I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 802: Guqin is melodious!

In the imperial capital Luoyang, the flow of people is still bustling, but judging from the information sent out every morning, a strong panic has already appeared in the hearts of most courtiers.

Of course, no matter how bad the news is, it is a mixed blessing. Take the early dynasty that just passed, because of the disputes between the kings, the courtiers opened a mode of discussion.

Because Jia Mi did not intervene too much in this matter, the ministers were also very happy.

Especially in the final critical period, Li Zhao also put forward his views. The approximate meaning is to safeguard the rights and interests of East Ocean King. For a while, the ministers around him were very surprised!

After all, everyone still knows something about this Li Zhao, that is, his character is fortitude, and he dared to express his opinions regardless of official position!

"Shang Yu! Do you think they suspect that Li Zhao's motives are impure!"

"What's the matter! The ministers are actually not trying to help some forces to speak! We are just one of them! Let's take a step back and say, even if it attracts their attention, what can we do! After all, now we even want to You can't hide it anymore! It can only be slowly exposed to the surface of the water!" As he spoke, Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile.

Of course, in the living room of his own home, Jin Shangyu didn't need to speak any more mandarin or big words. By the time, the old man Wen Shuo looked very serious.

"Well, it's been more than a month, and I don't know if there is any big movement in Fengyun Palace! The son should walk around now!"

"Lao Wen, you mean you are afraid that she will change our methods to us! That's right! There is nothing big to do! I will go and see tonight! I hope she will still be our backing, at least not to become our enemy! It's that Jia Mi, during this time, it seems to have converged a lot! However, the more he is like this, the more I think he has a problem!"

"Yes! In the early days now, because the discussion is about disputes between kings, Jia Mi seems to have no interest at all!"

"The analysis of the old man is! Then, let's go for that son!" When the twilight fell, a very meaningful conversation ended in the large living room of Jin's mansion.

Of course, accompanied by the night breeze and feeling the magical changes of the night of the imperial capital, Jin Shangyu has already drifted into the palace.

"Mother, this is Lao Tzu. It is estimated that no one in this world will treat this palace interior as a flat ground!" While muttering in his heart, Jin Shangyu's body style has been urged to the extreme.

For a while, in the various buildings of the imperial capital, a dark shadow flew like wind and rain. It wasn't until a certain moment that a huge palace appeared in front of someone, that shadow slowly fell down!

"It seems that Lao Tzu's skill has improved a lot! I really don't know what the limit of this future core is! Forget it, let's get into the palace first!" Feeling that the huge palace is right in front of him, Jin Shangyu also slowly took away. Shaped, and then gently came to a palace wall.

It's too late to say, it's fast, just in the exhibition of Jin Shangyu's figure, a dark shadow also instantly crossed the high palace wall.

"You girl, you came in so easily! Not bad! However, the defensive power of this palace is unprecedented! There are as many as four or five teams in this outpost alone! No, it turns out that every rockery and grove There are secret whistle guards! It seems that my old lady queen has also discovered something!" While slowly bypassing the palace guards on duty, Jin Shangyu wondered wildly in his heart.

auzw.comSpeaking of which is actually Jin Shangyu, it is really difficult to break through the layers of guards of the imperial palace as someone else!

At a certain moment, just before Jin Shangyu came to a familiar palace, there was also an intoxicating soft and soft piano sound.

The melodious sound of the piano is like flowing water with a touch of sadness. When the piano sound slowly slowed down, the whole piano sound became quiet and elegant again, tactfully, just like this sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus, not willing to go away for a long time.

"You girl, it turned out to be her! She actually played such a beautiful tune here! It seems that the queen sister, Lao Tzu, is really blessed!" Before the person entered, Jin Shangyu was already floating out of Fengyun Palace. The sound of the piano was intoxicated.

However, just when someone Jin was preparing to sip the piano sound of a fret of the beautiful green bead outside Fengyun Palace, with the sharp turn of the scale, it seemed that the song was over, but the remaining sound was curled and endless... ...

"Good tune! But it's just a little sad! But this is exactly your state of mind now! After all, you live here, although you have left the Golden Valley Garden! But you are still in the Fengyun Palace of this palace! The same state of mind, but different Environment!"

"The empress is too serious! The servant girl dare not think like this! Nor does it have such a state of mind! It is a great blessing for the servant girl to be here!"

"Well, you don’t have to be like this in front of this palace! In fact, letting you live here is to protect you, and secondly it is also the selfishness of this palace! After all, your talent is unparalleled, maybe, okay, forget it, no Say it! If nothing else happens! Go back and rest!"

"Then, the servant girl has retired!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu wanted to listen to this peerless beautiful sound outside Fengyun Palace, but he didn't expect the song to be finished, which inevitably made Jin very disappointed.

"You girl, you don't even play! That's right, what time is it now! Maybe it's Lao Tzu who is late! Pooh, pooh, what are you talking about! Lao Tzu's purpose is not to listen to beautiful women playing the piano!" After the slight changes in Fengyun Palace, Jin Shangyu also knew the fact that the Lvzhu girl had already returned to her resting place.

Of course, because of the departure of Lvzhu, the melodious sound of the previous Fengyun Palace is also gone, and it is replaced by an uncomfortable silence!

"Oh, it seems that I, the queen sister, is quite proficient in temperament, otherwise I wouldn't say the state of mind of that big beauty! Forget it, go in! See what she thinks this time!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu felt When Lvzhu left and there was only Queen Jananfeng in the inner hall of the palace, his figure flashed quickly.

"You are here! It is really you! I thought I guessed wrong!"

"No, I said, Queen Sister! Why would you find out in advance every time Shang Yu came! Does Sister really have any special powers!"

"Extraordinary power! What a idiot! I told you a long time ago, it's just a feeling! Is this also a special ability!"

"This! Well, the little brother doesn't know! However, the queen sister seems to be in a bad mood!"

"How do you meet!"

"Does this still need to be said! My son has not arrived yet, and the sound of the piano has already explained everything!" At the end of the talk, Jin Shangyu also slowly sat opposite the Queen Jia Nanfeng.

Maybe it's because the two sides are more familiar with each other, maybe Jin Shangyu did it deliberately. In short, before the queen Jia Nanfeng said anything, Jin already found a foothold.

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