I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 807: Lu Zhong's attitude!

In the imperial capital city, at Li Zhao's mansion, Jin Shangyu's mood became more and more complicated. After all, sometimes people will think of something if they calm down.

At this time, Jin Shangyu thought of his rival. Of course, this person is Li Yin who has been right with Jin Shangyu before! In fact, this person said it was Jin's first enemy, which is no exaggeration!

Of course, this person was also hit hard by Jin Shangyu in the Wuming Valley, but he escaped.

Here Jin Shangyu was thinking about the past, and his mind was a little distracted, and when Li Zhao saw this kind of Jin Shangyu, he also muttered to himself: "Isn't it because I think about the past again! Actually, I think about it now. It's not very useful! Let's study our candidate for the commander! After all, tomorrow morning, we can’t leave it alone!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a little distracted! Well, Brother Li is right. Some candidates should be mentioned, but the question is whether the candidates we propose can pass! So, let's just mention some that they can also accept. Candidate! What did Brother Li think!"

"This, it seems that the son has no hope for the candidate for the commander this time!"

"That's right! Since Jia Mi wants this candidate, let's help them find one! Let Lao Tzu say that Liu Kun is a good candidate!" At the end, Jin Shangyu laughed loudly.

Faced with such Jin Shangyu, Li Zhao also laughed. After all, such a countermeasure is more in line with the current situation.

The reason Jin Shangyu decided to let Liu Kun return to the imperial army was because Jin knew that Liu Kun's mind was definitely not a general, and his ideal revenge or ambition should be greater!

In this way, because Jin Shangyu couldn't find a good candidate, he simply regarded his old acquaintance as his candidate.

Of course, no one knows which side Liu Kun is on now, or whether he is a strong man himself.

"Shang Yu! Actually, we can actually report you as an adult! After all, Jia Mi already knows our relationship! You can't prevent it! It's better to tell him our purpose!"

"Alright! But it's better not to say my son's name from Brother Li's mouth!"

"Well, this is a bit bad! After all, people who can stand in the Palace of True Dragons are at least members of Chaozhong! And such people are probably most timid and self-preserving!"

"That's what I said! However, one person can try, after all, he and I have some intersections before!"

"Who! Tell me!"

"Lv Zhong! This person accidentally saved my life before! If you can win him, you can say it through his mouth!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also mentioned his savior, Lu Zhong.

Although this Lu Zhong accidentally saved him back then, he is a de facto benefactor.

In fact, Li Zhao is also very familiar with Lu Zhong, after all, this Lu Zhong is also a civil official who participates in the early dynasty every day!

"Lv Zhong! He usually talks very little! But since the son has crossed with him! Then, the old man should get in touch with him now! It is also good to check his tone! Even if he disagrees, it is probably not his personality Will take the initiative to offend us!"

"Okay! If that's the case, then I will trouble Big Brother Li to run." At a certain moment, seeing that Li Zhao agreed to persuade Lu Zhong, Jin Shangyu also showed a smile on his face.

After all, in the current court situation, although there are Ling Yun and others as internal responders, only Li Zhao can really dare to pronounce in the court!

auzw.com So the top priority is to develop a character who dares to talk and is not afraid of losing his head.

Here is how someone Jin took a nap in the Li Mansion, I won't mention it for the time being, just talk about Li Zhao at this time, and set off with two servants alone.

Of course, the destination of his trip was Lu Zhong's mansion.

About half an hour later, Li Zhao was already sitting in Lu's living room.

"What kind of wind is this! It actually blows Master Li to the next official!"

"Master Lu is polite! Let's be officials in the same court! The old man only entered the court a few years earlier! Besides, with the current rank, are we among the first classmates? You are welcome!"

"Good, good! Then, that little brother is just polite! I don't know what the so-called ``big brother Li came in anxiously!"

"There must be something! But before talking about business, someone Li would like to ask Master Lu some questions!"

"Oh, that's it! My little brother listens very well!" At a certain moment, in the Lu Mansion, when there was something in the words facing Li Zhao, Lu Zhong also smiled slightly.

Facing such Lu Zhong, it was actually within Li Zhao's expectation.

At that time, I saw Li Zhao's expression lightened slightly, and then softly said, "What do you think of Jia Mi, my brother!"

"Oh, Master Jia, of course he is a great minister in the court!"

"Then, do you think there is any change in the current situation than before!"

"This, it's not easy to say! After all, Xiaguan is a small person! How dare to talk about the affairs of the court! Don't embarrass Lu, Master Li!"

"Difficult! Then, the official must have my brother say something!" At a certain moment, seeing that Lu Zhong's attitude to protect himself, Li Zhao's expression also changed a little.

Of course, seeing that Li Zhao was already angry, Lu Zhong was also a little embarrassed. After all, he was still able to visit the mansion at this time. To put it in a bad way, he was deliberately soliciting!

"Well, Lord Li, don’t be angry! Now that you have said that! The next official will just say a few words! Actually, do you still need to talk about the current court? Of course it is Master Jia’s family! Of course, Master Li, you are noble It is also a model for our generation to learn! But sometimes, you know, after all, keeping a safe family is still the most realistic and important for us little people!"

"Okay! Well said! Really! It's a personal thing! In fact, Master Lu is able to say this, it is already a lot of face for Li! Of course, this is not my intention!"

"Oh, what do you say! I would like to ask the adults!" At a certain moment, when Li Zhao said that his intention was not from his heart, Lu Zhong also moved in his heart, and his expression changed a little.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Lu Zhong! The reason why the changes are so great is because he also knows the current state of affairs very well.

To put it bluntly, in the current state bureau, most of the officials have already stood in the team and chose the direction! But officials like Lu Zhong who didn't stand on either side are the ones who worry every day!

"Okay! If that's the case, then Li will just say it! In fact, this time, Li was entrusted by Jin Shangyu to invite an adult out of the mountain! Shang Yu said, you are his savior! You are a person to rely on! !"

"Jin Shangyu! It's really him! Actually, Mr. Li didn't say anything, Lv had already thought of him! After all, when Lv rescued him, he already saw the extraordinaryness of this man! Alas, it seems to be a creation. People! Who would have thought that a spirit-skeeper back then could develop to what he is now!" At the end, Lu Zhong also showed a strange look.

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