I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 556: Unanimously!

The dark night is still the same, but in his house, it is a different state of mind.

"Brother, you saw three of them!"

"I saw it! I also know their overall intentions! However, brother, your thunder method is quite awe-inspiring! Good!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu did not forget to pat Benlei's shoulder with his hand.

In the face of Jin's praise, people Ben Lei was like a okay person, not happy or sad, and in the end, he didn't say a word and went back to the room to rest slowly.

"Mother, you really deserve to be the'king of dead men'! But this character is worthy of the word'dead men'!" Just as Ben Lei's figure disappeared before his eyes, Jin Shangyu was also muttering in his heart. Muttered to himself.

Watching Ben Lei's departure, Jin Shangyu didn't think too much, and went straight to his large bedroom on the third floor.

However, when someone Jin pushed in, he also felt the difference here.

"Mother, it's not that girl who is watering the flowers again! But this time, she should have come on the initiative. Fortunately, I went out and worked most of the night, otherwise I really don't know what to do!" As I thought about it, Jin also lay down on the big bed three times, and after a while, the familiar snoring sound came out.

Because the sky is about to brighten, the night at this time is even more quiet, at a certain moment, it seems that the whole world is sleeping.

There was no word for a night, and when the next morning came again, Jin was still asleep there. However, the various people in Jin's Mansion are constantly busy. Some make breakfast, some clean up, and of course, some do exercise like Mr. Wen Shuo.

"Wen is early!"

"The girl is early! Well, don't go up, he shouldn't sleep all night, let him rest! As for this breakfast, forget it, it's okay to eat less! You say yes!"

"Wen said it makes sense! Faye understands! Actually, Faye just wants to go up and see if he wakes up!"

"Oh, it's like this! Then, whatever you want, old man, I just said that!" Seeing Jin Feier's blushing softly speaking, Wen Shuo was also a little embarrassed.

After all, this early morning, people are going to meet the person above, so what reason do they have to stop him!

In this way, because of Wen Shuo, after arriving, Jin Feier stopped for a while, and finally did not reach the third floor.

"Sister Fei'er, why, why didn't he go up! Isn't my brother sleeping late!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Big brother may be too tired! He should have not closed his eyes all night! That is true, why do you have to act at night! This hurts your body!"

"Sister Feier, look at what you said, as if you care about him more than anyone else! However, you can't be blamed, you are also brother's sister!" At the end, Jin Xiaoyu also smiled.

Of course, in the face of Jin Xiaoyu’s inadvertent remarks, Jin Feier was still a little uncomfortable. After all, there is still a gap between this sister and the righteous sister, even if Jin Shangyu gave them the same treatment, but It will change the taste in everyone's heart.

In this way, the small courtyard of Jin's House is still tidy, and the breakfast in the lobby is also in order.

auzw.com However, because there was an extra person at breakfast, it still surprised everyone.

"Well, some of you may know General Benlei! Some may not! But it doesn't matter! In short, General Benlei is responsible for the safety of our Jin Mansion! If any of you want to come out I'm sorry, please ask General Ben Lei for leave!"

"The old man is serious! Ben Lei is just guarding here according to the arrangement of the eldest brother. It is not as important as you said! Come, come and eat breakfast! Well, you guys eat slowly, I'm leaving now!" Before saying a few words, Ben Lei drank a bowl of porridge, then threw a word, and left.

"Look, you guys, don't mind! General Benlei is this character! After a long time, everyone will know!" Seeing that Benlei was such a shameless man, he just left, so is Wenshuo Mediated from it.

After all, most of the people who can eat at this table are important figures in the Jin Mansion. They are either sisters or righteous sisters.

However, because Ben Lei had already experienced his unique character before, the old man did not express too much!

In this way, with the warm sun rising a little bit, the life of Jin Mansion also walked a little bit without surprise.

"Brother, you finally woke up, it's almost afternoon! Come here, let's eat something first! After all, I haven't eaten this breakfast yet! Even if you say you are not hungry, we don't believe it!"

"Well, it's you! Why, it's not that you are always at the door!"

"No, it just feels like it's been so long, so we should get up soon, so only a few of us came here!"

"Don't, don't explain, it's okay! I'm just afraid of your hard work! Well, I said Xiaoye, you seem to be taller again!"

"Brother, what are you talking about! This girl is the one who has grown taller! As for these elder sisters, they have long been beautiful women from Tingting!" Jin Shangyu wanted to say something witty and relieve the embarrassment. Atmosphere, I didn't expect my sister Xiaoyu to insert such a sentence.

In other words, it wasn't that they came from an appointment, and it is more appropriate to use the word "without an appointment".

"Um, come, come, come, you all, you must have something to eat! But don't you? It seems that you don't need so many people to accompany you! Or, Xiaoyu, stay with your brother to eat! Let them rest too! "

"Big brother, little sister is not tired! Is it possible, don't you want to see little sister!"

"No, no, it doesn't mean that! Well, I don't say anything! You can stay here." Seeing that his words just fell, Jin Shangyu hurriedly received his words.

Of course, while talking, he did not idle, but feasted and drank with a kind of wind.

In about half an hour, Jin Shangyu was finally full. Nothing else, just because Jin Feier, Jin Xiaoyu, and even the former court lady Xiaoye went to the kitchen in person.

"Okay! Look, my son also ate the dishes you made. I visited and learned here, but I didn't say anything! Is it possible to leave now? Actually, this son has something to do, let's have time. Talk again!"

"Well, does the son want to return to the Royal Farm now!" Before the women could speak, Wen Shuo asked directly.

"Mother, you shit, of course you have to go. If you don't go, I really don't know what will happen! However, you old housekeeper seems to have been bought by these little beauties!" Wen Shuo appeared right there. It was time in the large living room, and Jin muttered to himself.

Perhaps it was because of Wen Shuo's appearance, or perhaps it was because of the fact that Jin Shangyu was really troubled. In short, after Wen Shuo's appearance, all the women including Jin Xiaoyu also slowly left the large living room.

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