I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 596: farewell!


The dark night is like ink, and the cold wind blows...

Feeling the coldness of the imperial capital Luoyang, Jin Shangyu also sorted out his thoughts a bit.

"Mother, let them drink! Anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow, so let this girl look at her acquaintances in her hometown again!" While muttering to herself, Jin Shangyu also came to the small courtyard of Jin's house.

"You are out!"

"Of course you can come out. If you don't come out again, you guys will break in! Why, are you upset when you won the champion of the Celestial Tournament! Or what new tricks you girl have!"

"Jin Shangyu! Control your stinky mouth, and dare to talk nonsense, be careful that this girl turns her face ruthlessly!"

"Oh, I'm angry! What a weird thing! Lao Tzu handed over to you a champion of the China Grand Tournament. Now that you are good, you are still here for this set! Isn't it a bit too much? Or, you can see You can't give that ten thousand taels of silver to Jin!" At the end of the talk, even Jin Shangyu himself was a little embarrassed. After all, saying this is actually making people angry.

However, what Jin Shangyu could not imagine was that the masked man in front of him was not angry, but listened to Jin quietly, as if she was really thinking about the other person's problem.

"Mother, it's not that they are really going to send the ten thousand taels of silver!" While muttering to himself, the masked man finally spoke.

"The surname is Jin! We can do what you said, isn't it only ten thousand taels! But this girl also has one condition!"

"What conditions!"

"You Jin Shangyu quit the Royal Farm!"

"Girl, you really have a good calculation! You want to use the emperor's money to buy Laozi's site! Sorry, this is impossible!"

"You, why don't you agree! Is there any earth-shattering action by your Jin Shangyu! Isn't your goal is money! Since you can get so much money in the shortest time, why not!" Seeing Jin Shangyu directly refused! In response to his request, the masked man was also a little unhappy.

In the face of this, even Jin Shangyu who seemed a little unreasonable, the masked man was constantly pacing.

"Okay, don't wander back and forth! Let's talk! What do you want, do you regret it? If it is, try it!"

"You, don't be too arrogant! Your people are very powerful, but there is still a gap with the deity. On today's high platform, if it were not for the deity's mercy, it is estimated that a few of them would have long been dead!"

"Oh, it turns out that your confidence comes from here! It's so ridiculous! Girl, you really think that your pear flower sword rain is invincible in the world! To be honest, your body and combat power are indeed at the level of heaven. , But this is not the reason for your arrogance! To be honest, if my people use the ultimate skill in today's battle, even if you can avoid it, it is probably seriously injured!" At the end, Jin Shangyu's momentum is also He climbed steadily, and even at a certain moment, he exuded a strong force of pressure.

"You, what did you say! You mean they still have the power to fight again!"

"It's not just the power to fight again! If the three of them use the third style of combined attack, I am afraid you will have to suffer!"

"Yes, but they didn't use it after all! Besides, this girl didn't say not to let you be the head of the farm! It was you who wanted the ten thousand taels of silver!"

"Mother, you girl, how come this woman has changed so much! I just talked about that level, but now it has become the next level in a flash!" Just when Jin Shangyu felt the other's troubles , He was also muttering to himself.


In fact, Jin Shangyu said his three commanders very powerfully, the purpose is to put pressure on the other party, and now the purpose has been achieved, so he is not strong, just staring at the masked man from time to time.

Because it was a daughter, anyone would be embarrassed to be looked up and down by a man like this.

"Jin Shangyu, what are you looking at! Let's go to the Royal Farm tomorrow, and I will fulfill my promise by then!"

"Oh, I want to drive! This is a good thing! Good, good, I will be there tomorrow! Why don't you go to the house for a few drinks!"

"Fuck! Don't talk nonsense! Otherwise, you know the consequences!" Seeing Jin Shangyu suddenly said this, the masked man was so angry that he threw a sentence almost instantly and disappeared into the night.

"Mother, what is this? Isn't it just to invite you girl to drink two glasses of wine? As for the reaction so strong! Forget it, good men don't fight with women, since you have promised to fulfill your promises, neither will I It would be too much!" At a certain moment, seeing that the mysterious black-clothed masked man left with anger, Jin Shangyu also stood in the house and did not leave for a long time.

In this way, although the Jin's dinner party was very enjoyable and it took a long time, the morning sun still arrived as scheduled the next morning.

Brother Yu, get up! There are too many things today! In addition to sending Uncle Hu out of the city, don't you still have to go to the Royal Farm! "

"Yes, yes, the girl is right! There are so many things today! Come, let me kiss you!"

"Brother Yu, stop making trouble! They are all downstairs!"

"It's all downstairs, it's impossible, even that Moza has sobered up!"

"Well, maybe he hasn't woken up the bar yet, but the old man still finds someone to lift him down! It seems that he has to leave the imperial capital today." At the end, that section of Yunyan was also a little sad.

After all, these people are from his hometown, especially the old Hushuobi who grew up watching the beautiful Duan.

In this way, because of Duan Yunyan's urging, it is impossible for Jin to sleep for a while.

"You kid got up early!"

"Well, it's not early, let the old general get up early! Hey, isn't this General Mozha! When did you sleep on a stretcher? Is the bed in Jin's house not good enough?"

"Shang Yu! Don't be mean! The old man is really anxious to leave, so this kid can only sober up on the road!"

"It turned out to be like this! Then, I won't say much! Let's have breakfast first! This should not affect the schedule of the elderly!"

"Boy, what are you talking about! I know you don’t want us to leave! But the old man doesn’t want to leave either! But the development is so fast, you can’t help but think about it!" Seeing Jin Shangyu still wanting to keep them, Hu Shuobi The old man also said with a smile.

In this way, because Duanbu Xianbei really needed the news, Jin Shangyu couldn't say much, so he could only quietly send the three of them out of the imperial capital Luoyang City.

"Go back! I'll leave the king away! I'm afraid I won't be back again if I go! It looks like I'm really waiting for you to come and see us! Girl, you have to live your life! Don't play Miss temper! Shang Yu is a good man!"

"Uncle Hu, stop talking!" Seeing that Hu Shuobi was very excited, Duan Yunyan also choked up several times.

For a time, on an official road outside the northern city of the imperial capital, the aura of parting was lingering, making people unable to extricate themselves.

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