I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 502: Sacrifice to heaven and pray!

In the Palace of True Dragon, all the ministers were surprised at the arrival of Li Yin. Of course, in order to figure out the real purpose of this guy, Li Zhao also kept thinking.

"No, how could it be possible to come up by himself without passing it through! Could it be that he was postponing the early morning session before!" At a certain moment, when Li Yin slowly walked to the True Dragon Palace, Li Zhao was also in his heart. Muttered to himself.

However, while Li Zhao and others were still guessing the true purpose of this general, the Emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat actually stood up directly!

"Please get up from Aiqing! I heard that you were not far away from the frontier to inquire about the military situation of my celestial dynasty, Shino is a talent in the dynasty! I don't know, this time, what is your purpose in rushing back? ! Still say you have something important to say!"

"Return to the Lord Long Live! The young minister only knew something, and was afraid that others would not be able to say it clearly, so he rushed back by himself!"

"Well, it's emotional! Da Sima, what do you think of this!" Seeing that Li Yin could talk like this, Emperor Sima Zhong also pushed the topic to Da Sima Runan Wang Sima Liang.

Faced with the emperor's question, who would dare not answer, so the big Sima also hurriedly responded with a polite remark in praise of Li Yin.

However, these words are also uncomfortable in Li Zhao's ears, after all, the one in front of him is Jin Shangyu's life and death enemy!

However, what is happening now can only take advantage of the trend, after all, Jin Shangyu at this time did not know the arrival of Li Yin.

"Well, since even Grand Sima thinks that Li general is a talent! Then please tell Li general what you know!"

"Zunzhi! Actually, the news this time brought was a chaotic battle between the northern barbarians! After fierce fighting, the guy named Duan Pixi finally won! But these are not important, the important thing is, Xiao The minister would like to suggest Lord Long live to pray for blessings!"

"Sacrifice to the heavens and pray for blessings! What, you want to do this kind of activity!"

"Yeah! Shouldn't this kind of activity be carried out in some important period? How can we sacrifice to heaven casually!"

"Forget it, keep it quiet! I don't know what Long Live Lord thinks in your heart!" At a certain moment, when Li Yin mentioned the words "sacrifice to heaven and pray for blessings", the entire True Dragon Palace was instantly opened. The rhythm of whispering.

However, just as everyone murmured, the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat spoke again.

"Dear Aiqing! It's normal for you to have ideas! But no matter how you say it, you should let General Li finish speaking! Li Yin, go on!"

"Yes! Actually, this was not the idea of ​​the minister himself, but a legend I heard in the north! According to legend, on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month this year, there will be gods plundering the land. During that period, if there is an emperor offering sacrifices to the sky The ceremony, you can learn the greatest luck in the world! For the sake of the grand cause of Long live Lord, and for my future plan of the Jin Dynasty, Li Yin dare not conceal this news! Therefore, Li Yin boldly ask Long live Lord to perform the ceremony! "At the end, that Li Yin also fell to his knees with a plop.

Faced with these remarks, let alone Emperor Sima Zhong, even Li Zhao knew that this time the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens must be held.

Because in the hearts of ancient people, they believed in those emptiness, not to mention that Li Yin was so full of words. If it is true that the ceremonial offering to the heavens is not carried out, no one will be able to afford anything that has happened.

So at this moment, none of the officials in the True Dragon Hall dared to speak.

"Well, good! It turned out to be such a thing! Li Aiqing, please! The ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens! What a good idea! Do you think it is!"


"Long live wise man!"

"Oh, you guys think so too! Okay, then Da Sima will do it!"

"The old minister accepts the order!" Seeing that the emperor Sima Zhong on the dragon seat had directly handed over this task to himself, the great Sima and Runan Wang Sima Liang also stepped forward and said slowly.

However, at the moment the great Sima turned and returned to his original position, Li Zhao also noticed that his eyes moved visibly.

"It seems that Li Yin is not exactly a person from Da Sima! Looking at this situation, perhaps the emperor Lao Tzu has already subdued him!" After feeling the change in Da Sima's expression, Li Zhao also thought quickly in his heart.

The reason for doing this is mainly for Jin Shangyu, after all, Li Zhao knows the importance of this Li Yin to Jin.

In this way, because of an inexplicable intrusion from Li Yin, it also added many variables to this early morning.

However, when the officials were discussing with each other, Emperor Sima Zhong spoke again.

"Everyone! Since we are going to carry out the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens, we must do it well! Since we want to strive for the greatest luck, we have to call them all to save them from dividing our luck! Do you think it is right? what!"

"Long live the wise man! Please long live the order!"

"Okay! I'll just talk about it briefly! First, the ceremony is to be done well. The ceremony should be done according to the ancestral instruction! Second, I have a whim, or call the surrounding people. Called, although they are barbarians, do we have a great power in the celestial dynasty! Is this the third one? The widows are planning to hold a celestial martial arts meeting after the ceremonial ceremony, so that the young talents will be useful. Of course. Now, anyone, any race, can participate in this celestial martial arts event! For specific matters, please prepare for it!"

"The old minister accepts the order!" Seeing that the Emperor Sima Zhong had said so many things out of his head, the Da Sima and Runan Wang Sima Liang's brows were a little shaken, but they finally accepted the order.

Of course, such a decision also caused a stir among the officials! Many people whispered directly to each other.

Seeing this scene, the Emperor Sima Zhong was obviously a little unhappy. His eyes also glanced at everyone from time to time.

When everyone felt the gaze of Emperor Sima Zhong, they also returned to a calm state again.

"Well! Now that we have made a big plan! Let's implement it! Li Yin! Your credit is not small! I will reward you with five thousand taels of silver! If there is nothing else, go back and continue for me Play for it!"

"Long live, the minister has just returned from the north, shouldn't he..."

"Is it something? Let's go back and stick to it. Once there is something in the frontier fortress, do you let the widow know sooner! After all, I only trust you!" At the end, Emperor Sima Zhong also kept his eyes on Li Yin.

Perhaps he saw the decisiveness of Emperor Sima Zhong, or he felt a trace of pressure. In short, before the voice of Sima Zhong on the dragon seat, Li Yin also fell to his knees again.

"The minister thanks Lord Longen! The minister is willing to go through fire and water for the heaven!"

"Okay! Look! This is our celestial talent! Although there is only one arm, is he a capable person!" At the end, I am afraid that even Emperor Sima Zhong himself would not believe this sentence.

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