I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 551: The situation of all ethnic groups!

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The warm sun in winter, slowly falling, gives people a very relaxed and comfortable feeling. At this time, Jin Mansion was in a normal state. Except for the maid of Jin's house who didn't know what she was busy with, only Jin Xiaoyu's laughter was still floating.

Because of Jin Xiaoyu, Jin Shangyu had no choice but to put aside his work and spend time with others. After all, this is his own sister!

"Brother Yu, the story you told, what did you say about the Qing Dynasty, how does it sound weird, but are the stories you tell true!"

"Stupid girl! Even if I say it is true, do you believe it! Besides, it is just to tease you! However, after a few years, maybe these things will actually happen, it is unknown!"

"Brother, what are you talking about! These are all made up by you to deceive people! How could there be so many stories in this palace!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu told Jin Xiaoyu some short stories from the Qing palace. At the time, they also raised questions!

Of course, many of what Jin Shangyu said were actually what happened in the Qing Dynasty!

However, Jin Shangyu did not explain the specific dynasty more clearly. This is mainly because I am a traverser after all. If I say too much, I can't explain it clearly.

In this way, because of Jin Xiaoyu's pistachio, Jin can be considered to be more comfortable.

However, as night fell, the people Jin Shangyu wanted to wait for also arrived as expected.

"Brother, I made you wait for a long time! The main reason is that you have to confess over there! After all, our people are in a critical period of training!"

"That's hard for you, brother!" Seeing that Ben Lei came up and explained, Jin Shangyu also gently patted Ben Lei's shoulder, and a feeling of brotherhood floated out.

"Brother, it looks like you have to go out soon!"

"It seems that I can't hide you! Yeah, I should go out for activities, after all, the goal this time is to inquire about their reality!"

"Then, the big brother, don't worry! Leave it to the younger brother!"

"Okay! You are here, don't worry, brother!" Seeing that Ben Lei said, Jin Shangyu also slowly stood up.

"Shang Yu! You are going out!"

"Oh, it's Mr. Wen! Well, this is my good brother Ben Lei! From now on, the defense of Jin Mansion will be borne by him alone! I hope Mr. Wen can also cooperate!"

"What are you talking about! Don't we all aim for the same goal! But, Brother Benlei, it's hardly possible that you are here alone!"

"Ben Lei has seen Lao Wen! Yes, it's a small person! However, please don't worry, Lao Wen, nothing will happen!" While speaking, Ben Lei also showed a strong sense of killing.

"Okay, all of you! Stop suspicion about each other! Well, Benlei, let's go and play for a while! As for how you play, you can do it yourself!" Seeing Benlei is already sitting in Jin's courtyard, Jin Mou People can be considered as no worries.

In this way, after a few brief explanations, Jin Shangyu flickered and disappeared into the night. And that Ben Lei and Wen Shuo stood motionless in the courtyard.

"General Ben Lei, it seems that Shang Yu's body style is very special!"


"Old Wen, Xiao Ke already knew about this! Well, if there is nothing else, Xiao Ke will have to rest!"

"Rest! That's right, after all, General Benlei just came here, so you should have a rest! Well, go!" Upon hearing this, Mr. Wenshuo wanted to say a few more words, but in the end he didn't say it. .

Here Ben Lei came to the small building alone, while Jin Shangyu at this time had already flew in the Imperial City.

"Mother, it's too big! How do you find this! I can't just fly around aimlessly!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu's figure had not yet calmed down. At that time, he was also thinking about a question in his heart.

In other words, it was all chance and coincidence to find the place where the Jie people were stationed before. Now it is really difficult to find places where other ethnic minorities live.

"No, it seems that I have to go to a place!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu's figure has already arrived in front of a small palace.

"Who, it turned out to be you again! Can you kid go back to the front door!"

"Master Li Zhao, that's not right, it's Brother Li, next time I promise to go to the front door, this is always fine! Besides, there is nothing shameful about you here!"

"What are you talking about! What do you mean by shame? Well, madam, you go! We have something to discuss!" Just when Li Zhao and his wife were about to go to bed, Jin Shangyu pushed in again.

Of course, because he is his own, Jin Shangyu is not too particular about it! However, such a sudden visit will more or less scare people.

"Brother! Actually, I came here overnight and there was nothing else, I just wanted to ask a few questions!"

"Ask! Even if you don't ask, there are some things to talk about!"

"Brother is joking! Actually, the younger brother wants to know where the foreigners live!" While talking, Jin Shangyu was already sitting firmly on a chair.

"Well, I know that your kid won't sit and wait for death! Since they have all come to the door, we can't wait! In fact, apart from the fact that this Jie Ren's residence has not yet been figured out, the rest have been investigated. !"

"Oh, it's so amazing! It seems that my brother must have been working hard these days!" Seeing the answer he wanted, Li Zhao answered him all at once, and Jin was also rarely happy.

Through the conversation, Jin Shangyu learned that the Murong family lived in a not too luxurious inn in the Imperial City. But the Qiang people are very strange, and they actually live outside the city.

"Shang Yu! The Qiang people are rather strange, so they shouldn't have entered the city so early! Therefore, the Murong clan is the most you should guard against now. Of course, those of the Di clan can't be underestimated! After all, they are all. Someone who kills without blinking!"

"Don't worry! In fact, the younger brother has found the place where the Jie people live, but they should not dare to be an enemy of Lao Tzu anymore! As for the Murong clan, they should not dare to mess around! After all, I am not Jin. For nothing!"

"Then, what else do you worry about!"

"Of course I'm worried! Don't forget, Di Ren's style is also very weird!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu mentioned the Di tribe, his expression also became serious.

In fact, it’s not that Jin Shangyu is afraid of those Di people, but in his memory, Di people are not a simple nation. Powerful regimes such as the prelude and Houliang are the pride of the Di people. Of course, there are others. National obstacles.

In this way, Jin Shangyu simply stayed at Li Zhao's mansion for a while before disappearing into the dark night again.

"Oh, what a strange person! It seems that this day is going to change color!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu's figure disappeared in front of Li Zhao, he also murmured.

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