I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 561: Under the Imperial City!

Although the endless grassland is divided into two by an official road, it does not block the beauty that bursts out by itself at all! But people's moods are sometimes weird, just like Duan Yunyan now, who was just excited about Hu Bi'er's happiness, but in a flash he became concerned about gains and losses.

"Yunyan, don't be like this! We should be happy for her! Don't worry, Luo Yun is not bad! Besides, isn't there still us! If this girl is wronged, we won't just sit back and watch! "

"Brother Yu, thank you!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu was so responsible, Duan Yunyan also solemnly thanked him.

"My mother, don't do that! Do we still have to do this! However, if you are moved by a bit, it should be a normal feeling!" Although it is nodding on the surface to indicate that there is nothing, Jin's heart But he was happy.

In this way, even though the group of people talked and laughed endlessly, they finally stopped. Nothing else, just because a huge city has already appeared in front of you.

"Mother, I thought I could play for a while! I didn't expect it to be here so soon!"

"Yeah! It's been a long time since I had such a happy and unscrupulous laugh! Brother Yu, do you think this city is already messed up!"

"Not at all! It is estimated that people who want to watch this celestial contest should have entered the city long ago! They won't step on a little like us!" Seeing Ran Yuyi asked about the city, Jin Shangyu also shared his thoughts. come out.

Of course, Feng Luoyun and Hu Bi'er at this time also slowed down. When the five horses stood side by side, the city gate in front was also in front of everyone.

"Brother Yu, look at it! The city gate hasn't been opened! This, is this not allowing people to enter the city!"

"Yeah! Really closed the city gate! No way, it is impossible, we will miss the good show this time! Boss, this is your idea! You must come forward to solve it!"

"Okay, don't say anything! Let's take a closer look and talk about it!" For a while, seeing that the gate was closed, Jin Shangyu did not change his expression, but took the lead to walk towards the gate.

"Those who come will stop! The city is closed by order! Those who do not have instructions are not allowed to enter the city! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!

"Oh, the city is really closed! Why!"

"Who is in the city! Why do you ask!"

"In the next Jin Shangyu!"

"It turned out to be Lord Jin! I'm sorry! I've always known that Lord Jin is righteous, and he is also very good to my brothers! But, this emperor's order is hard to violate! Adults didn't know it, just after today's early morning. , The upper side specifically issued this decree!" Seeing Jin Shangyu reported his family name, the sergeant above the city was also a little embarrassed.

They still know Jin Shangyu's name after all. It is not even known whether there is Jin Jun among them.

But the problem now is that even if they want to let Jin Shangyu and others enter the city, I am afraid they dare not open the door casually. After all, these people also have the emperor's confidant, and it is unknown.

"Mother, I didn't expect it! I encountered such a thing! It's really annoying! Not to mention, since you are not letting Lao Tzu enter the city, then Lao Tzu will have to wait until dark before going in!" Seeing the situation Even at this point, Jin Shangyu was also thinking about it indiscriminately.

Of course, Jin's "darkness enters the city" saying, to put it bluntly, is to cross the wall and enter. However, only Duke Jin can think of this trick.

In this way, Jin Shangyu and others were also helpless because they were blocked in front of the city gate, but now it is in broad daylight, no matter how anxious, it is impossible to jump directly to the city gate!


However, when Jin Shangyu and others were a little upset, the sergeants above the city were also arguing fiercely!

"Brother, or else, let's open the city gate! Let Master Jin come in! After all, Master Jin's home is in the city, so it's not a violation of the rules!"

"I think it's okay! After all, the adults are a good person! Normally they are not thin to our brothers!"

"Shut up! What do you guys know! If it is normal, let alone open the city gate and let them in, it is not impossible to let us go down to pick them up! But when is it now, tomorrow will be the ceremony , If our random actions disrupt the ceremony, I’m afraid it’s not something you and I lost!” At a certain moment, when three or four sergeants were about to open the city gate, one of the sergeants also said loudly. .

In the face of such a confrontation, one person separated the two in an instant, and said slowly, "I will give Lao Tzu his place! No argument! Lao Tzu has his own arrangements!" While watching Jin Shangyu and others under the city, that The man in general's costume also said sharply.

Both the upper and lower parts of the city have entered an embarrassing situation, but at this moment, there were waves of people screaming in the distance.

"Luo Yun, get ready, we can enter the city!"

"Brother, you mean, we can borrow their light!"

"It's not a loan! They must take us away!" As he spoke, Jin Shangyu's horse moved slightly and greeted him.

The dozens of people on the opposite side also stopped immediately.

"It's you! You are Jin Shangyu!"

"It's right here! I didn't expect to be able to meet good friends like you here! Goodbye in front of the True Dragon Palace, you guys!" Just after meeting the Qiang people, Jin introduced himself first.

However, facing Jin Shangyu's self-introduction, those Qiang people also kept nodding their heads, as if they could understand some words.

However, at this moment, a Qiang also said loudly to Jin Shangyu: "Brother, don't worry! They can probably understand you too! It really doesn't work, as well as me!"

"You girl, what you, mine, I don't know what your name is, but now I am directly calling him a brother! It seems that this Qiang has a different temperament!" The Qiang people who are opposite are very different. When it came up to say hello enthusiastically, Jin Shangyu also thought secretly in his heart.

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu's special relationship with the Qiang people, they naturally agreed with Jin Shangyu's ideas.

"Don't worry, isn't it just entering the city! This is a trivial matter! The sergeant on the city listens, we are the Qiang people participating in the Great Competition of the Heavenly Dynasty, please open the city gate!"

"What, it turned out to be a foreigner who participated in the Great Competition of the Heavenly Dynasty! Well, you have evidence!"

"Fart! What evidence is not evidence! I am here to win! Don't open the door again, be careful of your heads!"

"Mother, it seems that this ethnic minority is tough! They speak so hard! But don't offend the people above. By that time, they won't open the city gate, so what can you do!" While feeling the powerful character of the Qiang people, Jin Shangyu also muttered silently in his heart.

After all, if the person at the head of the city were replaced by someone like Jin, he would definitely not open the city gate if he heard this.

But this time, Mr. Jin still made a mistake in his analysis. As soon as the person at the head of the city heard that he was a foreigner, he seemed to have received the will of the above, and he opened the city gate after a while!

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