I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2828: Helpless!

The territory of the Jie people, the core area. In a large hall, Yuanshan still looked expressionless, until the people standing in the hall were a little unable to hold it. After all, they have been waiting here for more than a long time.

However, when everyone's mood fluctuated greatly, the sound of rapid footsteps came from outside the hall again.

"Report, report to the military division, that, our people are back!"

"Oh, so fast! Let them both come in!"

"Yes! You two should come in soon, the military division has something to ask!"

"Our brother has seen the Great Army Division! Please the Great Army Division!"

"Why! Isn't things going well? It's still that you didn't hand over the deity's autograph letter to Liu Yuan's hands!" At a certain moment, in the hall, I saw two sergeants kneeling on his body. Before, Yuanshan was also a little dazed.

Maybe it was worried that Yuanshan would punish them, or maybe he saw that the generals around him were paying attention to them. In short, just as Yuanshan's voice fell, the two of them were also quickly telling something.

"Master, how dare our brother not hand your letter to him!"

"What you mean is that he Liu Yuan has already seen this deity's handwriting!"

"I saw it, I really saw it, what did he say at the time, the world, he can't force such things!"

"What, he Liu Yuan dared to betray the oath, it is really maddening!" This time, because of the truth of what he knew, the previous Gujing Wubo was also replaced by thunderous violent thunder.

The people in the hall also understood some things.

"What, the Huns turned our back on us! This, how can this be good! If they don't use troops at the same time, we will be even less sure about fighting Jin Jun!"

"Yes! The Huns wanted to join hands with us before! Moreover, the major military division is also the division of the two military divisions, this kind of result is impossible to happen!"

"Okay, keep your voice down, this time, the generals will definitely be very angry, let's not talk any more!"

"Okay, you all shut up! And you two, listen, doesn't Liu Yuan take me seriously as a Huns army master!"

"Return to the words of the Grand Sergeant, the villain really doesn't know how to reply!" Seeing Yuanshan in front of him was already in a very impatient mood, the two sergeants who were kneeling on the ground also whispered again.

"Say, what do you say! The deity will not punish you!"

"Thank you, Master Sergeant! Liu Yuan let us come back to tell the general division! From now on, you are no longer the main division of the Huns! And he doesn't want to see you again!"

"What, Liu Yuan, you old boy, are you scared by Jin Jun! You are still withdrawing the ladder at this time!"

"Um, there is actually one more sentence, we have to say!"

"What are you talking about!"

"Liu Yuan said that although he is a Huns, he is also impossible for him to cooperate with you after Emperor Gaozu!" At the end of the day, the people in the whole hall also understood the fact that they had thought that they were unbreakable ally. It no longer exists now.

And this fact is something they are unwilling to accept.


"Fine, you all go away! The deity doesn't want to see you again!"

"This, this, is today's discussion over!"

"It's all gone, it's over! Yuan Hong, Yuan Hua, Yuan Lie stay!"

"Yes! I'm waiting to leave!" After hearing this arrangement, everyone looked at each other and then dispersed.

At this moment, Yuan Hong, Yuan Hua, and Yuan Lie did not move at all, but stood there quietly.

"Sit down, all of you! Tell me, how to deal with the current situation!"

"Grand Army Master, Yuanhong believes that now we cannot relax military preparations just because of the Huns' betrayal!"

"Exactly, I think so in Yuanhua! Even without the help of the Huns, I believe they will not help Jin Jun! To put it bluntly, they just want to be a middleman and want to take advantage of the fishermen!"

"Yes! The Huns are no longer the former Huns! Even if the deity has their blood in the bloodline, what can this be done! Nothing, I can only issue a few more requests for help! I hope Diren and Qiang will not Just sit back and watch!"

"That, Yuanhong thinks it's better not to post it!"


"Master Huijun, now Jin Jun has given the attack plan to the major forces. After seeing Jin Jun's strength, no force will join us anymore! Even if they did not attack us, it is a great fortunate for them to not attack us. Now!" Yuan Hong at the moment also sighed long as he spoke.

Facing Yuanhong's analysis, Yuanshan also understood some things, so he didn't rush to express his opinions.

Until Yuan Lie, who had not spoken, spoke at this moment.

"Grand Army Master, if you can let Xia stay here, it shows that you trust me Yuanlie very much! So Xia Xia thinks that if you can think about finding a helper for things now, it's the right thing to harden yourself!"

"Good point! Go on!"

"Yuan Lie thinks that at this time, he can no longer consider other things! To put it bluntly, all kinds of things have to be done! For example, Tianyuan restricted area!"

"Tianyuan Forbidden Zone! No, there is our internal security barrier! If they are sent out, even if they can achieve some results, they will still be a failed strategy in the long run!"

"Great Army Master! Think about it! If we don't release our powerful forces, then we will fall into a bitter battle with Jin Jun! Victory is also a miserable victory, and if we lose, we will end in a tragic end! So Yuan Lie thought You can use the power there!"

"This, this, not to mention, I don't want to have that much! However, if you want to use the power there, you have to wait another month! That is to say, we will not have strong dark-handed support within a month! I hope you three People can support the battle during this period of time!" As he spoke, Yuan Shan actually had a solemn expression at the moment, as if he had truly made up his mind.

Here, the senior Jie Ren has already understood the strength of his opponent, and Jin Jun at this moment is already pointed out by Bing Feng, and his momentum is like a broken bamboo.

"Now my three-way army has broken through the outer defenses of the Jie people! It only takes half a month to approach their so-called holy land! Hope this time they can be completely defeated!"

"General! In fact, our approach is quite appropriate! According to reports, because we have notified the major forces of the battle plan in advance, it is now very difficult for the Jie people to find help!"

"Hahaha! Shang Yu! Your kid is amazing, so you can think of these methods! That's right, this Jie person usually treats the Central Plains as a double-legged sheep, and now he wants to win, there is no such simple thing! With this order, the whole army will continue to attack and kill, telling General Feng Luoyun that he must do his utmost to protect all kinds of ordnance materials!"

"I'm waiting for the order!" As he spoke, sitting in the temporary large tent of the Chinese army, Jin Bufan also continuously issued combat orders.

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