I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 585: The eve of the decisive battle!

The Tianchao contest that had been popular all day, after all, stopped running amidst the joys and sorrows of several families. Perhaps this is a general mobilization of the people in the imperial capital city that has been silent for too long, or perhaps this is the long-lost laughter before the stormy waves!

"Uncle Hu, don't be sad anymore! Didn't you say you were okay when you came? Your mission is to see me doing well! Now you have seen it, and you know it, the mission should have been completed long ago, why bother? I want to think about the results of the Korean Tournament that day! Besides, you also took the initiative to withdraw, not even outsiders who made it!"

"Girl, having said that, but after all, we are also the pride of the Daxianbei clan, how could we quit like this! If it weren't for Shang Yu and you, even if we died in battle, the three of us would not shrink back. Yes!" At the end, the old man Hushuobi also showed a very firm look.

"Mother, forget it, after all, people are not in a good mood now, so I won't argue with them! However, as Luo Yun said, I really should go out and have a look!" At one point, Jin Shangyu felt After the psychological changes of Hushuobi, Mozha and others, he was also muttering to himself.

In this way, the dinner is still the same, but Jin Shangyu at this time is no longer here. I saw that he drank three glasses of spirits and said softly: "Um, a few, in fact, we really should have a good drink today, but there is really something wrong with my brother! The big match is not over yet, I really should go out for a walk!"

"Shang Yu, you mean you want to go out and find out! That's right, after all, Ben Lei and the others will have a fierce battle tomorrow! To say that these boys are really blessed to get your guidance! It seems this They have the best chance of getting involved in the championship of the Heavenly Competition."

"What the old general said is that if Ling Yun and the others can really win the championship of the Celestial Tournament, then you are also people of merit! In this way, you are here to relive the past, and I will go out and see!"

"Okay, you go, be careful! Remember, although they won this game, they still want to take root in this imperial capital after all. This is their fundamental purpose!" Seeing Jin Shangyu has already got up to As a layman, Mr. Hu Shuobi reminded him again.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu wanted to know the situation of the Murong team, he also disappeared in the Imperial City alone.

"Mother, no, wait a while and then go to Murong Feiyu's place, let's go to Lingyun's place first!" Just when he arrived on the street in the Imperial City, Jin Shangyu thought of his three chiefs.

In other words, because of Jin's physical and mental characteristics, it didn't take long for them to come to the gate of the Forbidden Army camp.

"No, this time, I can't go in directly, otherwise it will cause Sima Zhong's suspicion!" Just before coming to the forbidden army camp, Jin Shangyu thought that this is not a place to go in, but in order to understand it. In the circumstances, Jin Shangyu also let out his strong perception.

Here, Jin Shangyu was trying his best to probe the situation inside the camp outside the Forbidden Army camp, while in the Forbidden Army camp, Ling Yun, Huifeng, and Ben Lei were talking about something in a camp.

"Ling Yun, tomorrow's battle must be fierce. Let's be mentally prepared! First, we can't let the other party take advantage. Second, if it doesn't work, let's use the trick of Big Brother."

"Chasing the wind, your words are quite reasonable, but we should also face our opponents! Today you also saw that Team Murong does have a certain strength! Especially the mysterious masked man, I guess I won’t say it, you The two should also see clearly that people's physical fitness is reaching its limit! It is estimated that even if it is the three of us brothers, it would be difficult to control him!"

"Yeah, on this point, Ben Lei agrees with Ling Yun's view! However, if we want to win the championship of the Celestial Tournament, we must be mentally prepared for the first battle! That Murong Feiyu has good combat power, but Chasing the wind should be able to deal with, and the other person, Ling Yun can also easily take it, the key is that the mysterious masked man, his speed is too fast, and his mind changes too fast, I don't know where he is sacred!" See Ling Yun and Zhuifeng both expressed their views, and Ben Lei also expressed his thoughts.

auzw.com However, just as the three brothers were studying tomorrow’s Great Contest, a figure floated in outside the Forbidden Army camp, like the wind, like a shadow, even a well-trained army sergeant. He also didn't notice the opponent's infiltration at all.

If someone were here at this time, you would find that this figure floated around, and finally stopped in front of the camp where the three Ling Yun were talking.

"Yeah! Ben Lei was right! But none of the three of us is absolutely sure to defeat that mysterious man! It would be great if the boss was here! He will definitely tell us how to subdue that man!"

"Boss, good point! Or, let's go out and find him to study the countermeasures!"

"No, at this time the imperial capital is already under martial law, and any disturbances will attract the attention of the True Dragon Palace! It's up to us! It really can't work, let's fight it, I believe that no matter how strong he is, he may not be able to fight. The combined force of the three of us!" Seeing Zhuifeng say this, Ling Yun also said with a serious face.

However, at this moment, the shadow lurking outside the camp suddenly rose into the air, and then fell together, floating outward like a wind.

"Why, want to go! Or else, you stay a while, listen more!"

"It's you! It's you again!"

"You recognize me! Since you are an acquaintance, stop and have a good chat!"

"The famous Jin Shangyu, who wouldn't know! However, the deity doesn't have time to chat with you!" As the shadow floated out of the forbidden army camp, another shadow followed like the wind.

Of course, the person who caught up was not someone else, but Jin Shangyu.

"Mother, you silly, fortunately Lao Tzu perceives it first, otherwise it will really let her take advantage of it! It seems that you really want to win the championship of the Celestial Tournament, otherwise you will not Came to the Forbidden Army camp on the eve of the decisive battle!" Jin Shangyu muttered to himself while following the wind-like figure very easily.

Speaking of which, Jin Shangyu didn't find this mysterious person at first, if it wasn't for his figure to shake a little, it would be hard for Jin to spot her.

"The surname Jin, what do you want, it's been a few dozen miles!"

"Oh, you are scared. I didn't expect you to be scared as a girl! Since you are scared, take your mask off! I don't know you are a girl!"

"Shut up! Are you looking for death?"

"I'm anxious, I want to kill! But you have to see who Lao Tzu is! Lao Tzu is not a crack, you can solve it with just one kick!" At a certain moment, I saw that the mysterious person's mood changed. Jin Shangyu also said with a smile.

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