I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 523: The emperor is here!


Inside the palace, in front of the Zhenlong Hall, there are also long tables with beautiful decorations in various colors in the huge venue. And around the table, there are those foreigners who are ready to move.

I saw that they took the clan as the boundary, each occupying several tables. Of course, there are cases where two races appear on the same table.

However, just as everyone's patience was getting worse and worse, the palace man who had just disappeared appeared again.

"Friends from afar! Long live our Lord is here! Please kneel to pick you up!"

"Kneel to the ground! Still picking up! Why!"

"Yes! He is the king of the Central Plains, and we are not his subjects!"

"Um, Da Xianbei listened to the order, pick up!" When everyone was puzzled, Murong Feiyu from Xianbei's Murong Department also issued an order.

It was too late, then soon, just as Murong Feiyu's order had just come down, Emperor Sima Zhong also slowly walked out of the True Dragon Hall. The members of Murong Xianbei's tribe also knelt down slowly.

However, there is one exception, that is, a transparent masked man seen by Jin just now.

"Um, you should pick up too!"

"Young Master! No one else kneels down!"

"Okay, don't say anything! You kneel on your own!" Just when the masked man was deaf, a Xianbei warrior was directly reprimanded by Murong Feiyu.

"Mother, she's quite strong! Don't kneel down, and that Murong Feiyu can't seem to control her! It seems that this woman's origin is not ordinary!" At one point, Jin Shangyu saw Emperor Sima Zhong appear. In the scene, I was muttering to myself.

However, when Jin Shangyu was thinking about something in his heart, the emperor Sima Zhong had already spoken.

At that time, I saw him in a dragon robe, his face was plain, and his eyes scanned the scene in front of the True Dragon Palace from time to time.

"Okay, get up! Actually, you don't have to do such a big gift! Since I invited you to come, you are a guest! My great country in the heavens is not limited to the trivial! Come, come, sit down!"

"Yes! Xianbei Murong clan thanks the emperor for his great kindness!"

"Oh, you are representatives of Murong Xianbei! Good! Good! I have long heard that you are a good ethnic group! If you have any difficulties, talk to me!"

"The villain Murong Feiyu has seen the Great Emperor of the Heavenly Dynasty! Well, I don't know what the prize of this Heavenly Dynasty Competition is!"

"You want to say, which piece of land it is! It's very simple, as long as you win the big competition, then you can choose a piece of land! However, calling everyone over today is not for business talks, mainly because I want to see everyone. See you, I hope you are not polite!" At the end, Emperor Sima Zhong also indicated that everyone can eat!

Suddenly, because of the order to start the meal, the scene became chaotic in an instant. Not only were many people tearing the barbecue on the table with their hands, but there were people who raised their glasses and did it by themselves. Such a scene also lets you sit down. The emperor Sima Zhong had a headache.

Perhaps seeing the displeasure of the great emperor of the celestial dynasty, those people in charge of foreign races also carried out necessary obstruction work.

"Man Sola! Have you never eaten barbecue! Shut up!"


"Yes, but he let it be eaten!"

"I told you to shut up!"

"Shut up and shut up! Why are you so fierce!" Seeing Guo Feiyi forcibly ordered himself to stop, Man Sola, who was holding the wine glass in his hand and chewing on the barbecue, also unwillingly put down everything in his hands.

The leaders here are controlling the scene as much as possible, and the Emperor Sima Zhong at this time also said again: "Everyone, forget it, since you all want to eat, let's play freely! Only, you at least You should also declare your home first!"

"That, in the picture below, it is from the Jie clan!"

"Well, well, it turns out to be a warrior of the Jie tribe! Welcome!"

"In the rainy season, it is a member of the Di (dī) tribe!"

"Oh, you are Di Clan people! Well, well, you are welcome too!" Seeing that everyone in the room reported themselves, the Emperor Sima Zhong's face also had a little more smile.

However, at this time, Jin Shangyu was thinking secretly in his heart.

"Di people! Mother! The future core shows that this Di ethnic group is an important ethnic group in Chinese history, mostly concentrated in the Longnan area. During the period of Wuhu and Sixteen Kingdoms, Chouchi, Qianqin, Houliang and Cheng The Han and other regimes had a significant impact on the history of the time! It turned out that this ethnic group was one of the later Five Hus!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu heard the word "Dizu", his mind was also quick to think. What's going on.

In this way, because of the suggestion of Emperor Sima Zhong, the people who came and sat there also talked about their ethnic group one after another.

Of course, just a little bit of time passed, but the masked man who lived among the Murong Xianbei did not even sit on the table. He still sat there quietly, but his sharp eyes looked at the throne from time to time. Emperor Sima Zhong on the board. The Emperor Sima Zhong also noticed this masked man.

"Well, your name is Murong Feiyu! Why is this warrior not on the table! It is impossible that I am not interested in the food on the table, or there are other reasons!"

"If you return to the emperor, this person is a member of our clan, but there is something different! Don't care about him!"

"No, how can I care about you! I still want you to shine in the Celestial Contest! Come on! Let's have wine again! Today everyone is going to let go of drinking!" Seeing this Murong Feiyu can't say anything. The masked man, Emperor Sima Zhong didn't ask any more questions.

However, just as the banquet in front of the True Dragon Palace was in full swing, the sound of a very small branch breaking was also heard.

If there is only Emperor Sima Zhong here, I am afraid he really can hardly hear such a sound. But now it's different, here are some extraordinary martial arts warriors, how could not hear such a sound.

"Who! Who is in the woods! Not coming out yet! Great Emperor of the Heavenly Dynasty, is it possible that you have arranged manpower here! Why is that!"

"No, there is really no staffing arrangement! You guys, you really misunderstood! Come here! Don't go over and see what happened!"

"Yes!" Seeing Emperor Sima Zhong was really anxious, the palace guard sergeants rushed to the grove.

"Big brother, I'm sorry! Who would have thought that this little branch would be broken! It's all bad brothers, and it hurts Big Brother! Next, what should we do! Are we going to rush out of the palace?"

"Shut up! Listen well, continue to stay here honestly, I'll go out for a few drinks!" While talking, it doesn't matter if Feng Luoyun agrees or not. In short, when the palace guards came quickly, Jin also showed his figure, and appeared in front of the sergeants in the next moment.

"Who! Well, it turned out to be Lord Jin! How could this be you!"

"Well, why can't it be Lao Tzu! Well, let's go down! Lao Tzu will explain to Long Live Master!" Seeing those sergeants who saw that he was a little at a loss, Jin said casually.

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