I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 809: The power of "perspective"!

Knowing that Li Zhaoma had succeeded and actually brought Na Lu Zhong over, Jin Shangyu was also in a good mood.

After all, Lu Zhong is also an unknown number. Now that he has the result, Jin is still very happy.

But at this moment, Li Zhao also said again: "Shang Yu! This Lu Zhong seems to be very ordinary, but it contains a kind of energy to do big things! Since it can be collected this time It's also a blessing!"

"Big Brother Li has worked hard! Actually, if Big Brother Li hadn't personally convinced him, I'm afraid there would be no such result!"

"Boy, this is putting a high hat on the old man, isn't it? To be honest, this time, it really wasn't the old man's credit! It should be someone who has already voted for you!"

"Really! If you say that, is Lao Tzu's popularity?"

"Why, I just got a savior, and it was so beautiful! It's really worthless!" At a certain moment, when Li Zhao saw Jin Shangyu's words like this, he also said with a smile.

In other words, when Li Zhao returned to his home from Lu Zhong's house, Jin Shangyu was already waiting there.

Of course, Jin Shangyu also knew the result when he heard Li Zhao's "it is".

"Brother Li, it seems that Lu Zhong is an individual talent, otherwise there would be no such waiting!"

"Yeah! I'm ashamed to say it! Just when the old man was talking with him, he left in a hurry! The old man who got him almost turned upside down! But who would have thought that he would appear in his home? Such a difficult thing!"

"Oh! There is still something difficult in his family! I don't know what it is! Brother might as well talk about it!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu heard something difficult in Lu Zhong's home, he was also very curious. One sentence.

Seeing that Jin Shangyu was very interested in Lu Zhong's family affairs, Li Zhao also said helplessly: "Actually, this Lu Zhong has a child who is only seven or eight years old, but God does not care about him, he is actually a dumb! And that's not even counted. According to him, this kid has to see Lu Zhong every morning, otherwise he will be mad!"

"Oh, there is such a strange disease! This dumb is normal! But it also depends on what caused it. If it is caused by the day after tomorrow, it may be saved! As for his madness! It is hard to say!"

"It's saved! It's saved! That's right, it seems that the old man is underestimating the son! It's better to find time, you can go and see, you can also face him directly! Is it easy to communicate?"

"Well, how about this! If you can't cure people's disease, I think Lao Tzu is sensational!"

"It's okay! Think of it as a try!" Seeing Jin Shangyu said this, Li Zhao followed with a smile.

"You bastard, although I am not a doctor, if you can use the future core ability and do a perspective or something, you may really be able to find out the cause! Well, just go and have a look!" muttered in my heart While talking to himself, Jin Shangyu also made a decision in his heart.

In this way, Li Zhao had a long talk with Jin Shangyu as soon as he returned to the house. Of course, besides the conversation, they also made a decision, that is, let Jin visit the house and visit others by the way. Unspeakable things!

In the very afternoon, when the imperial capital under the scorching sun seemed more and more irritable, Jin Shangyu had already come to Lu Zhong's house lightly.

"It is an honor for Lu Mou to be able to come to the humble house, Mr. Jin! Please, please come in!"

"Master Lu is serious! Actually, in front of you, Shang Yu dare not make trouble! After all, you saved Shang Yu's life back then!"

"The past in the past, how to mention it! It seems that Lord Jin is still a person of love and righteousness! In fact, Lord Li Zhao was able to talk about it before, and Lu Zhong knew what Lord Jin thought!"

"Oh, that's the case! Then, Shang Yu, thank you Brother Lu!" At a certain moment, at Lu Zhong's house, Jin Shangyu also called him "Big Brother".

This behavior also surprised Lu Zhong! After all, in this dark age, if people can call themselves brothers in private, it shows that the relationship is extraordinary.


In this way, Jin Shangyu made his intentions clear just after arriving at Lu Zhong's house.

"Well, Mr. Jin, unexpectedly, he can cure the disease!"

"No! I said the boss, how many times I have said it, can you stop being called Lord Jin! Between us brothers, it is good to be called Shang Yu!"

"Good, good! Let's call it Shang Yu! I don't know how to cure the inner son's disease!"

"This, Shang Yu just wanted to try, I really don't know if it can be cured!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu felt Lu Zhong's eagerness, he said weakly.

After all, he can't guarantee that he can cure other people's diseases.

In the face of Jin Shangyu's humble words, Lu Zhong didn't say anything, and just sent someone to call his only son.

About the time of a cup of tea, a middle-aged beautiful woman walked in outside the hall, followed by a seven or eight-year-old boy.

"My lord, no, that Shang Yu! This, this is the wife and the kid!"

"Shang Yu has seen his sister-in-law!"

"My lord does not need to be like this!"

"Well, we don't have to be constrained by etiquette! Come on, Bu'er, come quickly and let Uncle Shang Yu take a look, maybe you can be saved!"

"No, I said Brother Lu! Could this kid hear me!"

"Of course I can hear it! That's why Lu is sad!" At the end, Lu Zhong also showed a look of helplessness.

"You girl, you can still speak! It seems that this kid really couldn't speak for other reasons!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu discovered this problem, he was muttering in his heart. Uttered.

In this way, in order to better check the body of this little boy! Jin Shangyu also fully launched his "Future Core".

Through his own strong perception, Jin Shangyu's knowledge of the sea also showed the inside of the boy's mouth.

Just like the high-tech scans of modern medicine, Jin actually used his perception to check the body of the little boy named Buer.

At a certain moment, just when the Lu Zhong and his wife were afraid to speak out, Jin Shangyu really discovered the problem.

"Mother, that's the case! There is a hard object blocking the back dome of this little guy's inner jaw and pharynx! It seems that this stuff made him unable to speak!" Suddenly some cause was found, and Jin Shangyu was also very surprised. Excited.

After all, it is the first time for Jin to show people a disease, especially using his strong perception to check a disease!

"Um, Shang Yu! How about Bu'er! Is there a rescue!"

"Big brother, don't worry! You were able to save Shang Yu in the ancient tomb, and today a certain family must do their best to treat this little guy!"

"Then, my family will thank you!"

"Why, forget it again! What is our relationship! It's nice to say the word'thank you'! However, this little guy is still lucky and should be saved!" At a certain moment, just before Jin Shangyu's words were over , Na Luzhong and his wife also became extremely excited, and even in the end, Madam Lu directly hugged the little boy and burst into tears.

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