I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 518: There is no truth after drinking!


In the Royal Farm, in an unnamed grassland, a handsome young man is sitting cross-legged. I saw his hands drooping slightly, placing them gently on his knees, and his eyes slowly staring forward, giving people a very deep feeling.

This person is no one else, but Jin Shangyu who has entered a state of meditation.

At this moment, if you are seen by others, at most you will think that Jin Shangyu is practicing some kind of exercise. But even if people in that era had such thoughts, most of them still didn't believe it, at best they thought Jin Shangyu was a Taoist believer.

Of course, in this era, Confucianism was really appreciated and welcomed by the people because of the "removal of a hundred schools of thought and exclusive Confucianism" in the Han Dynasty.

However, for Jin Shangyu himself, it is of extraordinary significance, because in this sitting meditation, Jin Shangyu finally realized the initial integration with the future core. And Jin did not let go of this golden opportunity. Although the time has been a little longer, the gain is still hidden!

"My mother, the core can still be upgraded in the future! It seems that I really got a treasure! Good, good, maybe this is destined! Maybe this super smart chip is the best weapon that Jin Shangyu turned out to be!" For a moment, when Jin Shangyu was thinking about the future strength of the core, the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge also saw busy people.

Of course, at this time, even the people like Ran Yuyang and Duan Yunyan who were chatting in their own tent were in his perception.

At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu spit out a long sigh of breath, his figure also slowly stood up from the grass.

However, at this moment, a strong and sharp aura also rushed out from the top of his head in an instant, and the aura of the dome screamed!

"It seems that this time, Lao Tzu has really become a superhuman existence! Li Yin, Sima Zhong, and the nasty Eight Kings, let Lao Tzu come to learn about your great skills!" muttered in his heart At the same time, Jin Shangyu was filled with infinite self-confidence deep in his heart, and a feeling of being above the world was also born in his heart.

"Forget it, let's go back! My food is ready! My mother, I didn't expect this meditation to last for a long time! It seems that I will really find a better place to rest in the future!" As soon as he moved, Jin Shangyu knew one thing, that is, Feng Luoyun really prepared a table of dishes, and the three beauties had long been invited by this kid.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu knew early on that the Chinese Army's Great Account was already preparing dinner, he also went straight there.

"Big brother! You are finally back! If you don't come back again, the younger brother will have to mobilize the brothers to find out!"

"Smelly boy, do you need it! Isn't it just a walk? Forget it, I can smell the aroma of vegetables from a long distance. It seems that our eldest son has gone to the kitchen again in person! Happy! That, Bier Girl, you must eat more today. Everyone can taste the craftsmanship of a great chef!"

"The son is joking!"

"Just kidding, my son didn't make a joke! What do you think, two beauties!"

"What Brother Yu said this time really makes sense! Come on, don't debate these insignificant things, just sit down!" Seeing Jin Shangyu actually throw the topic to himself, Duan Yunyan also said.

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu's eagerness to arrive, the atmosphere in the army's big account has also become more and more lively.

auzw.com Without being asked by others, Jin Shangyu took the initiative to sit on top of it. And beside him, Ran Yuyi and Duan Yunyan.

Of course, Feng Luoyun still stood aside and didn't take a seat.

"Why, we are all sitting down, why don't you two sit down! Oh, I don't know how to sit down, right? It's very simple, that girl, Bier, just sit next to Yunyan, and it's you Don’t go far when you meet the eldest son, just next to Girl Bier!"

"This, that, Bier knows!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu had directly arranged the issue of seating, Hu Bier wanted to say something, but he swallowed it back.

When it was Feng Luoyun, he acted as a man. Not only did he stick to Hu Bier's side, but he also took the initiative to pick up the wine glass!

"Big brother, two sisters-in-laws, it's a great honor for the younger brother to invite some of you today! Come, let me do it first!"

"No, that, I said Luo Yun! How do you talk now is so weird! Brothers still make such a prose! But, forget it, I haven't seen you so heroic since I came here. After that, do it!” Just when Jin Shangyu and others were all seated, Luo Yun was the first to open the banquet.

Speaking of it, the reason why Jin Shangyu had such a reaction was mainly because this Feng Luoyun was usually very cautious, and he would never raise his glass and drink like this.

However, today, this one unexpectedly exceeded everyone's expectations!

"Well, Luo Yun! Or, let's drink slowly and communicate more. You think it's not it, Bier girl!"

"Well, every son, just listen to the young lady! You have never drunk like this before!"

"Thank you for your concern! Well, it's okay, I am happy to meet Luo Yun today! Come on, big brother, let's have another glass!" As he spoke, Luo Yun didn't wait for Jin Shangyu to answer, and just made another big glass. Spirits.

"Mother, what's the situation! It won't be, you are embarrassed to speak, so let's breathe out with this spirit! That's right, it turns out this kid wants to drink a lot of himself, but only drinks too much. , You have the courage to say what you are saying! As the saying goes, wine is so courageous, do you speak truth after drinking!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu felt Feng Luoyun’s emotional changes, he was also muttering in his heart. Muttered to himself.

In this way, although there are fewer people sitting, that is, five people, the atmosphere at the wine table is very warm. Of course, this enthusiasm is also based on Feng Luoyun's self-sacrifice.

About half an hour, the former "top leader" of the Royal Farm was unwilling to lie on the table.

"Well, I said brother, don't you, do you still have a lot of words to say! Wait until you finish talking before going to sleep!"

"Okay, Brother Yu, you see that he really drank too much! Maybe he lost his self-control when meeting our little beauty, which is also normal! In fact, meeting this kind of man should be our blessing What do you guys say!"

"Yunyan makes sense! Bi'er, you don't want to go and take a look, at least help others to clean up!" When Luo Yun fell drunk on the table, Duan Yunyan and Ran Yuyi also signaled Hu Bi'er to take care of it. a bit.

"Mother, it seems that today's wine is really just right! Drunk, poured, this is a good thing! Doesn't this give their young couple a chance to be alone!" At a certain moment, I saw Hu Bier Jin Shangyu was muttering to himself when his face was blushing at a loss.

In this way, because he couldn't handle the arrangement between Ran Yuyu and Duan Yunyan, Hu Bier finally reached out to help Feng Luoyun up.

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