I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 805: Controversy in the Palace of True Dragon!

Before dawn, the courtiers in front of the True Dragon Hall slowly stepped into the palace hall. And with the voice of the palace in the palace, "Long live the Lord is here", it also kicked off the early discussion of politics on this day!

"Long live my emperor long live long live long live!"

"All the secretaries, please! Today morning, everyone's spirit is really good! I don't know if there are any important things to discuss today!"

"Your Majesty Kaizou! The minister has this play!"

"Jia Aiqing, please speak! Jia Aiqing has been working hard these days, after all, the current situation is a bit messy!"

"Longsui Xie! The minister received a quick Malay report last night, and the northern affairs have already developed into a melee situation!" At the end, Jia Mi also glanced at the courtier.

Facing Jia Mi's sharp eyes, the ministers also lowered their heads very low. Perhaps at this moment, everyone has a common psychological change, that is, they cannot confront Jia Mi.

"Well, Jia Aiqing, you are just talking about what happened to the specific war in the north!"

"Long live the Lord! Now there is a chaos in the north! On the one hand, the Jie people have already used powerful cavalry to severely damage the Yuwenbu! On the other hand, the Bu Xianbei and Murong Xianbei are also preparing for war. It is to be thrown into the battle!"

"Oh, it has developed to this point! So, what kind of strategy Jia Aiqing thinks we should adopt!" At a certain moment, after that Jia Mi simply stated the war in the north, the one who fell on the dragon seat Emperor Sima Zhong also had some changes in his emotions.

Of course, after hearing the latest information on the war in the north, the ministers also started to whisper.

"Brother, listen, the north is really messed up! Then, does that mean we have to send troops too!"

"Speak down! It depends on Master Jia's meaning if you don't send troops! If we talk too much, it will easily lead to trouble!"

"Yeah! Look, you don’t even have anything to say about Long Live now! Let’s just wait for it to change!" Maybe it’s afraid of Jia Mi, maybe it’s all beating his own Xiao Jiujiu, so I didn’t speak at the True Dragon Palace. At the time, the scene was a little chaotic!

However, at this moment, Na Jia Mi also took a step forward and said loudly: "Long live the Lord! You have also seen that the North has become a chaos, and the annexation of the Yuwen Department is already a matter of time! So Therefore, the minister thought that he should seize this opportunity and mobilize the army to take advantage of the opportunity to get the most benefit!"

"Well, isn't this a bit anxious! Besides, our Central Plains is too far away from the north, do we have to think about it for a long time!"

"Long live master! The opportunity is not to be missed, the failure is not here! The minister can guarantee that as long as you send 50,000 iron knights, you will get unexpected results! Please long live master!" At the end, Jia Mi's voice also became sharp. .

Facing Jia Mi's strong performance, even the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat was a bit embarrassed.

After all, who owns the current situation, he still knows Sima Zhong.

However, just when the situation was a little awkward, Li Zhao, who had never said a word, also took a step forward and said: "The minister has something to play!"


"Oh, it's Li Zhao! Li Aiqing has something to say!"

"Thank you, long live master! The minister also heard Master Jia's statement just now that it is true that the north has become a chaotic situation! But the minister thinks it should not send troops now!"

"Li Zhao! What do you want! Do you want to minimize the interests of the court! Or you are connected with the northern clans!" Just when Li Zhao first expressed his thoughts, the dragon seat The emperor Sima Zhong who was above hadn't said anything yet, Jia Mi, who was standing in the front row, was already a little embarrassed and angry!

However, in the face of Jia Mi's anger, Li Zhao was actually prepared for a long time, and he didn't take it seriously! He said in an unhurried voice, "Long live the Lord! The reason why the minister thinks this way is because we are a real celestial kingdom! You know, the chaos in the north now seems chaotic, but not necessarily chaotic! Say something! If it's a bit awkward, if we dispatch troops, people might twist them into a rope to deal with us! I'm afraid it will be a steal by then!"

"This, this, it seems that what Li Aiqing said is not unreasonable! Jia Aiqing, what do you think!"

"Long live Lord! Can you listen to Li Zhao! He is harming the interests of our great power in the heavens! Li Zhao, do you think that you have benefited from the northern tribes?"

"Jia Mi! Don't think that you are great! To be a bit ugly! I have this temper! I would rather stand to die than live on my knees! Isn't it true that you have to bear so many crimes to tell the truth!"

"You, you nonsense!" At the end, Jia Mi was a little confused. After all, what Li Zhao said is not unreasonable!

Of course, seeing these two arguing in the courtroom, the ministers seemed to be asleep, and no one said anything!

In the face of this situation, Emperor Sima Zhong said weakly in the end: "Well, since this matter, I still can't make up my mind for the time being! It's better to discuss it later! Or, let's talk about the struggle between the kings first. !"

"Long live the Lord! Actually, as the minister said before! The battle between the kings seems fierce, but in fact it is just to grab the benefits of their own family together! No big things will happen! For example, the East Ocean King is a good example! Although he was at odds with King Qi, his subordinates were merciful and did not start a major war! Even the people in the court sometimes make choices that are really important!"

"Oh, Li Zhao! What do you mean by this! It's better to elaborate!"

"Yes, the minister understands! Please think about it! Who are they! Of course they are members of the royal family, how can they be separated from the court!"

"It makes sense! So, what should I do now!" At a certain moment, when Li Zhao explained his analysis one by one, Emperor Sima Zhong also asked very carefully.

This time, Li Zhao did not rush to answer, but slowly cast his gaze on Jia Mi, who was so angry.

"Long live the Lord! Chen Jia Mi disagrees with Li Zhao's view! Although they are all members of the royal family! But they cannot be allowed to develop freely! Again, the most urgent thing is to select a highly respected man from the army. General! As long as they have a strong military force, I believe their struggle will be invisible!"

"This, this also makes sense!" In the face of Jia Mi's strength, Emperor Sima Zhong's expression changed a bit, but in the end he didn't say anything.

However, Li Zhao couldn't let Jia Mi's strategy succeed. He smiled slightly and said in a hurry, "Long live master! The selection of the generals is actually the most important thing! Of course, the minister is still the most important thing. That said, it is not advisable to move troops at this time! Observation should be the focus! Especially the war in the north, of course, including the struggle between kings! This applies to this!"

"Li Zhao! You, do you really think so!" As he spoke, Li Zhao also felt a powerful killing spirit enveloped him.

For a while, because of Jia Mi's anger, the whole situation became very strange.

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