I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 541: Farming passion!

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Facing Jin's education, Luo Yun also knew what he should do now!

"Brother, don't worry, we will be here for a while! And our farming industry will definitely be successful! If nothing else happens, my little brother will leave first!"

"Well, you go! However, it seems that Girl Bier is alone in the tent!"

"Big brother, you! Okay, little brother got it!" The little face blushed, and he wanted to say something, but in the end Feng Luo Yun still didn't say anything, just turned and walked towards Hu Bi'er's tent.

"Mother, it seems that they are serious this time! But think about it, since they all know that it is possible to win the competition, they will definitely choose a good place to develop! And here, there is both food and Money is still a place where traffic must pass, and it is a spear that guards the imperial capital! Even if I change to Laozi, I will have the idea of ​​hitting this land!" At a certain moment, after Luo Yun slowly left, Jin Shangyu It was also muttering in my heart.

After all, it's really a very critical period.

The warm sun in the winter is still there, but at this time it is difficult for people to feel a trace of warmth, and the chill of the undercurrent has already been revealed.

"Brother Yu, there must be something! Or, let's go back first!"

"It's Yuyu! Actually it's not a big deal! Don't worry, there is a brother, everything is fine! Still the same sentence, even if the sky is broken, you will be fine!" During the speech, Jin Shangyu already gently slammed Ran Yuyu. He was in his arms.

"Brother Yu, since you have made a decision, we will definitely support you! Again, where are you, where are we! There is you and me!"

"Silly girl! Still so stubborn! Okay, don't think about it, let's go and see if your cooking has improved! Didn't the beauty already hear the drum beating in her belly!"

"Good, good! Actually, Yuyi came here to find you in the small kitchen! Yunyan has done it now! It should be the Dongpo meat!" At the end, Ran Yuyi also showed a sweet smile.

In this way, because of the appearance of Ran Yuyi and because Jin did not want his woman to be too sad, he also offered to eat something.

Of course, Jin Shangyu still regretted a little when she mentioned the three words "Dongpo meat". What he regrets is that he should not pass this dish to his own woman. Because the current person Jin is no longer interested in this dish.

However, in this situation, even if he doesn't like this dish anymore, Jin Shangyu must pretend to like it. After all, this is the crystallization of his own woman's labor.

Of course, because of Jin Shangyu, I am afraid this dish has become popular in the Jin Dynasty. After all, his two elder brothers Liu Box and Fan Yu have already begun to publicize and spread this dish.

In other words, there is a small tent just beside Jin Shangyu's small tent, where it is actually their temporary small kitchen!

"Sister Yuyi, come and help! Bi'er girl doesn't know where to go!"

"Okay, where can she go! It's not that she went to the army account! But you have tried this dish twice, and you won't have the same problem this time!"

"Who said it was an old problem! Isn't this a new problem! Look, it seems that the fire this time is too big, and it's a bit embarrassing!" As he spoke, Yunyan already called a plate of Dongpo meat The dishes were brought up.

"Mother, what kind of stuff is this! Don't call this Dongpo paste, right?" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu saw this somewhat different kind of Dongpo meat, he also had a different feeling in his heart.

Of course, on the surface, Jin Shangyu hasn't said much yet. He quickly took the dish from the beautiful woman's hand, and then said softly, "Beauty, that, it's hard work! Isn't it hot? Come on, sit down first, let me do this work Just do it!"


"Brother Yu, are you telling the truth!"

"What are you talking about! What is true or not, when did your brother tell a lie!" At the end, even Jin Shangyu himself was a little embarrassed.

After all, no one can guarantee that there has been no lie. But sometimes it's like this. If this woman touches her true feelings, those sweet words that are full of flaws will become true words.

"Brother Yu, thank you!"

"No, I said that, why are you thanking it! Let's try it quickly!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also casually caught a piece of meat that he didn't know what color it was.

"How about Brother Yu! Isn't it delicious!"

"Okay, it's delicious! Well, it's just a bit heavy! Come on, you guys have a taste!"

"Bah! What the **** is this! Why is it so bitter! Brother Yu, you, you favor us!"

"No! It's really delicious! Isn't it a bit bitter? Just eat a few more pieces!" Seeing that these two girls were caught by this alternative Dongpo meat, Jin also took a few more bites again .

Faced with this, even a little embarrassing scene, Ran Yuyi finally figured out the truth.

"Well, Yunyan, don't blame Brother Yu! You see, Brother Yu has eaten a few pieces! We can't eat just one piece! What does this mean? It means that Yu has us in his heart, so it's unpalatable. , He can eat it!"

"This is like this! That, then we have to thank him!"

"Well, this is unnecessary! No thanks!"

"What are you talking about! I really think that this girl was deceived by you!" Just as Jin Shangyu's words fell, the big beauty was already a fist, hitting someone's waist.

For a while, the entire small kitchen became warmer, and alternative flirting and flirting were also staged in this not too big tent.

Here Jin Shangyu and his two big beauties are in love with me, but Feng Luoyun at this time is ruddy, and even a bit embarrassed when he speaks.

"That, girl Bier! Actually, you should understand my heart!"

"Feng Gongzi, you, just speak straight if you have something! Besides, there are no outsiders here!"

"Foreigner! Then you don't treat me as an outsider!" At a certain moment, in the small ear tent in the army tent of the Royal Farm, Feng Luoyun was like a child who got his beloved thing, almost happy Jumped up.

Of course, Hu Bi'er was also blushing at this time, but at this time, she also had to talk. After all, both of them were embarrassed, and the scene was even more embarrassing.

"Girl Bi'er! Actually, Luo Yun made up his mind when he first saw you!"

"The son's words, Bier believes it! It's just that Bier's identity is really not worthy of the son!"

"Bi'er, what are you talking about! Don't say your identity is already very noble, even a commoner, as long as I meet Luo Yun, I won't give up!" At the end, I didn't know it was Where did the courage come from? Feng Luo Yun is no longer ashamed, and one hand inadvertently grasped Hu Bi'er's slender hand.

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