I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 520: I even agreed!


Although he is not in the imperial capital city, Jin Shangyu has a better understanding of the current state of affairs. After all, he has a figure who is good at gathering intelligence around him.

While Hu Bi'er was telling her story in the tent, Jin Shangyu was already meditating in a corner of the barracks. This time, Jin Shangyu did not expect more breakthroughs in his future core. The reason why he meditated for a while was to consolidate his previous control!

"Big brother, so you are here! Well, that little brother lost his attitude last night! I'm sorry! Big brother, don't take it to heart, brother knows what to do in the future!"

"Stop, stop, stop! What do you mean by knowing what to do in the future! Tell you, the reason why I persuade you to drink like this is because I want to help you when I'm a brother! After all, this girl Bier has you in her heart!"

"That, thank you brother! Actually, brother, I also know some in my heart. Forget it, don't mention this, let's study our action plan! Seeing this situation, you didn't tell them that we were going to the True Dragon Palace Let's do it!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu talked about the matter between him and Hu Bier as soon as he opened his mouth, Luo Yun was also a little embarrassed, and in the end, he turned the topic directly to other issues.

However, what Feng Luoyun said was not wrong, because now they really should make up their minds earlier, after all, at this noon, the emperor Lao Tzu will entertain those foreigners.

"Well, I mean brother! Don't worry, let's go, there is no problem in speed! Or let's go over and talk now!"

"Big brother, don't pull up the younger brother in this matter! Anyway, the horses are all ready, there are only two, just before our camp! You can figure it out!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu said this, it was the same with Luo Yun. After a slight smile, he turned and left.

"You, you girl, you did this! But, yes, I can really do this thing! After all, the young couple just got along for a while!" I wanted to complain. , But when you think about it carefully, there is really nothing wrong with Feng Luoyun's approach.

In this way, because he wanted to persuade these women, Jin also went straight back to his tent.

"The son-in-law is back!"

"I'm back! Girl Bier is so pretty today! Didn't you see it!"

"Brother Yu, what are you talking about! What does it mean to be beautiful today? Is it possible that it was not beautiful before!"

"Girl, you, you are amazing! However, there is a real thing today, I want to discuss it with you!" I wanted to talk a few more words, but when I thought that I really had something to do today, Jin Shangyu simply took it seriously. He mentioned it.

In the face of Jin Shangyu's straightforwardness, let alone, it really made Ran Yuyang and Duan Yunyan really uncomfortable at once. I saw the two women stood up quickly, and their eyes fell on Jin's body even more seriously.

"Well, why are you guys! This posture, you want to eat people! Actually, it's not a big deal! Don't, don't be nervous! Calm!"

"What do you mean by calmness! Today, our sisters don't care what new words you invent, let's talk about what is going on!" Seeing Jin Shangyu in a hurry, he even said "calm". When he came out, Duan Yunyan also said casually.

This time, let alone Jin Shangyu, even Hu Bier, who was on the side, felt a little embarrassed. After all, the situation now looks like someone Jin made a big mistake.


"Mother, no! I didn't say anything! I just regarded Lao Tzu as a sinner! It seems that sometimes, this woman's heart is really hard to guess!" At one point, Jin Shangyu was a little confused. When taking measures, his mind was also thinking randomly.

However, at this moment, Ran Yuyi, who had never spoken, also expressed his opinions.

"Brother Yu, what's your guilty conscience! Talk slowly when you have something! We don't eat people! Besides, Yunyan and I should be relatively reasonable!"

"That's right! This is what made you do it, and you didn't have to say anything in a hurry! Actually, I actually wanted to tell you today..."

"Tell something! Brother Yu, my eldest son, can you tell me directly what you want to do!"

"Beauty, what's the rush! Aren’t you calm just now! Don’t, don’t do it, I can’t tell you!" Just when Jin Shangyu wanted to say a few more words, Dame Duan raised her fan fist and did A stance to hit someone.

After seeing this scene, Jin Shangyu couldn't hold on any longer. He cleared his throat loudly, and then slowly said: "In fact, today the emperor Lao Tzu is going to entertain a foreigner! Luo Yun and I want to inquire. News! So, I want to come over and tell you that I won't take you with you this time!"

"Brother Yu, are you finished! That's all!"

"Of course that's all! What else can there be!"

"No, it turned out to be such a thing! I said it earlier! It made us think that something serious happened! Looking at what we are doing, hurry up! This is a serious matter!" At the end, Ran Yuyi smiled slightly. Later, he held Duan Yunyan with one hand and Hu Bi'er with the other, slowly heading out of the account. Only Jin Shangyu stood alone in his tent.

"Mother, it won't be! It turns out to be that simple! Then, I have to talk so much! It seems that I have suffered a lot this time! Forget it, since I have already asked for leave, let's get on the road!" While murmuring in his heart, Jin Shangyu also quickly went to the outside of the army's big account.

Because there, Feng Luoyun had long chosen two good northern horses and waited there.

"Brother, you are here! It's really hard for you! If you don't come again, I really don't know what to do!"

"Smelly boy, what are you talking about! I just go back and have a look! Let's go! It's too late, but I just can't see anything!" Just before coming to the Central Military Account, Jin Shangyu saw Feng Luoyun waiting there. .

However, in the face of Feng Luoyun's verbal challenge, Jin still praised himself as being tall. After all, he couldn't expose this old problem of "strict wife control" so early.

In this way, because the two had already negotiated the route of this trip, they didn't say much after the meeting. They just flew on the horse. After a while, the two of them had disappeared in the sky.

"Yun Yan, it seems that something is really going on in Yu Yu this time! I don't know what the luncheon in the True Dragon Palace looks like!"

"Don't worry, sister, although Brother Yu is joking with us, but he knows it! I believe he will find important news this time! Let's not think too much, just go to the grass over there and play for a while!"

"Okay, I hope Brother Yu will be safe and smooth this time! Bier, you must be very worried about Luo Yun! It's okay, they will be together, and nothing will happen!" Just at Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun's When the figure disappeared in the Royal Farm, that section of Yunyan and Ran Yuyi were also talking quietly.

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