I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2727: Worst case scenario!

Because of the North, the feeling of parting in Jin Mansion was also fermenting. At a certain moment, it was also the moment when Jin Shangyu walked out of Jin Mansion.

"My son, you, you should know your identity, so protect yourself!"

"Old Wen, don't worry, Shang Yu is not good at other skills, but there are still many ways to escape!"

"That's good! Let's not say, let's go!" Although the voice was a little low, the feeling of reluctance contained in it was already beyond words.

At this moment, the women were a little depressed, especially Duan Yunyan, hiding secretly on the side crying.

"Girl, don't cry, don't worry, your brother, I will just go out for a walk, and I will be back soon! At that time, let's be a guest in Duanbu together! How about it!"

"You, your words count!"

"Of course it counts!"

"Okay! Then, you have to listen! Be sure to come back alive, otherwise, sister Yuyu and I will follow you on the road!"

"Brother Yu, Yunyan is talking about our sisters' thoughts! If bad news comes back, it is when our sisters are looking for you!"

"Mother, you girl, this, this, forget it, you have a wife like this, how can your husband ask for it!" Seeing the words of the two women, Jin Shangyu at this moment wanted to say a few more words to comfort him, but the words reached his mouth. At the end, nothing was said.

Because at this moment, no words can comfort the feelings of the two beauties, only to take this trip well.

"Okay, don't put pressure on him! Don't worry, he will be fine! Besides, there is still girl Murong who can help!"

"Sister Jiufeng, don't worry, I will guarantee his safety! If something happens, Murong Yuyan will have something first!"

"Mother, what's all this talking about! Forget it, let's go quickly!" Although Murong Yuyan's words touched Jin very much, at this moment he wanted to leave more.

After all, the feeling of parting is still very tormenting.

In this way, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan also quickly disappeared between the streets under the gaze of the Jin mansion.

"Go back! Don't worry, we have to have confidence in him! After all, his ability is not what we can imagine!"

"Sister Jiufeng, why are you so confident in Brother Yu every time!"

"It's very simple, because I am in the same mood as you. The only difference is that most of you have not seen his omnipotence!"

"So it's like that! Forget it, even if we want to see, we don't have a good chance!" While talking, Jin Feier and others also slowly returned to Jin's mansion with Zhen Jiufeng.

The reason why Zhen Jiufeng has such a judgment is mainly because Jin Shangyu, who used a super **** performance, saved her from Jin Yongcheng!

Here, the people in the Jin Mansion also showed some sad emotions because of Jin Shangyu's northward departure, but no matter what, they all knew that everything nowadays can only be done with the flow.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu did not continue to be immersed in sad emotions. After all, he had to deal with the latest information from the north!

"Jin Shangyu, you are planning to go to the war room again!"


"I should go there. After all, there are some things that need to be confessed! In addition, the current royal chaos has already reached a fever pitch, and we can't just sit back and watch!"

"Okay, let's go, after all, at this time, General Ge and Master Li are almost there!" After a brief exchange, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan also swiftly headed towards Jin Jun's combat command center.

About a quarter of an hour later, they also appeared in the lobby of the combat command center.

There, because there were so many things to deal with, Ge Feng, Li Zhao, and even Lu Zhong and Moore did not leave.

"Master, you, you are going to go north directly!"

"Brother Li, General Ge, Shang Yu is going to leave today! No, come over and say hello to you! As for Jin Cheng, you two will preside over!"

"Lord, don't worry, Jin Cheng will be fine! In addition, we will try our best to deal with other matters!"

"Then, Shang Yu would like to thank the two brothers! Of course, I have been sent to the north to fill the space after Ling Yun left. Although Liu Kun's army will not fight us in a short time, neither will we It can't be prevented!"

"It turns out that the leader of the wind has already left Jin Cheng, no wonder we didn't see him!"

"Well, if there is nothing else, this son will leave now! If the worst situation really occurs, I, I hope that Big Brother Jin Bufan will preside over the overall situation!" At the end, Jin Shangyu at this moment is also a long one. Take a breath.

When everyone heard what Jin said, they were also stunned on the spot, and no one opened their mouths to say anything.

After all, the inner statement contained in this sentence of Jin Shangyu couldn't be more obvious.

"This, this, Lord, don't worry, there will be no such situation as you said!"

"Yes, right, right, you, Lord Jin is an omnipotent person, how could that happen!"

"Two old brothers, Shang Yu knows your thoughts! But there is always a prediction, and as a commander, you have to think of all possible situations! Don't worry, I, Jin Shangyu, will have any safety issues! This is just a plan. That's it!"

"Yes, yes, is it a plan! Let's trust the lord!" At this moment, seeing Jin Shangyu's explanation, Lu Zhong, who had not spoken much, also stepped forward and said anxiously.

Perhaps it was Jin Shangyu's explanation that made Li Zhao and Ge Feng very satisfied. Perhaps it was because of other reasons. In short, the current Li and Ge had already accepted Jin Shangyu's plan.

"Shang Yu, don't worry, if there is a serious situation, our old brothers will be Jin Bufan!"

"Okay! Thank you two brothers, if that's the case, let's make a difference here! Yu Yan, let's go!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu had actually turned and left the combat command center at this moment.

Because these two people left relatively quickly, in the end no one like Li Zhao, Ge Feng and others followed.

"Old Ge, this time, Shang Yu seems to be a little bit at heart! Could it be that Li Yin is really powerful! With the old man's understanding of him, he is not a very strong character, he was a figure of the commander level in the palace back then. what!"

"Yeah! The words just now scared the old man not lightly! However, when you think about it the other way round, it's where he grew up! Don't worry, trust him! As for the worst case he mentioned, it will definitely not happen! As for the Li Yin you mentioned, it may just be better luck!"

"It seems that Ge's mentality is relatively peaceful! Forget it, since Shang Yu has already made a decision, we can only respect it!"

"That's natural! After all, the lord's decision is an order! And in these years, although he did not recognize his kingly body, in the end he is already a veritable master of Huayu!" Although he did not say anything, but They also understand Jin Shangyu's mind.

Here, in the combat command center, Li Zhao and others are still sighing for Jin's shocking words. At this moment, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan have already swiftly left Jincheng on tall horses.

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