I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2739: Jieren Camp (7)

The seemingly chaotic battle situation, if seen by a discerning person, is a very clear thing, that is, unilateral killing!

After a few short breaths, under the gaze of the desperate common people, rows of Jie Ren sergeants also fell unwillingly. And the arrows they fired at someone Jin were like steel needles falling into the sea, without knowing where they were.

Perhaps seeing Jin Shangyu's super power, those surviving Jie Ren sergeants also burst into blood again.

"Wow, it's really annoying! Since it's dead, let them **** fellows to bury them! Brothers, we don't have to resist, just shoot the guys below!"

"Yes, yes, it's a death anyway, let them accompany us on the road!"

"Mother, you girl, this is not a good thing! If this goes on, even if I kill them, the people below will die!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu felt the opponent's determination. When it meant, I was thinking about countermeasures quickly in my heart.

However, at this moment, a dark shadow floated in the distance, followed by a scream!

"You, you must not die!"


"Mother, it turned out that the girl rushed over! It seems that sometimes she still needs help! Forget it, now that she has taken action, this problem has been solved!" This time, seeing Murong Yuyan's birth, she solved it directly After losing the remaining Jie Ren guard sergeant, Jin muttered to himself.

And at this moment, Murong Yuyan, after solving the Jie Ren Sergeant who had fallen in front of him, came to Jin in front of him.

"Jin Shangyu, what are you trying to do! Don't let them out soon! If it is too late, I am afraid that their brigade will be killed! At that time, even if we can fight again, we will not be able to win!"

"Girl, my son understands! Come on, you are here to be alert, I will let them out now!" While talking, in fact, at this moment, Jin Shangyu had already quickly opened the exit of the pit.

Seeing ordinary people in the pit rushing out quickly, Jin Shangyu also had a very considerate feeling.

"The two benefactors are here, please be respected by us!"

"Okay, don't leave here soon! If you don't leave, I'm afraid there will be no time!"

"Two benefactors! I wonder if you see some old people and children!"

"This, this, it seems that I haven't seen it! In fact, they should have been killed by now!"

"Jiegui, you are not human!" At a certain moment, after these people knew that their family members might have passed away long ago, each of them felt extremely sad.

Had it not been for Jin Shangyu's repeated persuasion, they would have lost the courage to live.

"Well, I say everyone, this son knows that you are not in a good mood! But now is not the time for sadness. If you want to survive! Or if you want to find revenge for the Jieren in the future, then go to the south! Then you will When you meet people from Huayu, they will welcome you! In addition, there are more than a dozen old people, women and children there! I hope they are relatives among you!"

"What, I left here alive! It seems that we must live well! Maybe the people there are our relatives, but I don't know!"

auzw.com "Yes, yes, we must live! Blessed, please accept us again!" While talking, in fact, at this moment, nearly a hundred young men are also facing Jin Shangyu and Murong Yu again Yan bowed down.

Faced with such a scene, Jin had to quickly help the people around him up. In the next moment, these people who were struggling to rush toward the southern mountains quickly rushed under the urging of the two.

When everyone disappeared into the dark night, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan also smiled at each other.

"Well, what do we do now! Is it to continue to fight the Jie Ren, or have other plans!"

"Beauty, thank you! Actually, what we did is already in place! After so long, no Sergeant Jie Ren came to manage here, what does it mean! It means that they will not stay here for long! If this son is not wrong If they do, they have already fled towards their hometown! Because in their eyes, they must have been attacked by heavy soldiers!"

"That's right! After all, in their camp, there have been a series of tragedies in just half an hour! Even if the senior leaders of the Jie people are here, they will not believe that everything here is just because of the arrival of two people!"

"Yeah! This, this is the opportunity! And let's seize the opportunity! Forget it, they are willing to retreat, so let's retreat! The killing just now is beyond ordinary means! We should continue to go north too!" At this moment, the two of them didn't say much, they just quietly rushed towards the north.

The reason why he did not stay to chase the escaped Sergeant Jie Ren was because Jin Shangyu really had something important to do.

In this way, after a seemingly weird battle, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan each rode toward the north.

However, at Tianming 10, accompanied by the gradual extinguishment of several large fires, the command organization temporarily set up by the Jie people also showed a rare look of fear.

"Well, we were all ordinary sergeants before! But now someone must stand up!"

"Yes, yes, don't say any more, buddy! Eight of us each have a hundred people, can it happen to be managed together!"

"Okay, what else to say! Let's go, if you don't leave, it is estimated that Liu Kun's chasing army will arrive! It seems that this action has failed!"

"Failed? Does it need to be said! The above people are all dead! How could it not fail!" For a while, after all the Jie people's commanders were killed by Jin and Murong Yuyan. , The entire Jie Ren cavalry team also lost their previous front and tax spirit.

In the early morning, they also embarked on a retreat.

Here, the spontaneous organization of the Jie Ren sergeant retreat is not mentioned, but Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan, who are going all the way north, are not mentioned.

Because of the repeated battles at night, the two were also a bit tired. But in order to hurry, I finally insisted on hurrying.

There was nothing in the day, and when the twilight came again, the two were already walking between a relatively flat grass.

"Jin Shangyu, it is estimated that no matter how he walks, it still has such a landform, can I take a break!"

"Beauty, you're right, this is really a large plain area! However, we can't camp here because there is a small river not far ahead! That is a good place!"

"It seems that Mr. Jin's perception is very strong! Forget it, don't ask, don't say it, I won't say more if you know it! Let's go, just by the river, I hope you can eat this time Serve your Jin-style grilled fish!"

"That's natural! Who told you to meet someone Jin!" After a brief exchange, the two also walked out again about several miles.

At a certain moment, just as the twilight was sinking, the two sitting on the tall horse also heard the sound of the small river crashing.

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