I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 573: Strong dialogue!

Although it is already past noon in the imperial city in winter, the people here are enthusiastic.

"Brother Yu, Mozha is so strong! It seems that I underestimated him!"

"Girl, in fact, this kid is probably not doing his best now! Forget it, it seems that this competition is almost over!"

"Brother Yu, no! You think they still want to fight!"

"Don't worry, girl, one of them is already facing the big test of life and death. If Mozha hurts the killer, I am afraid this Di tribe will also treat us as a life and death enemy! I hope this kid can be more rational!" At the end, Jin Shangyu's His eyes are staring at the high platform.

"Why, I can't get up! You said it yourself! Or let Lao Tzu hit you!"

"You, don't insult me! Come on, let's do it, I planted in your hands today, there is nothing to say! Boss, you have to avenge me!" Mozha, who was on the battlefield, came to the victim When he knocked down the Di people who fell to the ground, that person also showed a stubborn color.

"You, you guys won!"

"Why, you know it's amazing! But don't worry, the old man will not do everything, and Moza will not retreat, but when will he wait!"

"This, it's too cheap for them"

"Mozha, do you want to disobey?"

"Mozha dare not!" Just as Mozha lighted up his iron fist to make the final blow, Hushuobi on the other side of the battlefield also issued instructions.

In fact, Moza was still a little unhappy, after all, this one was also a ruthless person, not to mention that there was no burden in his heart for murder, it was not too much.

However, this time he didn't dare anymore, after all, Hu Shuobi had already spoken.

"Boy, you are blessed! Let's not die today! You go!"

"This, what's the situation!"

"Forget it, you won!" At a certain moment, when Hushuobi was about to say a few more words, the person who was fighting with it finally said this sentence.

"Well, good good! Since you don't want to fight anymore, please go back!"


"Thank you! As long as we can win! We are not the people who kill people without blinking!" As the Di tribe gave up fighting, Hu Shuobi said slowly.

In this way, a battle that seemed like a life-and-death ended in this way.

"Hu Lao is really a magnificent person! This is the right thing to do!"

"Shang Yu! One more friend is better than one more enemy! Besides, as long as you win, why bother to kill them!"

"Yeah! If these people have the mentality of Hu Lao General, I guess this matter will be easy to handle!" While talking, Hu Shuobi had actually returned to the rest area with Mozha and Duan Shiwu.

However, at this moment, Jin Shangyu also felt the emotional change of Emperor Sima Zhong.

"Mother, it turns out that Sima Zhong values ​​people from the Di ethnic group very much! That's right, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to be divided into two groups to join the battle!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu was also paying attention to the viewing platform. Variety.

"Long live, I really didn't expect that this Di clan team would lose the game!"


"Yeah! I didn't even think about it! It's a pity! That section of Bu Xianbei, how is it so strong!"

"Looking back to Long Live Lord, they are actually not very strong, mainly because the Di people may not have sent the strongest one!" At the end, Queen Jananfeng also slowly cast her eyes on the high platform.

Because at this moment, another chaos has begun.

In this battle, almost many strong players appeared, including the Jie people, the Qiang people, and of course the Royal Forbidden Army.

"Nanfeng! What do you think Lingyun and the others are doing this time! Can they win?"

"Nanfeng dare not make any arrogance! However, since they are Long Live's people, they should have extraordinary combat power!" Seeing the question raised by Emperor Sima Zhong, Empress Jia Nanfeng also answered weakly.

In fact, the dialogue on the viewing platform is also under Jin Shangyu's control. After all, here, Jin Shangyu is most concerned about the Emperor Sima Zhong on the viewing platform.

In this way, as the host on the high platform continued to speak, the Celestial Grand Competition was also in full swing.

At a certain moment, just when everyone was paying attention to the development of the war, the field had already reached a point of violence. Because of this moment, the Jie Ren team actually faced up with the Qiang team in advance.

"Shang Yu! There is something wrong! It seems that they really met together!"

"Hu Lao, just now, you retired the Di Ren team, but actually took advantage of it! Their strongest strength should be in the other group! But this Jie and Qiang are different, because they each have only A team!"

"Yeah! It seems that the real strong dialogue will also start! It's just that I don't know who is the real strong!" When the situation on the stage changed suddenly, there was already a lot of discussion in the audience.

"Fei Yi, this time you have to make real effort! Remember, you must win!"

"The son rest assured! I will try my best! But, Man Sola, what should he do! After all, the opponent is from the Qiang ethnic group! The combat power is not weak!"

"Don't worry! When the time comes, we two will join forces and fight to win with one blow! As for him, because he is dressed up as a masked person, the other party will not easily take action! When they react, we have already won Advantage!"

"Feiyi understands!" Just when he arrived on the high platform, Tu Yuncha and Guo Feiyi discussed how to make a move.

Of course, Man Sola at this time was really covered, giving a very mysterious feeling.

Speaking of it, there is one more masked person like this in the entire team, and that is the masked person of Murong's.

"Come on! We've long heard that your Capricorns are infinite and powerful! However, we are not vegetarians! Why do we wear masks if we want to fight? Are you looking down on us!"

"This brother is joking! We are not as good as you said, we just came up to ask for advice!"

"Oh, it's so low-key! Haven't you killed four people before! Why are you so low-key now? Are you playing some tricks!" At the end, one of the Qiang team also said and moved forward. .

"Moza, you have to take a closer look, one of them may be your next opponent!"

"Brother Shang Yu, don't worry! I know what to see!"

"Okay, just count! But, that masked man, you don't need to care too much, you heard it before, he is just scaring people!" While reminding Mozha to pay attention to the war, Jin Shangyu slapped Sola The bottom is exposed.

In fact, insiders can hear that Jin Shangyu's behavior is not simply to push out the Man Sola, but the fundamental purpose is to tell everyone that this person is related to Jin and cannot be killed! It's that simple!

"Shang Yu! Don't worry! No matter which of them wins, we will do our best! As for the man named Man Sola, we will be merciful! Mozha, did you take it down!"

"General Mo!" Seeing that old Hushuobi was talking to Jin Shangyu while passing the news to himself, Mozha also replied.

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