taken office, also shouted loudly and said his own method of commanding the troops.

Of course, Liu Kun also got in touch with Emperor Sima Zhong and Jia Mi before focusing on the scope and personnel of the troops.

"Okay! It seems that you are all real generals, and even real warriors! This general just looked at it, and there are ten generals under your account! It is estimated that each of you has a dozen young generals!"

"If you return to the general, that's the case! Because they will be stationed outside the city, so we had to be the representative of our ten brothers!"

"Oh! Ten brothers! When did you become brothers!" Feeling the emotional change of the general under the tent, Liu Kun also said slowly in a low voice.

Although this sentence sounds very simple, the generals under the account were also taken aback. Qi Qi arched his head and said: "The general is here! I can't wait to understand the military method! Please forgive me!"

"Okay! You can be so enlightened! It shows that you are still useful! Since your majesty has handed you over to the general, then the general must improve your combat effectiveness in a short time! Let’s talk about it, you all add up. How much military power is there!"

"General Liu! This is very simple. This envoy asked before. There are 30,000 cavalry and 70,000 infantry! A total of 100,000!"

"It turned out to be General Jin Shangyu! Good! Actually, you are the supervising officer of the army. I would believe the figures you said! Well, starting from today, your ten chief generals will report here every day! It will be timely! Master your training progress! In addition, there are still many training methods to be taught to you!"

"I'll wait to follow the general's order!" Just as Qi Qi's shouts slowly echoed in the courtyard, a large sedan chair also fell forward.

"Um, General Liu, the next official came back late, it seems that I missed something!"

"General Shi is serious! This general is just talking about the basic method of commanding the army! Now that General Shi is here, then this general will convey the latest verbal statement of Lord Long live!" As he spoke, Liu Kun also changed more and more. Be fierce.

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