I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2721: Back to Jincheng (22)

In Jincheng, a bustling street is full of screams, and occasionally a few people pass by here without attracting the attention of passers-by.

"Well, let me say a few great gods, can you rest for a while! We walked two streets in less than an hour, isn't it a bit anxious!"

"Not in a hurry, of course not in a hurry, after all, we haven't finished this street yet! No, it should be said that we still have three streets to walk. I heard that there are so many novelties!"

"No, this, this is too bullying! Feng Luoyun, you, why don't you come back! If your kid is caught by Lao Tzu, he will definitely hit you with a bruised nose and swollen face!" At a certain moment, it was in Jin Cheng. In the bustling streets, Jin Shangyu also had the urge to become a deserter, but in a blink of an eye he saw the girls look happy, and finally dispelled this idea.

In other words, because Jin Shangyu issued an order to use soldiers in Yuwen City early, they are also rarely relaxed at this moment. After all, there is no need for Jin to worry about dispatching troops and generals.

In this way, unable to withstand the persuasion of the girls in the Jin mansion, Jin Shangyu and Feng Luoyun eventually accompanied a group of beautiful women to the most prosperous streets in Jincheng.

However, what Jin didn't expect was that Feng Luoyun took the initiative to run away after walking a street, so the tasks of helping people with bags and carrying things all fell on Mr. Jin.

No, it hasn't reached the end of the twilight. Jin Shangyu's body is already covered with all kinds of small objects, including bags, accessories, and of course, there are some named snacks, in short, there are many people who have everything.

"I said, ladies, can you find a carriage or something? If this continues, Jin will become a sculpture and can't walk at all!"

"Brother Yu, we didn't tell you not to find a driver! Do you have to carry it by yourself!"

"Yeah, it seems to be like this. I was a little embarrassed to see such a scene before!"

"No! You, you guys are like this! Forget it, you won!" At a certain moment, after hearing Duan Yunyan and others' responses, Jin also understood what it meant to be reasonable.

In this way, because of the consent of the women, Jin also paid a big price and directly rented a very lavish carriage.

"Mother, I knew that this would be fine. Why should I suffer those crimes? Yes, that's not bad! Even if you put all the things they bought on it, it's only half a car!" On the carriage, Jin muttered to himself.

However, a group of beauties ignored Jin's mood, because they were once again attracted by the scene before them.

This is an area called the Butterfly Garden. All the small shops in it are engaged in women's jewelry business.

Looking at the eye-filled baby, the women including Ran Yuyi were amazed loudly. After all, in normal times, they seldom come out and walk. So I am a little excited to see such a scene.

In this shopping team, the green beads are relatively calm. Although they look at the surrounding accessories from time to time, there is no major emotional change.

As for Murong Yuyan, who usually doesn't make much publicity, she has been dragged to the front by Duan Yunyan, Jin Feier and others.

When there was one person who didn't come out with him, that person was Zhen Jiufeng. After all, in her eyes, everything here is probably just a look.

"Mother, you girl, it seems that this woman is instinctive to go shopping tirelessly! Forget it, people are so interested, this son can't hold them back! As for this carriage, it's good Let's use it!" As he walked slowly following the carriage, Jin Shangyu was thinking wildly in his heart.

In this way, as time slipped little by little, Jin's **** was also over.


"Here, I'm finally home! But I haven't enjoyed it! I heard that there are two streets, and it is very lively at night!"

"Really! Then, shall we have another carbine!"

"Yun Yan, you, don't scare Brother Yu anymore. He has managed to survive this short half-day! As for the night scene of Jin Cheng, let's talk about it later if you have time!"

"Mother, you girl, this is the rhythm to be terrifying! If it weren't for my little Yuyu who was here to stand for my brother, it would be really going to happen!" At a certain moment, it was in a group of people. When he came to the gate of Jin's mansion with a carriage, Duan Yunyan's conversation with Jin Feier almost didn't make Jin shout out.

Fortunately, Ran Yuyi spoke in time to stop it. Maybe the two women just said that there was no actual action at all, and it was unknown.

But anyway, they returned to Jin's Mansion.

Not to mention that the women divided the items they bought, but Jin Shangyu sat down on the sofa in the living room because he had completed a big task.

Although this ancient sofa does not have modern softness, Jin still feels very comfortable at the moment.

"Why, are you tired? It's impossible! You know, Mr. Jin, you are a master who has troubles! How come you have become like this today!"

"Sister, you are my relatives! But you didn't see them, it's so amazing, you have to keep walking, don't shout tired!"

"What nonsense! Now they are also very excited, there is no sense of exhaustion at all! It is you, a big man, first! Come on, let's not say, if you want to eat something, I will go to the small kitchen Bring it here!"

"Thank you sister! Then, let's have something to eat!" Although he didn't feel hungry, he decided to eat less after hearing Zhen Jiufeng's words.

Here, Jin Shangyu is ready to taste Zhen Jiufeng's craftsmanship, but the women at this moment are very happy. A big room on the second floor of Jin's mansion has also become a paradise of joy at this moment.

"Sister Murong, you look so good in this outfit! Why don't you usually like this outfit!"

"Green Pearl, actually, I also know that it looks better in this way, but it is really not good for marching operations!"

"It turned out to be like this! Then, now there is no war, my sister can wear it boldly!"

"Thank you Sister Lvzhu. In fact, your headwear is also shrewdly chosen. It is both simple and generous, and can bring out the charm of your world's most beautiful beauty!"

"My sister is going to laugh again! In fact, my sister's face is unparalleled in the world!" While speaking, the women at the moment also giggled again.

In this way, because everyone has their own baby to try, it took a little longer. However, they don't have to worry about anything. After all, there are people waiting for Mr. Jin to eat.

"Sister, your Sanye Xiaochao is really delicious! I don't know where I bought it from!"

"Smelly boy, just eat it. These are three kinds of side dishes with leaves, which are specially fried. Eat it! Hey, it seems that your kid doesn't care about their shopping situation!"

"Sister, can't you talk nonsense! Of course this young man is concerned, otherwise, why would he specifically find a car to come to help out! Until Feng Luoyun the boy is very unreasonable, if I let this young man see, he must be good Pack it up!" While talking, Jin Shangyu at the moment also thought of Feng Luoyun who had disappeared halfway.

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